人教版英语九年级下册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 导学案

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人教版英语九年级下册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 导学案_第1页
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《人教版英语九年级下册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语九年级下册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 导学案(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected.第一课时Section A(1a2d)Target Navigation【目标导航】 Key words and phrases:unexpected,backpack,oversleep,givea lift,by the time(that)Key sentences:(1)By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.(2)When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the b

2、ackpack.(3)When I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.!(4)Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.Skills:能听懂别人叙述过去的事情,能初步运用由when/before/by the time(that)引导的时间状语从句叙述过去的事件。Emotion:通过让学生叙述过去发生的事件,让学生学会倾听,学会关心别人。The guidance of learning methods【学法指导】听说法,小组合作角色扮演。Learning important and difficul

3、t points【学习重难点】1能听懂别人叙述过去的事情。2能初步运用由when/before/by the time引导的时间状语从句叙述过去的事件。3掌握Key sentences中的四个句型。 Teaching Steps【教学过程】Autonomous Learning Scheme【自主学习方案】预习指导与检测(一)预习指导1预习Page 89、90的生词和短语,根据音标会读记。2朗读Page 89、90的句子,能英汉互译。(二)预习检测.翻译下列单词、短语和句子。1在淋浴_2某人发生了什么?_3把落在家里_4就在的时候_5睡过头_6上课迟到_7停止运转,不工作了_8捎(某人)一程_

4、(Keys:1.get in the shower;2.What happened to sb.? 3.leaveat home;4.by the time;5.oversleep;6.be late for class;7.go off;8.givea lift ).完成书中第89页1a的练习。Classroom Learning Guidance Scheme【课堂导学案】【探究一】初步听录音,完成1b的练习。【探究二】轮流扮演玛丽,看上面的图谈论今天早上所发生的事情,完成1c。【探究三】进一步听录音,完成书中2a,2b的听力练习。师生核对答案。【探究四】Pair WorkMake up

5、an ending for the story and share it with your partner,finish 2c.【探究五】师生合作完成2d,分角色扮演对话。【知识点拨】1By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.当我出来时,公共汽车已经离开了。“by the time”表示“当/到时”,引导时间状语从句。如果从句中用了一般过去时,主句中常用过去完成时;如果主句中用了将来时,从句中常用一般现在时表将来。如:By the time I got up,he had already left.当我起床时,他已经离开了。He

6、will be a teacher by the time he is twenty.到他二十岁时,他会成为一名教师。【拓展】 by now 表示“到现在为止”,通常与现在完成时连用。如:By now I have collected 200 dolls.到现在为止,我已收集了二百个布娃娃。【小试牛刀】根据汉语提示完成下面的句子,每空一词。(1)当我到车站时,火车已经开走了。_ _ _ I got to the station,the train _ _ left.(2)长大后,他会离开这儿。He _ _ here by the time he _ up.(keys:(1)By the tim

7、e,had already;(2)will leave,grows)2My alarm clock didnt go off! 我的闹钟没响。go off 意为“发出响声”。如:Something was wrong with my alarm clock and it didnt go off.我的闹钟出毛病了,它没有响!【拓展】(1)go by意为“(时间)过去;消逝”。如:Time goes by second by second.时间一秒秒地消逝。(2)go on继续。如:Please go on working.请继续工作。【小试牛刀】单项选择。Why were you late t

8、his morning?My alarm clock didnt _,so I overslept.Ago by Bgo on Cgo off Dgo down(Keys:C)3Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.卡尔的爸爸在街上看到我,捎了我一程。give sb. a lift 是动词短语,意为“捎某人一程”,相当于give sb. a ride/give a ride to sb.。如:Im a little late,can you give me a lift,dad? 我要迟到了,你能捎我一程吗,爸

9、爸?【小试牛刀】根据汉语提示完成下面的句子,每空一词。他让我搭便车去车站。He _ _ _ _ to the station.(Keys:gave me a ride)【达标训练】.单项选择。1Tom drove by and gave me a _ on the way home.Aflight Brun Cwalk Dlift2When I got to the cinema,the movie _ for five minutes.Abegan Bhad begunChad been on Dhas been on3She will be a nurse _ she graduates

10、from the school. Aby the time Bat this timeCat that time Dat a time4The alarm is _.There must be something wrong with the car.Agoing on Bgoing byCgoing off Dgoing down 5I _ this morning and missed the early bus.Aoverslept Bslept Cheld Dcaught (Keys:15DCACA).根据汉语提示完成下面的句子,每空一词。1他醒来发觉自己在医院里。He _ _ and

11、 found himself in hospital.2看!那些孩子正向学校飞奔。Look! The children are _ _ to school.3他穿上大衣走了出去。He _ _ his coat and went out.4你每天应该至少刷两次牙。You should brush teeth _ _ twice a day.5他踩了我的脚,甚至连一声“对不起”都没有说。He _ _ _ “sorry” when he stepped on my toes.(Keys:1.woke up;2.running quickly;3.put on;4at least;5.didnt ev

12、en say)Classroom Evaluation Scheme【课堂评价案】详见当堂训练部分(即学生用书同步练习题)。Teaching Reflection【教学反思】本节课是第十二单元的起始课,通过听和说的活动让学生学会用when/before/by the time引导的时间状语从句谈论过去的事件,学生在这节课中要掌握的重点单词、短语“unexpected,backpack,oversleep,givea lift,by the time(that)”和重点句型“By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the sho

13、wer.When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.When I woke up it was already 8:00 am.!Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.”都得到了很好的落实。在处理课堂导学案的过程中,我觉得学生合作探究活动能否顺利完成,关键在于学生预习得怎么样,课前预习搞好了,课堂中我再采用一些激励机制,比如分组竞赛、小组合作等方式,课堂气氛就活跃起来了,学生们跃跃欲试,争先恐后,一节课的任务在不知不觉中就完成了。第二课时Sect

14、ion A(3a4c)Target Navigation【目标导航】Key words and phrases:block,worker,above,burn,alive,airport,till,west,cream,workday,pie,show up,bean,market,by the end ofKey sentences:(1)When I got to school,I realized that I had left my backpack at home.(2)By the time I got back to school,the bell had rung.(3)Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.(4)I was about to go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.(


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