2021年中考英语人教版 第一部分·第5讲·七年级下 Units 9—12

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《2021年中考英语人教版 第一部分·第5讲·七年级下 Units 9—12》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年中考英语人教版 第一部分·第5讲·七年级下 Units 9—12(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、目录,考点1 What do/does+主语+look like?句型 考点2 would like的用法 考点3 yet,still和already的用法 考点4 hear的用法 考点5 order的用法,旅行,What do/does+主语+look like?句型,考点1,What does your friend look like?你朋友长什么样,语境拓展,句型What do/does+主语+look like常用来询问人的外貌特征,常用答语结构为,What does Lisa look like? 莉萨长什么样? She is tall and thin, and she has

2、long curly hair. 她又高又瘦, 并且留着长卷发,What do/does+主语+look like?句型,考点1,妙辨异同,1)What+be动词+主语+like?常用来询问人的性格或人品等,答语常用 主语+be+形容词结构。如: What is he like? 他是个什么样的人? He is very friendly. 他很友好。 (2)What do/does+主语+like?常用来询问某人的喜好。 What does she like?她喜欢什么? She likes T-shirts with special designs.她喜欢带有特别图案的T恤衫,What d

3、o/does+主语+look like?句型,考点1,好题在线,1.What does your cousin look like? He is a bit , because he likes eating sweets. A. outgoing B. bored C. short D. fat 2.I wonder . She is very friendly and helpful. A. what Anne looks like B. who is Anne C. what Anne is like D. how old Anne is,D,C,D,好题在线,What do/does+

4、主语+look like?句型,考点1,好题在线,3.Im preparing gifts for Leo. Do you know ? He likes books about wildlife. A. what he looks at B. what he looks like C. what he is like D. what he likes,D,好题在线,would like的意思是要,想要,相当于want, 但语气比want委婉,且would没有人称 和数的变化。常见搭配: would like sth.想要某物 would like (sb.) to do sth.想要(某人)

5、做某事,would like的用法,考点2,What would you like?你想要点什么,语境拓展,I would like a bowl of tomato and egg soup.我想要一碗番茄鸡蛋汤。2020 海南中考 Id like to become an animator.我想成为一名动画片制作者。2020河北中考,Would you like.?语气较委婉,常用于口语中。 Yes, Id like/love to. Yes, please. All right./OK,肯定回答常用,would like的用法,考点2,否定回答常用,No, thanks,Id like/

6、love to,but,Would you like a cup of coffee? 你要喝杯咖啡吗? Yes, please./No, thanks. 好的,谢谢。/不了,谢谢,would like的用法,考点2,好题在线,4.Would you like to go to the movies with me this weekend? When shall we meet? A. Of course. B. It depends. C. Never mind. D. See you. 5.Its hot today. Would you like some water? Im not

7、thirsty at all. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Im not sure. C. Thats OK. D. No, thanks,D,A,好题在线,would like的用法,考点2,好题在线,6.Would you like some cakes, Allen? And I also want some coffee. A. Thats right. B. No way. C. Yes, why not? D. You, too,C,yet,still和already的用法,考点3,Im not sure yet.我还不确定,yet, already和still均

8、可作副词,用法如下,语境拓展,yet,still和already的用法,考点3,Judy, this is Mike speaking. Im still waiting for the bus. Have you got there yet?朱迪,我是迈克。我还在等公共汽车。你到那儿了吗? Yes, Ive already arrived.是的,我已经到了,yet,still和already的用法,考点3,好题在线,7.The report must be handed in tomorrow, but I havent completed it. A. stillB. already C.

9、 alwaysD. ever 8.Im hungry, but the dinner hasnt been ready . A. already B. yet C. still D. even,B,A,好题在线,yet,still和already的用法,考点3,好题在线,9.A:(1) B:Its June 16. A:(2) Then its the Dragon Boat Festival today, isnt it? B:Yes, it is.(3,A,好题在线,B,C,A. Already? B. Whats the date today? C. We Chinese usually

10、 eat rice dumplings this day,hear的用法,考点4,There were also too many people and I couldnt really see or hear the guide. 人也太多了,我真的看不见导游,也听不清导游说什么,hear作动词,意为听见,听到。常见用法,语境拓展,hear sb. do sth.听见某人做了某事,hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事,She heard David go upstairs.她听见戴维上楼了。 Lisa could hear them talking outside.莉萨能

11、听见他们正在外面谈话,hear的用法,考点4,常见的hear短语有,hear from sb.收到某人的信件,得到某人的消息,hear of/about听说,得知,Its great to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信。2019天津中考 Ive heard of a job which could be just right for you.我听说有一份 工作很适合你,hear的用法,考点4,好题在线,妙辨异同,hear/listen,hear的用法,考点4,好题在线,10. There is no need to shout. I can you! A. sound B.

12、hear C. listen D. taste 11. I miss the old days when we sat around and the music we loved. A. put up B. turned down C. got off D. listened to,D,好题在线,B,hear的用法,考点4,好题在线,12.Lets tell Mary the good news. She must be very happy when she it. A. looks after B. takes out C. hears about D. gets over 13.好久不见

13、,收到你的来信,我很高兴。 Long time no see. Im really you,glad,好题在线,C,to,from,hear,order的用法,考点5,May I take your order? 请问您可以点菜了吗,order作名词,意为顺序;点菜;整齐。常见搭配,语境拓展,in order按顺序;整齐;井然有序,take ones order点菜,Please put all the books back in the right order.请把所有的书按正 确顺序放回去,order的用法,考点5,in order to意为为了;目的是。 Lily asked her s

14、on to close the door softly in order not to disturb others.莉莉让儿 子轻轻地关门,以免打扰到其他人。2020上海中考 order作动词,意为点(酒菜等);订购。常见用法: order sth. for sb./order sb. sth.为某人订购某物 Mum has ordered some flowers.妈妈订了一些花。2018安徽中考,order的用法,考点5,好题在线,14. 2021预测When you eat at a restaurant, please just enough food. A. prepare B.

15、serveC. orderD. cook 15. You always put things here and there. You should learn to keep them . A. in surprise B. in personC. in dangerD. in order 16. Good evening. May I take your order now? . Im waiting for someone. Ill call you later. A. Go ahead B. No problem C. No, thanks D. I agree,D,好题在线,C,C,旅

16、行类话题所涉及的内容非常广泛,可归纳为以下三个方面:1.旅行计划与安排;2.介绍旅行地点及注意事项; 3.旅行途中的故事及感受,话题,旅行,假如你是李华,上周六你和同学们一起去爬山,玩得很开心。请根据表格内容,写一篇游记,介绍一下这次爬山的经历和感受,典例剖析,旅行,要求: 1.参考表格内容,可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整; 3.文中不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等); 4.词数80100 (开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)。 Im Li Hua. Last Saturday I went to climb mountains with my classmates. What a pleasant Saturday it was! I enjoyed this trip so much that I would never forget it,人物介绍,典例剖析,审题时需注意提取以下信息: 1.主题:爬山经历 2.人称:第一人称 3.时态:一般过去时 思路点拨:通过分析题干和表格中的内容可将文章分三段来写。 第一段,直击主题,点明上周六和同学去爬山;第二段,介


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