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1、不问收获,但问耕耘,把最好的资料送给最好的自己!六年级上,册英语一课一练-unit6,keep,our,city,clean,译林版三起含答案姓名:XXX时间:20XX年X月X日Unit 6 Keep our city clean一、看图回答问题。 1. -What can we do to keep our city clean?- We can take theto school. 2. -What can we do to keep the air clean?- We can. 3. -What can we do to keep our city clean?- We can mov

2、e some away from our city.4. -What makes our city dirty?- from cars makes the air dirty. 5. -What can we do to keep the river clean? - We can put the rubbish in the.二、根据课文内容填空。 1.makes our city dirty? 2. Rubbish makes the streetsand . 3.can we do to keep our city clean? 4. We can some factories from

3、 our city. 三、翻译。 1. 刚才什么使他笑? 2. 他已经下定决心了吗?3. 叫她上课不要与别人发出噪音。 4. 自从那时,她与许多同学交朋友。 5. 他对我说的话使我难忘。 四、单项选择。 1. - What _we do to keep our city clean?- We can walk to school. A.keepB.canC.makeD.cans 2.- Whatthe streets messy and dirty?- Its rubbish. A.makeB.makesC.canD.keep 3. Whodo the housework?A.canB.kee

4、pC.makesD./ 4. Black smokes from factoriesthe air dirty.A.makeB.makesC.keepD. can 5. Tim _running everyday, so he is very strong.A.keepB.makesC.keepsD.can 五、改错。 1. When makes our city dirty?2. Smoke from cars make the air dirty. 3. Rubbish make the streets messy and dirty.4. We can move factories out of our city. 5. They help keeps the air clean.英语 一课 含答案 没有谁的幸运凭空而来,只有当你足够努力,你才会足够幸运。这世界不会辜负每一份努力和坚持,时光不会怠慢执着而勇敢的每一个人!一粒尘埃,在空气中凝聚,最后生成磅礴的风雨;一粒沙石,在蚌体内打磨,最后结成昂贵的珍珠。有时候,渺小的开始,可以成就雄伟而宏大的事业;有时候,平凡的开始,可以走出崇高而伟大的人生! -致每个在奋斗努力的人



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