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1、2000 年 10 高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)及答案2007年03月06日 星期二 13:32本试题分两部分。第一部分为选择题,1页至6页,第二部分7页至8页,共8页;选择题50分,非选择题50分,满分100分。考试时间150分钟。全部题目用英文作答(英文翻译题除外),并将答案写在答案纸的相应位置上,否则不记分。 part one i. vocabulary and structure (10 points, 1 point for each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.she was more_ than frightened.

2、 a surprising interested c hated d surprised 2. the attention of the public was continually _ to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge. a applied drawn c referred d thrown 3. few, _ any, live their lives without some degree of unhappiness and suffering. a like exc

3、ept c if d when 4. many women are too concerned _ staying thin and they believe that vitamins are some kind of magic cure to replace food. a at in c for d to 5. in education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute _ effective thinking and wise judgment. a at i

4、n c for d to 6. _ the numbers in employment, the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year. a in line with in terms of c in accordance with d in proportion to 7. air travel is so quick nowadays that we can leave london after breakfast and arrive in new york _ eight hou

5、rs. a in for c after d until 8. it is also true that the effect of a drug is much _ upon youngsters than adults. a in fewer c after d until 9. because the reading _ in most college courses are very heavy, students should plan to read every day. a assignments schedules c activities d programs 10. for

6、 long-time efficiency and happiness it is best to observe the _ of health and sound working conditions. a principles ideas c elements d factors ii. cloze test (10 points, 1 points for each) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 although american informality ( 不拘礼节 ) is well known , many

7、 new visitors think that it indicates a lack of respect. this is especially true in the business world. americans often use first names _11_ meeting a stranger and do not always shake hands. they often just smile and say hi or hello, _12_ than using a more formal hand shake. it is good to remember t

8、hat to an american such an informal greeting really means the _13_ thing as a more formal hand shake someplace else. _14_, americans do not usually give a special farewell or hand shake to each person when they leave a party or business meeting. they will often just wave good-bye to the whole group

9、or perhaps say, well, so long everybody, ill see you tomorrow. they then will leave. _15_ hand shakes. americans seem _16_ totally hurried and hard working or totally informal and at ease. often you will see men working at office desks _17_ their suit coats and ties. they may lean far back in their

10、chairs and even put their feet up on the desk _18_ they talk on the united states should therefore understand that being in a great _19_ dies not indicate unfriendliness and being informal and at ease does not show a lack of respect. americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first m

11、ay seem puzzling to a visitor. in _20_ you will learn these new ways. 11. a upon for c as d at 12. a more better c rather d other 13. a such some c same d whole 14. a similarly however c therefore d especially 15. a some then c so d no 16. a both all c either d neither 17. a with without c in d on 1

12、8. a while where c which d because 19. a worry trouble c pride d hurry 20. a time case c turn d vain iii. reading comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each) 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 passage one questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. the economic costs of noise to

13、 society are several. airports are currently operating at less than capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation. for instance, at washingtons national airport no jet traffic is allowed from 11 pm to 7 am. other airports restrict the use of certain runways. one estim

14、ate is that noise restrictions reduce possible airport use by 20 percent. the profitable cargo trade is especially affected by night restrictions. in the case of airports, jet engines may be modified to reduce their noise level, or insulation ( 隔音 ) from air traffic noise may be provided by the purc

15、hase of land around airports or the insulation of buildings. one estimate is that 5.7 billion would be required to equip all existing jet engines with noise control devices. however, considering the current state of the art, even taking this step will not reduce noise levels at all points to acceptable values. some combination of methods is probably necessary. if all aircraft were made quieter by existing methods, there would be a number of econom



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