新课标必修四 Unit 2 Working the Land Learning about language 教学设计与教学反思

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《新课标必修四 Unit 2 Working the Land Learning about language 教学设计与教学反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课标必修四 Unit 2 Working the Land Learning about language 教学设计与教学反思(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2007年浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比获奖选手教学设计及教学反思新课标必修四 Unit 2 Working the LandLearning about language 教学设计与教学反思浙师大附中(金二中)陈小燕一、教学目的(Teaching aims)英语课程目标教学目标三维目标领域语言技能能用自己的语言用动名词描述像袁隆平。知识与技能领域语言知识学会使用相关的新词汇;学会用动名词做主语和宾语的基本用法。学习策略掌握在句中,文中猜词及运用词汇策略;学会在新的语境中运用新学的语言知识。过程与方法领域情感态度让学生做个快乐的英语语言学习者。情感、态度领域二、教材分析(Text analysis

2、)(一)教学重点(Teaching important points)1、学会使用阅读课中的重要单词和词组。2、能运用动名词作主语和宾语对不同情境进行描述。 (二)教学难点(Teaching difficult points)1、引导学生用动名词描述自己及自己熟悉的人。2、把动名词的教学有机融入情景教学中。三、学生分析(Teaching methods)高一学生处于高中英语学习兴趣培养和学习习惯形成阶段。他们希望在学习过程中享受到乐趣,不希望老师死板地讲解字词及语法。能够激发他们好奇心和创造力,并与他们日常生活紧密相连的学习语境是他们希望教师在课堂上能呈现的东西。一旦教师走进他们的生活,他们就

3、愿意跟着教师走,掌握文化知识,了解学习策略,形成良好的人生观和价值观。四、教学媒体(Teaching aids)整合网络资源,充分利用多媒体、文本、图片和视频,并利用黑板、粉笔、等教学媒体辅助教学,促进学生的有效学习。五、教学过程(Teaching Procedures)Step1 Self-introductionWatch the video about the teachers life story to recall the following words and phrases.At the same time, the teacher provides students with

4、examples of v-ing used as subject and object1. sunburnt 2. hunger 3. expand 4.circulate 5. struggle 6. export 7. ridof 8. lead a life 9. would rather 10. thanks to Step2 learn to understand Eglish explanations of the words and phrasesHelp students to fully understand the words and phrases mentioned

5、in step one by giving the English explanations.Task1 Find words and phrases that can match the English explanation1. darkened skin from spending too much time in the sun2.need for food3.make something or somebody free of4.become larger in size, number or amount5. make information and ideas known to

6、many people6. live alife7. prefer to8. because of9. try extremely hard to achieve something10. send things to foreign countries for sale Step3 use the words and phrasesTask2 First, ask students to say something about Dr Yuan Second, complete the passageDr Yuan _ a simple life. He _ _ work on the far

7、m than have a rest. He has _ for five decades to search for a way to increase rice harvest without _ the area of fields. _ to the discovery of super hybrid rice, his dream of _ China of _ is realized . Now, he has another dream-to _his rice so that it can be grown all over the world. Step4 V-ing use

8、d as subjectTask3 Ask students to make a self-introduction by using the following setence patterns.Doingis/makes/gives/bring meSois my hobby/dream/what I like most. Step5 V-ing used as objectTask4 describe the following picturesPicture 11.It seems that the cat enjoys _ very much.2. The cat is fond o

9、f _3. The cat doesnt care about_Picture 21.The dog dreams of_2. The dog looks forward to _3. We cant help _ when we see the dog having such a dream. Step6 Consolidation of v-ing as subject and objectTask5 a guessing gameWork in groups of four,and use at least three sentences by using V-ing to descri

10、be one of your classmates. And The other students will guess who he/she is.Task6 complete the passageFirst, watch the video barnyardSecond, complete the following passageOddis spends a lot of time in _with his friends.He is good at _.He likes_ _very much. _the golf ball rolling into the hole brings

11、him great fun. Although he and his friends are afraid of _ discovered when they are playing in the town, they still risk(冒险)_ a football match outside a doctors house, which brings them great excitement. His friends cant help laughing after seeing Oddis _ _ behind the postman.Task7 Make an interview

12、 of Oddis. Try to make as many V-ing forms as you can during the interview.Step7 HomeworkWrite a passage about a great but simple person you admire.1.Try to use as many V-ing forms as you can.2. Write down the dialogue you have made.教学反思作为走上工作岗位才第三年的教师,能参加这样大型的比赛,对我而言是一次极佳的学习机会。从其他十二位选手及专家点评中,我学到了很多


14、课开始时节奏过慢,以至于到下课时没有完成Task7。这是对学生不了解及本身课堂节奏控制能力不足造成的。3从学生反映而言,学生都很认真听课,积极思考,积极回答问题,且完成任务时参与面也较广。但是学生被动思考的情况比较多,这是本堂课最大的不足。最后,我想提出几点在备课过程中产生的困惑。1Learning about language 和 Using language 的区别是什么?2作为词汇讲解,要学生说为主,还是老师讲为主,还是在课后作为练习让学生自己去巩固。如果是老师讲,那么度如何把握?3现在都说淡化语法教学,那么在上语法类课时,是否该提到语法术语,比如说“主语”,“宾语”等?4本堂课最后成形

15、前已经改了六稿,其中有一个步骤是让学生四人小组活动,收集后面跟动名词做宾语的动词和词组,我的设计目的是让学生学会发现和总结语法规律,不知这样的活动是否适合课堂教学?5课堂教学有效性如何体现?怎样才能让教师明白学生掌握的情况?是通过他们课堂的回答和作业情况吗?浙江省2007年高中英语课堂教学展评反思桐乡高级中学 沈萃萃新课标、新体验、新思考是本次英语课堂教学展评活动的特色。作为一名年轻的英语教师,能有机会在这样大型的比赛中展示自己,与全省各地优秀选手同台竞技交流学习,又得到专家的点评与指导,实属幸运。所谓学而不思则罔,现将本次展评课反思如下:成功之处:1课堂设计新颖独特,环环相扣,层层递近,创意不断,给观摩老师留下深刻印象。导入部分的word h



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