2021年商务英语 时间管理小技巧

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《2021年商务英语 时间管理小技巧》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年商务英语 时间管理小技巧(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务英语 时间管理小技巧 商务英语:时间管理小技巧 大家有没有发现有时候明明觉得自己的工作时间挺宽裕的,但是最后却不能按时完成任务,从现在开始,只需要一些小变化,你就能管理好自己的时间,看看下面几条建议吧。 Multitasking, as weve said _ny times before, is the art of doing _ny tasks poorly. To really get stuff done, do ohing at a time for a set period of time. Better yet, batch, so that your brain does

2、nt have to _ke a huge leap every time you change activities. 我们之前也建议过很多次,多重任务处理就意味着低效率处理许多任务。想要把工作做好,就必须在一段特定的时间内一次做一件事。然而更好的办法就是分批处理相似的.任务,这样就不会因为多次改变活动而需要很大的思维跳跃。 Why is the meeting of someone eles more important than your work? In part, because theyve blocked off time for it,most likely in your O

3、utlook calendar. Make a mitment to yourself, using the same tools. Discretion is key, here: no one will respect your calendar if you block off whole days at a stretch, no _tter how tempting it is. _别人的约会总是比你的工作更重要呢?某种程度上是因为他们为约会定好了时限,很像是Outlook中的工作日程表。给自己一个承诺,使用同一种工具。想要做到这一点,就需要考虑周到:无论这一方法多么诱人,那么你也不

4、能一次性将自己整天的时间限定死,因为这样就不会有人遵守你的工作日程表了。 Plan them into your day, if possible.Youre less likely to wind up wasting hours on the inter or playing games on your phone, if you know youll get another break in a half an hour or so. 如果可能的话,可以将休息时间列入每日计划之中。如果你知道在大约半小时之后你就能再次休息,那么你很可能就不会耗费几个小时用 _上网、玩游戏了。 Even i

5、f you cant get on board with the standing desk revolution, and your pany isnt feeling the treadmill desk alternative, adding more physical activity to your day will benefit your health and con _ntration. 尽管你也很难适应站立办式办公桌的变革,而且你的公司也并不认为可以选择脚踏办公桌,那么每天增加一些身体活动都会有益于你的健康和专心。 When you take breaks, try to g

6、et up and move instead of just sitting in pla _. Ask questions in person. Go for a walkat lunch. Do whatever you can to keep from sitting at your desk for the whole day without a rest. Youll have more energy, and get more done during the time you spend in your chair. 当你休息的时候,尽量站起来走动走动,而不是还坐在座位上。要亲自去问问题。在午餐时间散散步。要尽量做一些事来避免整天坐在桌前不休息。这样你的精力会更充沛,在坐着办公的时间内就能完成更多的任务。 模板,内容仅供参考



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