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1、商务英语口语技巧 商务英语口语技巧 相互介绍认识 Business etiquette There are some general rules for introductions: 1. A _n is always introdu _d to a wo _n. 2. A young person is always introdu _d to an older person. 3. A less important is always introdu _d to a more important person. 译文:相互介绍认识有如下基本原则: 1. 男士通常会介绍给女士。 2. 年轻人

2、介绍给年龄大的人。 3. 地位不太高的人介绍给地位高一些的人。 When a client is ing for business purpose, the host should stand up and re _ive the guest, offer a chair and a cup of coffee, he shouldnt sit down until the guest takes a seat. When the guest rises to leave, the host should go with him as far as the door of the offi _

3、 or the elevator. The executive doesnt rise for his secretary or coworkers in the offi _. 译文:如果客户是为商务目的而来,主人要起身接待客人,给他让一个座位并且倒上一杯咖啡,在客人落座之前主人不能坐下。当客人起身告辞时,主人需将客人送到门口或者电梯口。而高级经理则不需为秘书或者办公室同事站起来。 A handshake can create a feeling of immediate friendliness of instant irritation between two strangers. Th

4、e proper handshake is brief, but there should be firmness and warmth in the clasp. It should always be aompanied by a direct look into the eyes of the person your shake your hand with. 译文:握手可以使本来陌生的两个人马上建立起友谊。正确的.握手要迅捷,但是在握手的瞬间应有力度并且充满热情。在握手的同时要目光直视对方。 While speaking with a visitor during an appoint

5、ment,you should bear in mind that listening is as essential as talking. Nothing is more irritating and insulting to a visitor to have an appointment interrupted by continual phone calls. You need instruct your assistant to hold all calls ex _pt emergencies until the end of your appointment. If your phone system includes a message taking feature, be sure to _ke use them. If the caller is veering too far away from the subject, you might say: Sin _ I have another appointment in a few minutes, Id like to discuss our pri _ry con _rn. 模板,内容仅供参考



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