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1、职称英语赏析文章 There are several American Indian groups in the Southwest that still _ke beautiful pottery.Someof this pottery _y be sold at fairly high pri _s.But the _kers consider their work as more than a mercial enterprise.By using methods handed downfor generations,the potters express their pride in

2、their cultural inheritan _. Some of the most interesting pottery is _de by the Pueblo Indians.There are 21 individual pueblos in Arizona and New Mexico.Several are famous for their crafts _nship.To _ke a pot,these potters use a clay base and add long thin coils of clay toit in a spiral pattern.When

3、they have reached the size they want,they use an implement such as a rock or shell to _ooth the su _ _s of the pot. How a pot is decorated and fired depends on the traditions of the group _ it.Traditional pottery produ _d by the Aa,who have lived for _nturies on a high mesa in NewMexico,is first pai

4、nted with a clay slip.The resulting pots: which are prizedfor their delicacy and strength, _y be left white.They _y also be painted with black and white patterns or with a bination of black,orange,and brown. Very distinctive black pottery es from the San Ildefonso and Santa Clara pueblos.The black c

5、oloris the result of carbon being released from the ani _l _nure in which the potis fired.Some artisans hand rub this ware to a shiny gloss.Others cut patterns into it: resulting in a part shiny: part fiat su _ _.Potters at SailIldefonso _ke _ny types of wares.Potters at Santa Clara are especially k

6、nown for wedding jars-jars with two necks connected by a handle. Other groups such as the Hopi and the Cochiti also _ke pottery.Each group uses distinctive methods and produ _s distinctive forms and designs. pottery n.陶器 distinctive adj.特别的,有特色的 enterprise n.事业,产业,实业 inheritan _ n.遗产 _nure n.肥料,粪肥 c

7、rafts _nship n.手艺 artisan n.精美,精致 1 handed down for generations 世代相传 2.hand-rub this ware to a shiny gloss 亲手揉搓罐子表面,使它光泽平滑 练习: 1.In the first paragraph the word “mercial” means_. A.having to do with advertising products on TV B.having to do with advertising products on TV C.large- scale D.artistic 2

8、.The second paragraph in the passage is developed _inly through_. A.steps in a pro _ss B.description of objects C.the _ing of a story D.examples 3.The Sail Ildefonso pueblo is known for_. A.black pottery B.wedding jars C.thin and delicate shapes D.black,brown,and orange pots 4.Traditional methods of

9、 _ pottery_. A.are rarely used anymore B.take a lot of time C.are not of interest to pottery collectors D.will soon be plete repla _d 5.Another good title for this passage would be_. A.How to Make a Pot B.Living on a High Mesa C.The Indians of Arizona and New Mexico D.An Old Art Still Practi _d 1.B

10、前文提到一些陶器会以高价卖出,可以推测mercial在这里的意思是买卖交易。所以,答案是选项B. 2.A 第二段主要讲制作一个罐子的步骤,不是在对罐子的形态进行描述,也没有讲具体的例子或者故事。所以,答案是选项A. 3.A 第四段第一句话提到具有特色的黑色陶器是有圣伊尔德丰索部落的普韦布洛人制作的,最后一句提到圣克拉拉部落的陶器尤其以他的婚礼罐子闻名,选项C、D与题干无关,所以答案是选项A. 4.B 根据文中制作的陶器的过程可以推测出制作陶器的过程很复杂因而费时,选项A、C、D文中均有提及,故可排除。 5.D 本文主要介绍了美国本土一些印第安部落的陶器特点及制作过程。选项A过于片面,选项B、C 与文章主旨无关,因此答案是选项D. 模板,内容仅供参考



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