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1、高二英语单元测试卷 (2012-05-17)姓名:_ 班级:_ 得分:_I. Cloze Test(15)Abraham Lincoln loved to tell stories on himself. One of his favoritesconcerned itself with physical _1_.In the days when Lincoln used to be on the circuit (traveling on horseback from one county court to another), he was once approached by a _2_

2、who said, “Excuse me, sir, but I have an article which _3_ to you.” “How is that?” Lincoln asked in _4_.The stranger took a knife from his pocket. “This knife,” he said “was_5_in my hand some years ago, with the order that I was to keepit until I found a man _6_ than I am myself. I have _7_that knif

3、e for many years. Now I pass it on to you.” Lincoln _8_ humorously, “Ive carried that knife ever since.”One of Lincolns greatest assets (资产) was his ability to laugh at himself. And he _9_ laughed at his physical appearance. But history does not_10_him as an “ugly” individual - in fact, often just t

4、he opposite.His outer appearance was clothed in magnificently _11_ garments:character, honesty, humor and courage. But there are other _12_he wore equally well - such as modesty and forgiveness.The story _13_ us to clothe ourselveswith “compassion, kindness, modesty, gentleness and patience.” Then “

5、over all of these put on love, which bonds them in perfect unity.” Regardlessof how _14_ we may otherwise be, it is these clothes that willdetermine our _15_ beauty.1.A.conditionB. performanceC. appearanceD. environment2.A. strangerB. soldierC. humoristD. writer3.A. refersB. occurC. aimD. belongs4.A

6、. reliefB. excitementC. astonishmentD. embarrassment5.A. madeB. placedC. keptD. hurt6.A. uglierB. smarterC. strangerD. better7.A. treasuredB. carriedC. repairedD. sharpened8.A. arguedB. commentedC. addedD. discussed9.A. privatelyB. shamefullyC. unwillinglyD. frequently10.A. treatB. rememberC. honour

7、D. say11.A. ordinaryB. beautifulC. expensiveD. worthless12.A. clothesB. hatsC. shoesD. glasses13.A. allowsB. warnsC. teachesD. trains14.A. well-dressedB. kind-heartedC. hard-workingD. good-looking15.A. actualB. naturalC. physicalD. greatII. Reading Comprehension: (40)AScientists at the California In

8、stitute of Technology (Caltech) have reported evidence that Mars was warmer and wetter long ago than it is today. The Caltech scientists say they have directly established the temperature of Mars four billion years ago. At least, they established the surface temperature on part of the planet at that

9、 time. The researchers say it is the first such evidence to be discovered and presented.The Caltech scientists say carbonate(碳酸盐) minerals formed on Mars at about eighteen degrees Celsius. They reached the finding after studying a meteorite(陨石) that had its beginnings near the Martian surface.Today,

10、 the average temperature on Mars is sixty-three degrees below zero Celsius.The finding was reported on the website of the National Academy of Sciences. Caltech Assistant Professor Woody Fischer helped to prepare the report. He says eighteen degrees Celsius is not especially cold or hot. He says this

11、 makes the finding extremely interesting. Knowing the temperature can give scientists an idea of the climate on Mars long ago. It can also help them decide whether the planet had liquid water. Spacecraft orbiting Mars have shown what appear to be rivers, lakebeds and mineral deposits. These pictures

12、 suggest that, at one time, water did flow there. Mars Rover vehicles and other spacecraft have proved the information.Caltech Geology Professor John Eiler was another writer of the report. He says knowing the temperature of Mars from long ago provides valuable information. It shows that early in th

13、e planets history, at least part of Mars could support a climate like that of Earth.The meteorite the scientists examined is one of the oldest known rocks in the world. It is called the Allan Hills meteorite. Its name came from the place in Antarctica where it was found in 1984. The meteorite is bel

14、ieved to have blown loose from the Mars surface when another space rock struck its home.16. The underlined word “establish” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. to set up B. to make people accept a beliefC. to discover or prove D. to start having a relationship with others 17. How did the scientists

15、 reach the finding?A. By studying Allan Hills meteorite.B. By using spacecraft orbiting Mars.C. By studying minerals gathered on Mars.D. By studying a meteorite on the Martian surface.18. According to the fourth paragraph, what have spacecraft orbiting Mars done?A. Measuring the temperature of Mars.B. Taking photos of the surface of Mars.C. Confirming that there is water flowing on Mars.D. Finding where human beings will probably land on Mars. 19. How did Allan Hills meteorite get its name?


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