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1、英语作文中常见的替换词和好词高频词替换词注:中文解释为每一行最后一个或最后两个词的意思,开头的简单词意思相信大家都知道并用烂了,替换词既有常见的连接词,段落开头的短语,也有涵盖环保、交通、数据统计、人物方面的议论文中常见的单词,看到下面列出不懂的词建议百度或者安装一个有道词典进行查阅,最好结合例句进行记忆,避免在写作时不合适的语境中强用高级词汇而造成的用词不当。有了这些常见的代替词、连接词和过渡词,加上适当的强调、倒装、主宾定从句等句式,实际上形成了一个写作的“隐形的模板”,这和那些作文辅导书上 so-called(所谓的)万能模板是完全不同的,这个“隐形的模板”才算得上是真正的模板。1. o

2、pinionstandpointsentiment -意见、观点、感情2. explaininterpret 解释、说明 (词组可用 account for )3. advantagemerit 优点 4. disadvantagedrawback 缺点(类似的相对词有 strength 和weakness)5. startinitiateinaugurate 开始(动词)6. improvepromote-enhance 提高、改进7. importancemagnitude 重要性8. goods-productmerchandisecommodity 商品(上学期四级作文出现过)9. e

3、noughsufficientadequate 足够的10.unbelievableincredible 难以置信的11.traditionalorthodox 传统的12.futureprospect 未来、前途(a promising prospect 光明的前途)13.deal withtackle 解决(一般后面接 problem 或者 issue)14.seriousgrave 严重的(一般后面也接 problem 或者 issue)15.beneficialinstrumental in 有益的16.meetfaceconfront 面对(一般后面也接 problem 或者 iss

4、ue)17.try to doendeavor to do 努力做。 。18.inventdevise 发明19.assumptionhypothesis 假设20.imagineenvisage 想象21.briefconcise 简短的、扼要的22.loveaffection 爱、感情23.doubtfulskeptical 表示疑问的24.evaluation(名词)estimate(动词)appraisal (名词)评估25.famousrenowned 有名的、出名的26.stress-highlight emphasize on 强调(一般后面接 the importance of

5、)27.outstandingprominent 杰出的、出色的(一般用来形容人)28.cooperate withteam up with-in collaboration with 与合作29.depressionslump recession 衰退、萧条(一般指经济)30.planscheme 计划(名词)31.responsibilityliability obligation 义务、责任32.stophamperhinder 阻止、阻碍33.be good atexcel in be proficiency at 擅长、精通34.controlmanipulate 控制35.exce

6、llentsupreme exceptional 极好的、出色的(可用于形容人、事情)36.at the beginningon the threshold of 开始 (可用于作文开头)37.unavoidablyinevitable 无法避免的e acrossencounter 遇到39.thinkdeem(认为)-deliberate 仔细思考(还有一层意思为 故意的)40.neednecessitate 需要、使成为必要41.successvictorytriumph 胜利、成功42.experienceundergo 经历(动词)43.goal-intentionobjective

7、目标、目的44.for examplefor instance 例如45.carvehicle 车子、车辆46.truereliableauthentic 真的、可靠的47.jobprofessionoccupation 工作、职业48.supportuphold 支持49.similarityresemblance 类似点、相似之处50.sameequivalent 相等的、等量的51.obeycomply to 遵守、服从、依从(可以接 regulation、traffic rules)52.sometimesoccasionally 偶尔、有时53.mutualreciprocal 相互

8、的、互惠的(常见的接 respect)54.be angry aboutbe furious with 对.发怒、生气55.as a resultconsequently 作为结果56.permanentperpetual 永久的57.emotionalperceptual 感性的(理性的为 rational)58.decreaselessendiminish 减少59.extrasupplementary 额外的、增补的60.a serious ofa sequence of 一连串、连续61.finallyultimately 最后地62.be addicted tobe obsessed

9、 with 痴迷于63.draw /come to a conclusiongeneralize a conclusion 得出结论64.trendtendency 趋势65.building(建筑) mansion(大厦、豪华的府邸) skyscraper(摩天大楼)66.a great number/deal ofa multitude/multitudes of 大量的67.in accord within accordance with 与. 一致、按照.68.suitableappropriate 合适的好词和高频词1. increasingly 日益、愈加(Nowadays/Rec

10、ently there is an increasingly awareness of 。 。 。 )2. economic 经济的(一般把 technology 和 economy 连在一起用)3. motivation 动机4. proximately 大约5. deliberately 故意的(可代替 on purpose)6. advocate 主张、拥护7. efficient 高效的8. characteristic 特有的、典型的(与 critical 意思相近)9. enormous 巨大的 innumerable 数量多的 tremendous 极大的(可修饰 enthusi

11、asm)10.aspiration 志向、抱负11.extraordinary 独一无二的、极好的 12.consecutive 接连不断的 successive 继任的、接连不断的13.fundamental cardinal elementary 基本的、初级的(三个词都可以表这个意思)14.be dedicated to be immersed in 致力于、努力于、沉浸于.(可代替 be devotedto)15.mandatory compulsory obligatory 强制的、必须做的16.adjacent to 靠近,临近(可代替 near,在介绍地点时可用到)17.cons

12、olidate intensify enhance 加强、提升、加剧(三个词都有这意思)18.magnificent 壮丽的、华丽的、极好的19.exaggerate 夸大20.notable sensational 吸引眼球的、引人注意的21.invariably 始终如一的22.persistent 坚持不懈的23.in advancebeforehand 提前24.deficiencyflaw 缺点、不足、瑕疵25.thereafterhenceforth 以后、之后26.strategy 方法、策略(可代替 way method approach)27.conscientious (认

13、真的、勤勤恳恳的)28.alleviate 减轻、缓解(与加强、加剧相对)29.diligent 勤勉努力的(形容人的品格)30.unprecedented 史无前例的(类似于 extraordinary)最后,附上我最近看到的一篇美文,希望你们看到会有些启发,或者发现某些“模板”,当然,建议大家背下来。Topic : What is exactly happiness, and how to be happy?Dear Sir or Madam:When I read your letter, it dawns to upon me that more often or not, (时间状语

14、从句不解释,但此处 it 引导的句式极为精彩,应背出)college students, being at the transition of puberty and adolescence, are undergoing some confusion and crisis, which should arouse concerns. (自然地接上非限制性定语从句) You are plagued (被动语态不能少)by academic stress, future employment prospects, relationship problems, interpersonal tens

15、ion and peer pressure. You often feel down and depressed and feel like you don not know what happiness is. (此处有宾语从句)When it comes to what happiness is, it is such an abstract and fleeting state that interpretation of it varies from one person to another. (完美地加入强调句) One of the network catchwords puts

16、 it, “Happiness is that the cat eats fish, the dog chews bones and Ultraman(奥特曼) beats little monsters”, which(第二次出现) is thought-provoking to some extent, Happiness is, in practice, quiet simple , just as(as 引导的句式也很出彩) the old saying goes:“Happiness is he who is content.(这个从句很精妙) ” I can not agree it more. Happiness lies in contentment an


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