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1、2007届高三写作专项训练日记10月20 日, 你和同学们到红星农场生态旅游。请根据下面的表格用英语写一篇日记。6:30起床、乘车出发去红星农场、一路欣赏风景、唱歌8:30到达农场、受到欢迎,参观、植树、了解自然13:00野炊、乘车回家注意: 1. 日记必须包括所有表格的内容和你的感想,可以适当增减细节。 2. 使用定语从句。 3. 要求用first, next, then和 finally 使日记连贯。 4. 词数80100。October 20 Friday fine 思路分析:本篇习作虽然要求写日记,但是日记的内容属于描写文。学生需要把和同学们到红星农场生态旅游的经过和感想描述出来。注意

2、时态用一般过去时。2. 参考范文:October 20 Friday fine Today my classmates and I went to Hongxing Farm for a wonderful eco-travel. First, I got up at 6:30 and we set off by bus. On the bus, we had a good time singing and enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window. Then two hours later, we arrived at the gat

3、e of the farm, where the farmers were waiting to give us a warm welcome. After we were shown around the big farm, we began to plant trees. It was really a good way to get close to nature and protect the environment at the same time. Next, we had a picnic and it was great fun to eat in the open air.

4、Finally, we were on the way back. Although we were all very tired, our eco-travel was really unforgettable.根据下面的内容写一篇日记,时间是12月27日(星期二), 天气为晴天。昨天你在电视上看了冬季奥运会,写下你的感想。1. 比赛很激动人心,所有的运动队都很好。2. 我国的滑雪队表现很出色。滑得快,跳得高,打败了法国队。夺得金牌。3. 你也喜欢滑冰比赛项目(event):(1) 看到很多优秀滑冰运动员;(2)美国和意大利队都很优秀;(3)德国队的一名男青年摔断了腿;(4)一个美国的女运动

5、员滑得很精彩,动作很优美。她最后出场,获得了金牌。要求:字数100左右。1. 参考范文:Dec. 27th Tuesday Fine Last night I watched the Winter Olympics on television. All the teams were good, and it was very exciting. Our ski team was excellent. They skied very fast and jumped very well. Last light the French team beat us, but this time we be

6、at them. We won a gold medal. I liked the skating events too. I saw a lot of skaters. The American and the Italian teams were both excellent. A boy on the German team had a bad fall and broke his leg. A young American girl was excellent. Her back was straight; her arms were beautiful. She was the sk

7、aters and she won a gold medal.2. 习作点评:本文以日记的形式说明了昨天晚上的冬季奥运会情况,作出了评价,表达了感受,语言简练,内容充实。活动安排你校新来的英语教师想了解你校课外活动的开展情况,请根据下面的文字提示,用英文写一篇短文,介绍有关情况.注意:1.词数100120个.活动时间活动地点活动内容活动结果同学们的希望和建议星期二4:30p.m5:15p.m教室实验室电脑美术丰富了学生的知识,激发了学生的兴趣. 1.增加了课外活动时间.2.建立“英语角”3.尽量让学生接触社了解社会。 星期五4:30p.m5:15p.m学校操场校内花园体育英语口语2.生词提示:

8、out-of-class activities课外活动step into society接触社会1.思路分析: 此篇练习是根据已知图表向人介绍学校课文活动的开展情况,活动的时间,地点,内容,结果以及希望和建议都以图表的形式给出,作文时注意不要漏掉任何内容.2.参考范文:Students in our school have two periods for out-of-class activities every week. It starts at 4:30p.m. and ends at 5:15p.m.every Tuesday and Friday. The activities in

9、clude computer, sports, fine arts (or art), and oral English. These activities are often held in our classrooms, labs, school gardens or on the play-ground. We have learned a lot more through these activities, which makes us more interested in studies. We hope such activities will be held more often

10、. We suggest that an “English Corner” should be set up. It is our suggestion that we should be allowed to step into society and know more about it.观点对比题目要求:最近,你的父母打算让你出国留学,你与父母的意见相悖,感到烦恼.现在你准备在网上将你与父母的意见发表出来,寻求帮助.请你根据下面的提示,写出100词左右的短文.文章开头已给出.父母的看法自己的看法1.拥有学习外语的好环境;2.可以尽早学会独立生活;3.学习先进技术,有前途.自己现有的外语水

11、平不高;担心遇到无法处理的问题;对家庭来说留学费用太高.My parents have been wanting me to study abroad, 1.思路分析:拿到本题目之后,我们应该先分析此题的意图.要求写一篇短文寻求帮助,因此必须得把题目所囊括的内容陈述清楚,这里需要注意的是要在结尾寻求帮助.然后再根据表格内容写出所需要的词汇:limited, communicate, hard, deal with, cost, too much, independent, advanced knowledge, bright future然后再进行组织写出提纲,可以第一段陈述自己的观点,第二段

12、陈述父母的观点,最后提出寻求帮助.当然也可以先写父母的观点再陈述自己的观点.2.参考范文: My parents have been wanting me to study abroad, but I dont agree with them.I think my English is too limited to communicate with foreigners. And Im not fully developed physically and mentally. So it would be hard for me to deal with the problems Ill fac

13、e. Besides, the cost will be too much for my family. However, my parents think that its natural to master a foreign language in an English-speaking country. Worse still, studying abroad at an early age will enable me to be independent. Then it would be easier for me to lean advanced knowledge and te

14、chnology, which would prepare me for a brighter future. I really dont know whether I should obey my parents or not. I need advice! 求职、应聘与推荐假如你是陈峰,24岁,正在丹佛大学(Denver University)读书。你会弹吉它(guitar),擅长美国流行歌曲,会打篮球,游泳很好。参加过几所中学二日游活动,作辅导员(coach)。去年暑假在一所培训班教孩子们游泳,培训一个篮球队。你想在暑假期间申请(apply for)一份工作,在报纸上读到下面广告:Wan

15、ted: 80 Holiday Camp Assistant for USA Summer CampsAge 1825 male and femaleMust be able to do at least some of the following:*play a musical instrument*sing*play baseball/ basketball/ volleyball*swimWork is offered during the following periodsJune 21July 20; July 20August 18; August 18September 16Experience preferred.Write, saying when


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