外研版英语五年级下册课件:Module 8 Unit 1

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1、外研版英语五年级下册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 8 Unit 1 Will you help me,第一课时,Lets chant,Tea, tea, we like tea. Pandas, pandas, we like pandas. Dragons, dragons, we like dragons. Chinese, Chinese, we are Chinese. China, China, we love China,What is this,Its a fish,What is this,Its a fish, too,Its a paper fish,er,a pap

2、er fish,一条纸做的鱼,paper planes,纸飞机,Its a cat,What does the cat like eating,It likes eating fish,The boy has a lovely cat,Lets look and listen,Look, listen and say,Tomorrow is my cats birthday,Ill make a paper fish for her,It will be a great present,Listen and answer,1. Whose birthday is tomorrow? 2. Wh

3、at will the boy do? 3. What is the cats birthday present,Tomorrow is the cats birthday,He will make a paper fish for his cat,The cats birthday present is a paper fish,Listen and role play,Tomorrow is my cats birthday,Ill make a paper fish for her,It will be a great present,用动词短语描述图片中的内容,read books,用

4、动词短语描述图片中的内容,eat a hamburger,用动词短语描述图片中的内容,play football,用动词短语描述图片中的内容,fly a kite,用动词短语描述图片中的内容,listen to music,用动词短语描述图片中的内容,play computer games,A. Will you tomorrow,B. Yes, I will/ No, I wont,will +动词原形”表示一般将来时,Summary,肯定句:主语+ will+ 动词原形+ (宾语)+ 其它,否定句:在will的后面加not即可。will not可缩写为wont,will引导的一般将来时:表

5、示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最基本的结构: will +动词原形,will +动词原形”表示一般将来时,Summary,一般疑问句:把will提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ will +主语+动词原形+其他,will引导的一般将来时:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最基本的结构: will +动词原形,Lets chant,Will you, will you, will you help me,Of course, I will,Will you, will you, will you fly a kite,No, no, no, no, I wont,Will y

6、ou, will you, will you go to America,Of course, I will. Lets go,选一选,) 1. Tomorrow we _ TV at home. A. watched B. are watching C. will watch ( ) 2. Will you _ a kite for your sister? A. making B. make C. made ( ) 3. Will you help me carry the bag, John? _ A. Of course, I will. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I

7、cant. ( ) 4. Will you watch TV with me? _. I will do my homework. A. Yes, I will. B. No, I will. C. No, I wont,C,B,A,C,1.朗读P44活动一的对话。 2.预习P44活动二的对话。 3.用will造三个句子,Homework,第二课时,A: Will you tomorrow? B: No, I wont. A: What will you do? B: Ill,make a cat kite,make a paper fish,go to the park,play baske

8、tball,go shopping,buy a toy panda,read books,Who is he? -He is Damings,cousin,What present will Daming take,Listen and think,Look and listen,Listen and answer,Will he take? -Yes, he will. /No, he wont,toy panda,What about a ,Why,Because Daming thinks Simon has got a toy panda. His mother and grandma

9、 are Chinese,Chinese,名词:中国人;汉语,形容词:中国人的;汉语的,Listen and answer,What will he take,Will Daming buy a kite,No, he wont,He will make a kite,Who will help Daming,Fangfang,Listen and answer,Listen and answer,What will Daming write on the kite,He will write the Chinese word for “dragon” on it,w,Listen and r

10、ead,Daming: Im going to visit my cousin in New York. His name is Simon. What present can I take? Fangfang: What about a toy panda? Daming: I think hes got a toy panda. His mother and grandma are Chinese,Listen and read,Fangfang: What about a kite? Daming: Good idea! Ill make a kite! Fangfang: But wi

11、ll it be windy in New York? Daming: I think so,Listen and read,Daming: Will you help me? Fangfang: Of course I will,Listen and read,Fangfang: Daming, your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon. Daming: Thank you for your help. It will be a great present. Fangfang: You can write the Chines

12、e word for dragon on it. Daming: Thats a great idea,1. Daming will take _,Circle,A. chopsticks,B. a dragon,C. a kite,2. Daming will _ the present,A. make,B. buy,C. send,3. New York will be _,A. hot,B. windy,C. cold,1. Simon is Damings friend,2. Fanfan will help Daming,3. Damings cousin will like thi

13、s cat,Try to correct,F,T,F,T or F ,cousin,kite,Daming is going to visit his cousin in . His name is . Daming will not take . He will make a . It will be in New York. will help Daming. Simon will love this kite. Its a,New York,Simon,a toy panda,Chinese kite,windy,Fangfang,Chinese dragon,根据课文内容填空,List

14、en and say,Daming: Ill make a kite,Daming: Will you help me? Fangfang: Of course I will,Practise,Look, ask and answer. A: Will you tomorrow? B: Yes, I will. /No, I wont,如何表达“某人的,Summary,可以用物主代词my、our、your、his、her、its、their直接表示“.的,具体指明“某人的”的时候,要在名词后加“s”,如果名词本身以“s”结尾,加“”就可以了,1. This toy panda is my _

15、(cousin). 2. What about _ (take) photos over there? 3. The children are _ (China). 4. He is going to _(visit) his grandma in New York,cousins,taking,Chinese,visit,5. -Li Lei is a good student in his class. -_ A. I think so. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome. 6. I will send my sister a cap tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯否回答) -_ -_,A,Will you send your sister a cap tomorrow,Yes, I will. /No, I wont,1.朗读P44活动一的对话。 2.朗读P44活动二的对话。 3.背诵P46活动三的句型,Homework


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