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1、学科(九年级 下 册)备课教师授课时间2019年6月17日第62课时教学内容专题探究五阅读理解教学目标掌握阅读理解解题技巧,提高阅读理解解题能力。教学重难点如何提高阅读理解解题能力。教学方法与手段Practice and explanation.教学准备多媒体课件。考试题型一阅读所给材料,选择正确答案 命题导向:阅读理解题主要测试考生的语言知识综合运用、逻辑思维、推理判断及捕捉信息的能力,涉及的内容广泛,包括人物传记、政治经济、天文史地、社会文化、科普小品、风土人情、幽默故事及日常生活等。体裁多样,其中包括记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文等。出题角度有细节理解、词句理解、推理判断、归纳概括等。解

2、题技巧:1.巩固、扩大并活用词汇 (包括词组、短语和构词法),夯实语言基础;2弄清原文、题干、正确答案项和干扰项之间的关系,切实提高实际解决问题的能力;3注意积累生活素材及英语国家的文化背景、人情风俗、生活方式等知识;4重视培养正确的阅读习惯,掌握阅读技巧。考试题型二任务型阅读 命题导向:任务型阅读是介于传统阅读理解和写作之间的题型,不仅考查考生的阅读理解、推理判断、整合信息的能力,而且还考查学生的书面表达能力,能较好地考查考生的语言综合应用能力。任务型阅读题材广泛,体裁多样,其中包括记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文等。其选材融知识性、教育性和趣味性为一体,文章新颖,且贴近生活。 解题技巧:1明

3、确任务,关注题后要求;2答题时注意句子的时态、语态、人称、数的变化,要做到语法正确、标点符号使用恰当、拼写无误、书写规范等;3对照原文,灵活作答。实战演练阅读理解:阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。.(2015黔东南中考) Mr and Mrs Green were going on their vacation with their children,and they had to arrive at the airport before 11:40 the next morning.“It takes us thirty minutes to ge

4、t there in a car,” Mr Green said,“so we must get ready before eleven oclock.Dont be late.” At ten fifty,all of them were busy doing something,but Mrs Green wasnt.She sat quietly in a chair in the garden and enjoyed the good weather.Mr Green and the children were surprised,but Mrs Green said,“Dont wo

5、rry! Before I went to bed last night,I made all our clocks and watches twenty minutes ahead(提前)Now we can get to the airport early.” 1Why did the Greens have to be ready before eleven oclock?()ABecause they were going to a party.BBecause they didnt go to the airport.CBecause they had to go to the ai

6、rport by bus.DBecause they must arrive at the airport before 11:40. 【解析】由第一段第一句即知选D。2How long does it take from Mr Greens house to the airport by car? ()AThirty minutes. BTwenty minutes.CFifty minutes. DForty minutes. 【解析】由第一段第二句即知选A。 3How did Mr Green and the children feel when they saw Mrs Green s

7、itting in the garden?()AThey felt sad.BThey felt happy.CThey felt surprised.DThey felt interested. 【解析】由第三段第一句即知选C。4Why did Mrs Green sit quietly? ()ABecause she was sick.BBecause she didnt like to spend her vacation.CBecause she wanted to stay at home.DBecause she made all the clocks and watches ah

8、ead and they wouldnt be late. 【解析】由第三段即知选D。5What time was it when Mr Green and the children were busy doing things? ()AIt was ten fifty.BIt was eleven ten.CIt was ten thirty.DIt was eleven forty. 【解析】原文说10:50他们在忙,但时间被往前调了20分钟。所以真正的时间应为10:30,所以选C。阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,回答问题。 .(2015黔东南中考)The Dragon Boat Festi

9、val also called the Duan Wu Festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.For thousands of years,the festival has been marked by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats.To hold the dragon boat races is in memory of Qu Yuan,one of the greatest poets (诗人) i

10、n China.Qu Yuan was born in Zigui of Hubei Province over 2,200 years ago.Qu Yuan was an honest minister(大臣) of the State of Chu,during the Warring States Period (47522l BC) (战国时期)He was upright(正直的) and wise.He wanted to bring his country peace and make the State more stronger,but the country was in

11、 the hands of bad officials,he failed.At last,he was very discouraged.He ended his life by throwing himself into the Miluo River.It was said that people were trying to save him.But it was too late.Also,they were very sad and they threw rice into the water to feed Qu Yuans spirit.Now we read his poem

12、 Li Sao which was filled with deep love for his country.We can see the dragon boat races and have a kind of Chinese food named zongzi to eat during the Dragon Boat Festival.1When is the Dragon Boat Festival?_ 【解析】由第一段第一句话可知,译文:龙舟节又叫端午节,人们在中国农历五月五日会庆祝这个节日。 2Where was Qu Yuan born?_ 【解析】由第二段第一句话可知。在22

13、00多年前,屈原出生在湖北省姊归县。3What was Qu Yuan like?_ 【解析】由第二段第三句话可知,他聪明博学并且很正直。4Did the people try to save him?_ 【解析】由第二段第七、八句话可知,据说有人曾试图去救他。但一切都太晚了。 5What do we eat during the Dragon Boat Festival?_ 【解析】由第一段第二句话可知,数千年来,端午节一直有着吃粽子和赛龙舟的习俗。板书设计考试题型一阅读所给材料,选择正确答案 考试题型二任务型阅读 教学反思通过这堂课,使学生能掌握阅读理解解题技巧,对阅读理解解题能力有一定提高。今后需要继续加强练习以便得到巩固。参考资料中考导学


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