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1、第一套 If you sense that you are losing your voice, stop talking completely 如果你觉得你声音不对劲,要完全停止说话 Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to writenotes, but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice. 为你的演讲节省你的声音。你可能会觉得使用论文代替讲话很傻,注意,但你能做的最好的事情就是让你的嗓子休息。 If you need to see a

2、 doctor, perhaps you can get-some advice from a professional singer. 如果你需要,就要看医生,或许你就可以从一个专业歌手那得到一些建议 Before you begin your talk, be kind to your voice. 在你开始说话前,善待你的声音。 Avoid milk or-creamy -drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throatwet by drinking-a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit j

3、uice.避免喝牛奶或奶油的饮料覆盖你的喉咙。 ” 加糖的热茶或稀释的果汁会让你的喉咙湿润一些6. In the meantime, do not even talk in a low voice. 在此期间,不要用很低的声音说话。A、412563B、123456C、451236D、164532 In a food chain, there are also links but food chains begin withplanet life and end with an animal and each link is food for the nextlink. 在食物链中也有链接,但食

4、物链在地球动物生命开始与结束,各个链接是下一链接的食品。A chain consists of links whether a jewelry chain or a food chain.无论是金属链还是食物链都是由很多环节组成。The difference is- that in the jewelry or metal chain., all the links are-made ofthe same or similar material. 不同的是 ,在珠宝或金属链,所有的链接都是由相同或相似的材料组成的。 And, it shows how energy is given off a

5、t-each level or link. 并且,它显示了在每个级别或链接是如何释放能量的。So, a food chain really shows how animals get their food.食物链真正的显示了动物如何的获得食物的。 因此, A23154 B23145 C32154 D325413 Its importance is obvious when two people are talking to each other:but it cannot be ignored by the writer who wishes to keep his readers其重要性是显

6、而易见的,当两个人互相交谈,但希望保持他的交谈者位置不能被忽视2、 But in everyday life, we use the term only when the rules which governsocial encounters are breached in the manner described. 但在日常生活中,我们使用的术语,只有当规则治理社会交往中所描述的方式违反了。 Face refers to the public image which a person chooses to presentin a particular situation. “面子”指在一个特

7、殊的情况下,一个人选择呈现的公众形象。 For social interaction to work, it is essential that participantsrespect the face of all involved. 社会互动工作,参与者尊重所有涉及“面子”是重要的。 When describing the course of a disease, pathologists often talk of the body organizing its defences in response to a biological insult.当描述疾病的过程中, ,在应对生物损害

8、,病理学家经常谈论的身体组织的防御能力。A54312B52143C53142D524314Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have littleeffect-unless accompanied by re-educational. programs to help youngpeople to develop responsible attitudes about drinking and teach themto resist strong pressure t。然而,改革者,担心提高饮酒年龄会影响不大,除非伴有

9、教育帮助, 。教导青年发展关于饮酒的“负责任的态度” ,并教他们抵抗压力的饮料2. Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age t0 21, reversinga trend-in the 1960s to reduce it to 18.二十个州已经提出了法定饮酒年龄为 21,扭转 20 世纪 60 年代的 18 岁的趋势。3. A drunken driver is usually defined.4s one with a 0.0l blood-alcohol content or roughly three beers, glass

10、es of wine or shots ofwhisky drunk within two hours.一个喝醉酒的司机通常被定义为一个与 0.01血液酒精含量约三的啤酒,酒的眼镜或杆威士忌喝醉了 2 小时内。 Drunken driving-sometimes called Americas socially acceptedform of murder-has become a national infectious disease. 酒后驾车有时被称为美国社会公认的形式的谋杀已经成为一个国家传染病。 Heavy drinking used to be 4n acceptable part

11、 of the American strongman image and judges were not severe in most courts, but the drunkenslaughter has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies,especially involving young children, that public opinion is no longerso tolerant.大量饮酒曾经是一种表现美国强壮的男人形象可接受的部分。法官在大多数法庭提起不是严重的诉讼,但是醉酒的屠杀最近带给许多的广为人知悲

12、剧,尤其是涉及幼儿,公众舆论也不再那么宽容。A43215 B43521 C43512 D12534第二套5. If insomnia occurs repeatedly,it is important to find its -possible causes andtry to correct them.Insomnia is the inability to sleep restfully, A person may be awake for.an hour.in the middle of the night and then, nextmorning, feel that she/he

13、hardly slept all night. . It is a problem to nearly everyone at some time. Normally, worry about not getting enough sleep is the worst aspect of mostinsomnia.AB C 23145 D241352 失眠是无法平安入睡,4 几乎每个人都在某一段时间出现睡眠问题。3 一个人在半夜可能会清醒一个小时,然后,第二天早晨,通常,觉得她/他几乎睡了一夜。5 担心没有足够的睡眠是大多数失眠者的最坏的方面。1 如果失眠迭起,重要的是要找到它的原因和并且试图

14、纠正它们。6Mouth bacteria thrive in airless condition We all have offensive breath at one time or another. Bad breath can happen whenever the; normal flow of saliva slows, Alcohol, hunger, too much talking, breathing through the mouth duringexercise-anything that dries the mouth produces bad breath. .In

15、most cases, offensive breath originates from bacteria in the mouth, althoughthere are other, more surprising causes .A 25314B 23145 C 52314D251432 我们曾经都有讨厌的呼吸。5 在大多数情况下,讨厌的呼吸源于口腔里的细菌,尽管还有其他的,更让人吃惊的原因。3 每当正常的唾液流动放缓, 口臭可能发生1 口腔细菌生长在密不透风的条件4 酒精,饥饿,说的太多,用嘴呼吸 口干都可以产生口臭。7 With elderly and weak people, the

16、se added complications often yield serious Flu (which is short for influenza) is a highly contagious disease, the cause ofwhich is a very tiny organism known as a virus. The virus, if not properly treated, can weaken the body so that patient maydevelop more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.4. Flu can often cause complications in breathing, and general infection of thelung. Several types of fl



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