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1、迷彩用英语说范文 迷彩算是的宠儿,几乎是从不褪色也永不过时。那么你知道迷彩用怎么说吗?下面跟 _一起来学习一下迷彩的英文知识吧。 camouflage 迷彩服 battle fatigues ; camouflage coat 丛林迷彩 forest camouflage 沙漠迷彩 desert camouflage uniforms 1. Military bed sheet cloth, camouflage paint cloth and so on. 军用床单布 、 迷彩布等. 2. The black against the white body aretheThe black gr

2、aphic camouflages will camouflage the chest area. 比如黑色袖子配白色衣身就是经典的显瘦服装,而黑色迷彩图案则可以修饰胸部. 3. Snow - Land Camouflage: 3 - colour ( white, grey and black ) in a woodland pattern, defen _ units in northeast China. 雪地迷彩: 3色 ( 白, 灰和黑 ) 丛林图样, 在东北边防军出现过. 4. Thailand Defense Council announ _d civilians will ge

3、t 5 yearsimpriso _ent for wearing military - style camouflage clothing. 泰国国防部会议下令禁止民众穿迷彩服或迷彩背心,违者可判监禁5年. 5. Characters and _in use: Light weighted , flexible , good low temperature resistan _, air tightness and heat welt. 特点及主要用途: 迷彩印花,织物结构比较轻、薄, 具有优异的耐低温性 、 气密性、高周波焊接性. 6. Therefore, aurate extracti

4、on of the dominant colors of background is the precondition of camouflage color selection. 因此, 背景主色的准确提取是确定迷彩颜色的前提. 7. Camo trousers are always best seller in all the collection, summer and winter it doesnt _tter. 迷彩裤,始终是最畅销的系列, 不论夏季或冬季. 8. Experiments show that this model can suessfully predict pig

5、ment formulation in design of camouflage paint. 该模型可以有效地进行迷彩伪装涂料的配方设计. 9. The ther _l IR i _ges of camouflage were recorded at different time in a day. 采用热像仪记录伪装网样品不同时段的热图,分析了日照对伪装网热迷彩的影响. 10. This Tiger I of Das Reich dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling. 这辆帝国师的虎式坦克在深黄的底漆上涂有红综合橄榄绿色的条

6、纹迷彩. That old razzle dazzle 旧式迷魂战术 How to confuse the enemy about how quickly you are travelling 如何让敌方无法判断己方的前行速度 Go-faster stripes? 船身高速伪装线? IN THE second world war, _ny Allied ships were painted with dark and light stripes,and other contrasting shapes, _ them look a bit like zebra. 二战期间,许多盟军军舰船身都被

7、喷涂了黑白条纹及其它迷彩图案,这让它们看上去有些象斑马。 The idea was to distort an enemy sub _rine _nders per _ption of the ships size, shape, range, heading and speed, so as to _ke it harder to hit with the non-homing torpedoes of the period. 这样做的目的是为了迷惑敌军艇指挥官,使其无法判断盟军船舰的尺寸,形状,距离,航向和速度。由于当时的鱼雷还不具备制导系统,因此想要击中目标愈加困难。 These had

8、 to be pointed not at the target directly but, rather, at the pla _ where the _nder thought the target would be when the torpedo arrived. 因此敌军指挥官不再让鱼雷直接对准目标发射,而是将它们发射到他认为盟军军舰可能会驶向的位置。 At the time, though, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work. 当时, 对于这种所谓的迷彩伪装

9、术的有效性判断还只是基于上的考量。 Now someone has actually tested it and the short answer is that it does workbut not in the way that Allied navies thought it did. 而如今已经有人对此进行了真实测试,结果验证这种迷彩伪装的确有效但并不是按照盟军海军所设想的那种方式发挥作用。 Ships move too slowly for dazzle camouflage to be effective. 迷彩伪装无法保护航行速度过慢的船艇。 However, it might

10、 well have a role in protecting faster-moving vehicles, such as military Land Rovers. 但它对于军用路虎这样快速行驶的车辆却能起到很好的保护作用。 Nicholas Scott-Samuel, of the University of Bristol, and his colleagues, came to this conclusion by asking volunteers to watch patterned rectangles cross a puter screen. 以上结论是由布里斯托尔大学的

11、Nicholas Scott-Samuel和他的同事通过实验得出的。 Some of the rectangles had horizontal stripes inside them. 他们让志愿者观察在屏幕内横向 _的长方形物体,这些物体内部被喷涂了不同图案, Some had vertical stripes. 图案形式有横纹, Some had zigzags. 竖纹, And some had checks. 锯齿纹和方格纹。 Others, acting as controls, had no internal patterns. 而作为参照的物体则未喷涂任何图案。 Each te

12、st involved a jazzy rectangle crossing the screen either before or after a plain one. 每次实验志愿者在观看了迷彩图案的长方形横过电脑屏幕之前或之后,还被要求观看一个没有条纹图案的物体横过屏幕, Volunteers had to esti _te which of the two was travelling faster. 之后志愿者需要估计这两个物体哪个 _速度较快。 In fact, in all cases, the two rectangles travelled at the same speed

13、. 实际上,在所有实验中,这两个长方形物体 _的速度都相同。 But the researchers varied the conditions in other ways, without _ing the participants. 但研?蓖渌绞礁谋淞耸笛樘跫驹刚叨源巳匆晃匏? Sometimes both rectangles travelled slowly, at just over 3o of arc a second from the observers point of view, as a ship might. 有时两个长方形物体 _速度都很慢,从志愿者的观察角度看,就象一

14、艘船以每秒驶过3度的距离在航行, Sometimes they travelled much faster, at 20o a second, mimicking the way a land vehicle moves. 有时它们都模仿陆地车辆行驶方式以每秒走过20度的距离快速 _。 The jazzy rectangles also came in different flavours. Some were low-contrast and some high-contrast. 长方形物体的迷彩图案也不尽相同,有些图案对比度不强烈,有些图案的对比度则很强。 The upshot, as Dr Scott-Samuel reports in the Public Library of Scien _, was that participants were not fooled by slow-moving rectangles, nor by low-contrast ones. 实验结果如同Scott-Samuel _在公共科学图书馆所说,志愿者对慢速 _或图案对比度不强的物体 _速度判断较准确。 Fast-moving, high-contrast shapes, however, did befuddle them. 而对于快速 _


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