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1、不问收获,但问耕耘,把最好的资料送给最好的自己!XX年优秀公安民警先进事迹材料姓名:XXX时间:20XX年X月X日XX年优秀公安民警先进事迹材料 XX年优秀公安民警先进事迹材料 谭文存,男,汉族,11972年8月出生,党党员,1991年12月应征征入伍,XX年3月转业地方方工作,10月任旬邑县公安安局交警大队事故科民警,一一级警司。XX年12月199日在公安部开展加强预防重重特大道路交通事故整治酒后后驾驶专项行动和全县“破案案追逃交通整治大会战”中,遭遇车祸,不幸以身殉职,年仅37岁。 谭文存同志志参加公安工作6年来,始终终牢记宗旨,恪尽职守,心系系群众,公正执法,用奉献书书写无华,用敬业彰显

2、忠诚,自觉履行“人民公安为人民民”的庄严承诺,树立了新时时期人民警察的良好形象,赢赢得了人民群众的广泛赞誉。XX年至XX年连续三年被被旬邑县交警大队评为“优秀秀民警”,XX年被旬邑县人人民政府评为“优秀公务员”,XX年被中共旬邑县委、县政府评为“优秀政法干警警”,XX年、XX年被咸阳阳市交警支队授予“办案能手手”称号,XX年被咸阳市交交警支队评为“优秀民警”,XX年被中共旬邑县委追授授“优秀共产党员”称号。 谭文存同志是我县学习实践践科学发展观活动中产生的优优秀模范,是政法干警和干部部队伍中涌现出来的杰出代表表,他用实际行动和宝贵生命命塑造了一名优秀共产党员的的崇高形象,大力学习和宣传传谭文存

3、同志的先进事迹,对对于进一步推进干部队伍建设设,激励广大党员干部竭诚为为民,无私奉献,建设和谐文文明新旬邑具有重要的现实意意义。为此,县委、县政府决决定在全县广大党员干部中开开展向谭文存同志学习活动。 一、学习谭文存同志,就就要学习他心系群众、一心为为民的崇高品德。 谭文存同同志始终坚持把群众的事当作作自己的事,把群众的困难当当作自己的困难,关心群众疾疾苦,切实为民服务,先后为为贫困群众、下岗职工、失学学儿童、地震灾区送温暖、献献爱心,用实际行动为党旗和和国徽增光添彩。向谭文存同同志学习,就要像他那样,真真真切切地把群众的安危冷暖暖放在心上,实实在在地为群群众办实事、做好事、解难事事,以实际行

4、动做人民群众的的贴心人。 二、学习谭文存存同志,就要学习他扎根基层层、无私忘我的奉献精神。 谭文存同志始终保持淡泊名名利之心,甘心情愿扎根基层层,对工作满腔热忱,不计个个人得失,危险面前不退缩,困难面前不气馁,成绩面前前不骄傲,荣誉面前不自满,用实际行动诠释了“立警为为公、执法为民”的深刻内涵涵。学习谭文存同志,就要像像他那样,脚踏实地,埋头实实干,淡泊名利,永不懈怠,把个人的价值追求融入到党党的事业之中,体现在平凡的的工作岗位之上,踏踏实实做做人,认认真真做事,努力在在本职工作中创造一流业绩。 三、学习谭文存同志,就就要学习他永不满足、精益求求精的进取精神。 谭文存同同志坚持干一行,爱一行,

5、精精一行。从部队转业走上交警警工作岗位后,为尽快进入角角色,他虚心求教,不耻下问问,工作之余刻苦钻研岗位知知识,并将所学知识和技巧熟熟练地运用于破案攻坚行动中中,与同事们一道公正公平的的处理了许多交通事故和纠纷纷,赢得了领导的信任和群众众的称赞。向谭文存同志学习习,就要像他那样,自我加压压,勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,争争做行家,练就过硬本领,切切实担负起党和人民赋予的神神圣x。 四、学习谭文存存同志,就要学习他严于律己己、克己奉公的高尚境界。 谭文存同志坚持把提升思想想境界和改进工作作风作为工工作重点,努力做到公正执法法、严格自律。工作中吃苦在在前,安于清贫,不谋私利,作风简朴,遵守法律法规,服从组

6、织纪律,自觉接受人人民群众监督。向谭文存同志志学习,就要像他那样,以造造福社会和人民为己任,公正正无私,清正廉洁,乐观向上上,积极进取,努力做一个有有益于社会、有益于人民的人人。 谭文存同志以其短暂的的一生谱写了一曲全心全意为为人民服务的赞歌,为全县广广大党员干部树立了光辉榜样样。全县各级党组织要广泛动动员,迅速掀起一个学习谭文文存同志优秀品质和崇高精神神的热潮,紧密结合各自实际际,切实推进各项工作开展。全县广大党员干部要以谭文文存同志为榜样,讲党性、重重品行、做表率,形成作风扎扎实、奋发有为、争先创优的的良好风尚。特别是各级党员员领导干部,要牢固树立大局局意识、政治意识、群众意识识和法制意识

7、,进一步增强做做好本职工作的责任感和x命感,为构建文明和谐新旬邑邑做出新的更大的贡献。 construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention up

8、grading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Ba

9、sed on the citys youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close a

10、ttention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynami

11、c, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of scientific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate an

12、d research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide first-hand information. To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great effor

13、ts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work

14、 of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information

15、 work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses and some important emergencies

16、, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information. Continue to deepen the information research and information feedback system, information report system, information reporting system, information delivery system and information notification system, and constantly improve the information work of the assessment, incentive mechani


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