2021年商务英语口语 工作午餐时口语

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《2021年商务英语口语 工作午餐时口语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年商务英语口语 工作午餐时口语(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务英语口语 工作午餐时口语 实用商务英语口语:工作午餐时必备口语 1. I hate to _ke you work through your lunch break. 我不愿意让你在吃午饭的时候还工作。 2. What is your favorite fast food? 你最喜欢吃什么样的快餐? 3. Ill cater to your taste. 我会满足你的口味。 4. Ill bring the food. 我去弄吃的。 5. We dont have to reserve a table. 我们不需要预定位子。 6. Thatll be pretty heavy for a

2、mid-day meal. 这样的午餐会太腻了。 7. I hope nobodys a vegetarian. 我希望大家都不是素食者。 8. You have a choi _ of prime rib or chicken. 你有上等的排骨或精选的鸡肉可吃。 1. Things are really busy for me today, the only time I can _nage to squeeze out might be over lunch break. 今天我真是非常忙,我唯一能设法挤出来的时间可能是在午休时间。 2. Ive already had several d

3、ays in a row working through lunch. 我已经连续好几天都是边吃午饭边工作了。 3. I really appreciate you taking the time to work me in over your lunch break. 你抽出午休时间给我,我真的很感激。 4. To be on the safe side, Ill order a table for half-past twelve. 但是为了保险起见,我去预定12点半的一桌。 5. Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-c

4、ourse meal? 你打算请投资方吃一顿丰盛的午餐吗? 6. As long as we stay away from anything alcoholic, we should be okay. 只要我们不喝酒,应该没有问题的。 7. We can _ke some special arrangements if we need to. 如果有必要我们可以个别再安排。 8. Its the pany who is footing the bill. 买单的是公司。 1. We can _ke it a working lunch this afternoon, and Ill order

5、 some Chinese food for delivery. Itll be my treat. 我们今天下午安排一个工作餐,我去订一些中餐外卖。我请客。 2. Lets _ke it a date for Chop Suey and the Martin aount at about 12:30. 那我们就定在12:30一边吃炒杂碎,一边讨论马丁的报告。 3. For our lunch meeting with the investors, do we have to _ke a reservation at the restaurant or do we just show up?

6、我们中午要和投资方见面,需要向饭店预订位子吗?还是直接过去? 4. Ive arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve; can you _ke the reservation a little earlier? 我已经安排与他们12点在饭店见面,你能把预约时间再稍微提前一点儿吗? 5. Well start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then _in dishes of prime ribor cordon bleu chicken, and finish

7、 up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort. 我们先上些开胃食品,接着是汤和沙拉,然后主菜是上等的排骨或一流厨师烧的鸡,最后是各种美味的餐后甜点。 在上述的常用商务口语表达法中包含了预定餐厅、预约时间、会面安排、邀请赴宴等在商务午餐中经常会用到的一些实用表达方法,安格商务英语老师建议大家不妨自由组合形成新的对话多多练习,下次在邀请外籍同事共进午餐时就能自信地将这些表达脱口而出了! 最后附上一个安格英语老师给出的例子: A:For our lunch meeting with the investors, do we have to _ke a

8、reservation at the restaurant or do we just show up? B:Usually for lunch, we dont have to reserve a table, they should allow walk-ins. A: Ive arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve; can you _ke the reservation a little earlier? If we start earlier, it will give us more time for a longer l

9、unch. B: Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-course meal? A: Yes, well start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then _in dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort. B: Thatll be pretty heavy for a mid-day meal, dont you think? A: As long as we stay away from anything alcoholic, we should be okay. B: With your prime rib and chicken choi _s, youd better hope nobodys a vegetarian. A: We can _ke some special arrangements if we need to. After all, its the pany who is footing the bill. 模板,内容仅供参考



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