2015年版 Unit 4 What can you do.第二课时教案doc

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《2015年版 Unit 4 What can you do.第二课时教案doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015年版 Unit 4 What can you do.第二课时教案doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 What can you do?A. Lets learn一、Teaching aims:1、掌握四会词组:dance sing English songs do kung fu draw cartoons play the pipa2、能听懂 并会运用“What can you do?”及能根据自己实际情况回答”I can.”3、会唱 Lets sing 中的二、Teaching difficulties:1、单词“kung cartoons”的发音。三、Teaching precedures:Step1.Warm up and revision: Greetings:Hell

2、o,boys and girls.How are you?This class we will continue learning Unit4What can you do? Lets do Revision:OK,this time I do you say ok?eg:(做擦黑板动作)I can clean the blackboard.继续做擦窗户、洗衣服的动作,然后接着说:Oh ,sorry.I forgot it ,Who can help me?( 指名一人上来做动作,其他学生说英语)然后问一生:I can clean the blackboard,What can you do?

3、引导回答: I can .Step 2 Presentation T:What can Mike do?listen to the tape carefully.引导学生试着回答:Mike can draw cartoons.学习词组“draw cartoons”先学习音标升降调带读男女、小组分角色朗读放到句中带读(其它单词教法类似)全部带读一遍 I do you sayI say you do组内练习此活动 Lets chant(先带一遍 师生合作完成) 出示图片 T:What can they do?They can dance.T:What can they do?_They can s

4、ing English songs.最后一幅图:pairs work ,one ask ,one anwser.Step3 Practice: 师生问答操练 T:What can you do?S1.S2.Pairs workStep4 Consolidation: Do a survey: If our school will have an English party next Tuesday.What can you do?如果我们学校下星期二举办一次英语晚会你会做什么? 志愿者招募活动亲爱的同学们:我们的身边有很多独居老人,他们行动不便,又没有人帮忙做家务,我们正准备招聘一批志愿者,帮助他们做一些力所能及的家务活,为他们减轻负担。你愿意加入我们吗? Lets singStep5 Summary:This class we have learned 5phrases and a key sentence,Have you got it?Step6 Homework: 抄写单词 5 遍并造句。 回家问问你们的爸爸妈妈会做什么?并记录下来。


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