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1、英语作文的的三段式 :主题句 扩展句 终结句一,主体段的开启方式1, 通过问题引出主题Do you ever think you have to pay the tution and fees yourself ? now that more than two thirds of the high school graduates can go to colleges and universities ,the government can no longer provide all the money for higher education 2, 通过谚语或者名人名言引入主题1. As a

2、 popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”.2. As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for you health. On the other hand, if you dont deal with it properly, it will do harm to your health.So we should look at the matter from two sides.3. As a pr

3、overb says, “Where there is will there is a way.”4. As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”5. As is known to all, “No pains, no gains”.6. To open a book is always beneficial7. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.8. Knowledge is power.9. More haste, less speed.10. A

4、good beginning is half done.11. Time and tide wait for no man.12. Every little (bit) helps.13. A little learning is a dangerous thing.14. Its never too late to learn.15. Easier said than done.16. Actions speak louder than words.17. Opportunity knocks at the door only once.18. Failure teaches success

5、.19. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.20. A contented mind is a perpetual feast.21. God helps those that help themselves.22. Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.23. Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.24. To read without reflecting is

6、 like eating without digesting.25. If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.26. Honesty is the best policy27. Each man has his limitation.28. Dont put the cart before the horse.29. A friend is easier lost than found.30. A good medicine tastes bitter.31. Things done can not be un

7、done.3,通过定义引入主题Lucky number are numbers which sound like some chinese characters meaning good fortune 4,通过数据引入主题The number of students enrolled in colleges and universities was 0.2 million 5,以对照方式引入主题Its generally believed that stress is something unpleasant , but it is inconceivable that anyone sho

8、uld have no stress at all主体段引入主题的常用语句格式As the proverb says Some people say that Many people believe thatIt is generally believe that We all know that As we all know It is quite clear thatIt is well knomn thatIt is said that A recent survery providesThere are many argumentsopinions views about二,扩展段的承

9、启方式扩展段内部各个论点之间,通常需要使用过渡性词语。First , second , third ,finally Last but not the least Not nolybut also For one thingfor another On the one hand on the another hand As far as I am concerned When it comes to Meanwhile, therefore , thus ,at the same time 三,终结段的承启与终结方式以下多用于终结段的开头Personally ,as for me ,in my

10、 opinion, as regards ,in summary, in a word, in short ,in brief , a reasonable conclusion can be drawn from On the whole ,as a result ,as a consequence ,consequently,finally 以下为常见模板“how”模块 比如题目名字为 how to overcome difficulties in learning english 1现象如何途径评论我的选择Nowadays , wherever we go whatever we do

11、whenever we ,we will have to ,it is really of concern to everyone of us , so we must take some steps to solve the problem Many steps can be taken to prevent this serious problem .first of allin additionfinally, it is clear thatAbove all ,we should find various ways to and it should be made clear tha

12、t it is our duty to we should “观点”模块众说纷谈型my view on opportunity 2观点 A观点 B我的观点Views on vary from person to person .some people think that they are of opinion because Others ,however,take an opposite attitude to it ,from their point of view My view on falls between the two extremes ,I hold this opinio

13、n because it is true that ,but it doesnt mean that , in a word “观点”模块我的观点型my view on family 3我的观点 A我的观点 B综述When it comes to ,different people have different opinions , some people believe that,while other people argue that ,personally, I think that but for example I am of this opinion because I also

14、 think that It is true that ,but it doesnt mean that Then .it can be seen that and it is advisable that we should if we want to ,we mustotherwise, we will注意:本模块与上一模块不同的是侧重自己观点的详细阐述,故他人的观点略写,只做短文引入,而对自己的观点要做多角度的阐述“or ”模块living in the city or living in the country 4选择观点 A选择 观点 B我的选择As in known to all,

15、 when it comes to ,we will always find it difficult to make up our mind as to whetheror,there are many big differences between the two choice In the case of A, it is clear thatbesides , whats moreon the contrary, if we B,we tend to , in addition , and finallybutNo doubt, it depends on which aspect we you value moreattach more importance to , so it goes without saying that since we you ,weyou would better“why”模块why I like to read newspaper 5现状原因结果Nowadays , there is a widespread concern over in china . it is known to all thatand people would get excitedturn pale at


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