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1、高中英语-定语从句语法专题练习 (精选必考语法试题+参考答案,建议下载练习)1Imagine life as a game _ you are playing with five balls.You name them work,family,health,friends and spirit.Awhat Bso Cas Dwhere答案Dwhere相当于in which。2Liu Xiangs breaking the world record was an exciting moment,_ all of us will never forget.Athat Bone Cit Dwhat答

2、案Bone作an exciting moment的同位语,one后是一个省去了that的定语从句。it是不可以受定语从句修饰的,故可排除C。3.“Is _ you want to say?” asked the teacher.Athis Bthat Call that Dthat all答案DD项的that是指示代词,充当主语,all是句子的表语,其后是一个省略了that的定语从句。4September 1st is the day students register for their universities,_ mixed with the emotion of hope,fear a

3、nd anxiety.Aa day Bwhich Cwhat Dthat答案Aa day mixed.是独立主格结构,如果选B,其后须加is。5In their country August 31st is a national holiday,_ everybody dances in the streets.Awhich Bas Cwhen Dbecause答案C先行词是时间名词短语a national day,定语从句缺时间状语,故用关系副词when。6There are many things in different areas _ we can do to reduce the p

4、ossible dangers of AIDS.Awhere Bthere Cwhat Dthat答案D先行词是many things,that在定语从句中充当do的宾语。7Did you remember the days _ we worked on the farm? Certainly.Especially the hard times _ we spent together.Awhich;when Bwhen;whichCwhen;when Dwhich;which答案Bthe days 后的定语从句缺状语,故可填关系副词when;the hard times后的定语从句缺宾语,所以

5、可填which。8Mr.White will come to the party on Sunday,_ he promised to every one of us.Awhen Bthat Cwhat Dwhich答案D此为非限制性定语从句,which指代的是整个主句。9“Id like to give my thanks to those _ help my son will be able to survive his terrible disease,” said the woman on TV.Awho BthatCwith whose Dwith their 答案C句中的help是

6、名词,“在某人的帮助下”可用with ones help来表达,故须用作定语的关系代词whose。10I cant find Mr.Brown.Where did you meet him this morning? It was in the hotel _ he stayed.Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen答案C该句是It was in the hotel where he stayed that I met him this morning之略,where he stayed是定语从句,如果选A是强调结构,就是答非所问。11Was it eleven oclock _

7、 you arrived home last night?Awhen Bthat Csince Dwhile答案Awhen引导的是时间状语从句。句意:当你昨晚到家时,时间是11点吗?12The company and the effect _ brought about did great good to our business in the western area.Ait Bthat Cwhat Dwhich答案Ait指代the company,it前省去了that/which。句意:公司以及公司所产生的影响对我们在西部地区的生意有很大好处。13Thats such a wellknow

8、n place _ everyone wants to visit _ we can find it in the map of the world.Athat;as Bas;as Cthat;that Das;that答案D第一空填as,as引导定语从句充当了visit的宾语;第二空填that,that在结果状语从句中不作成分。14Though there are few Chinese _ have heard of the Great Wall,many of them havent been there yet.Aas Bwho Cbut Dthat 答案C否定词few Chinese

9、是先行词,关系代词but本身也含否定意味,butthat/whonot。其余几项不符合句意。句意:虽然没几个中国人没听说过长城,但他们当中的许多人还没去过那里。15He was so pleased with all _ we had done for him _ he wrote us a letter to praise us for it.Awhat;what Bwhat;thatCthat;what Dthat;that答案D第一空是定语从句,先行词为all,故用that;第二空是so.that.结构。16Director Zhang,for _ life had once been

10、very hard,directed many films about the farmers life.Ahis Bwhom Cwho Dwhose答案B句中的for是介词,意为“对于”。句意:张导演导演过许多关于农民生活的电影,对他来说,生活曾经是很艰难的。不可将for译为“因为”。17Is it Dave Williams _ runs a website _ he encourages people to protect the environment? Awho;that Bthat;whichCwho;where Dthat;as答案C第一空是强调结构,由于强调的Dave Will

11、iams是人,故可用that/who;第二空是定语从句,先行词为a website,从句中缺地点状语,故该选C。18Zibo,Shandong Province is the birthplace of football,_ playing football spreads to every corner of the world.Afrom there BwhereCfrom which Dthere答案C这里是from.to.搭配,故选C而不选B。19Perhaps that is the only point _ I completely agree.Athat BwhichCwith

12、which Dwhere答案Dwhere相当于to which。由于agree with一般跟sb.作宾语,所以排除C。20There are many people _ only online activity is sending and receiving email.Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhose 答案Dwhose作定语,修饰activity。21I shall never forget 9 am.on Oct.12,2005,the most exciting moment,_ Shenzhou VI was launched,_ is always making

13、me think of how I can do more for my homeland.Athat;which Bwhich;thatCwhen;as Dwhen;which答案D第一空用when,在从句中作时间状语;第二空填which,先行词为整个主句。22Alice received an invitation from her boss,and _ came as a surprise.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dhe答案B由于有连词and,此处不是定语从句,选项B中的that是指示代词。23Hes got himself into a dangerous situati

14、on _ he is likely to lose control over the plane.Awhere Bwhich Cwhen Dwhy 答案A先行词a dangerous situation是抽象地点名词,从句缺地点状语,故用where(in which)。24David gets up early and takes exercise in the morning,_ is usual with him.Aas Bthat Cwhat Dso答案Aas引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是整个主句。25When you call on a Frenchman,you may chat for an hour or so,_ not even a coffee or water is offered.Aduring this time Bby th



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