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1、吉林省长春市第二十九中学2020-2021学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题一、单项选择(每题2分,共30分)1. Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.A. sense B. view C. means D. idea2. Li Mings parents are very strict _ him; meanwhile, Li Ming is also very strict _his own study.A with;with B with;in

2、 C in;in D in;with3. -Are you _ me of lying to the headmaster? -Im sure you did.A. telling B. reminding C. scoldingD. accusing4. Not only _ about the food, he also refused to pay for it. A.the customer complained B.did the customer complainC.when the customer complained D.the customer did complain5.

3、 Ann lent me an interesting novel_ by Mark Twain this morning and I am very_ with her kindness.A written;pleased B.writing;pleasing C was written;pleased D to write;pleasing6. Ive had a stomachache for two weeks. You _to the doctor when it started.A. must go B. should go C. ought to have gone D. mig

4、ht have gone7. My sister refused to stop eating her Halloween candy _she felt sick from eating all the sugar.A. as though B. even though C. if only D. only if8. When first _to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D.being introduced9. If burns are

5、 on arms or legs,keep them higher than the heart, _.A. if it possible B. if possible C. if you are possible D. if is possible10. Keep pace with me. Slow down! I cant walk any further, _.A. hungry and tired B. hungrily and tiredly C. hungrily and tired D. hungry and tiredly11. The wall was built alon

6、g the river_floods. A. in case B.in case of C. in the case of D. in case that12. Since we havent got enough money available, _ about sightseeing in that country. A. it is no need talking B. it is no need to talk C. there is no need talking D. there is no need to talk13. The man got _ in the mire (泥潭

7、), and started falling.A. stick B. sticking C. stuck D. struck14. The judging committee (评委会) _ three women and four men.A. is consisted of B. makes up C. consists of D. is made up15.The results of the medical checkup suggested that my father _ in poor health, so the doctor suggested that he _ smoki

8、ng and take more exercise.A. was; gave up B. be; should give up C. should be; gave up D. was; give up 二、阅读理解(每题2分,共34分)AThe geographical location of a country and its physical characteristics are very important to its development and progress. The United States is very fortunate in this respect.Firs

9、t of all, it has a good climate. In almost all sections of the country it is possible to live comfortably during the whole year. It is true that in the south it sometimes gets very hot, and in the north very cold. But the people who live in these regions become accustomed to the climate and never su

10、ffer very much when the weather is either very hot or very cold.In a large country there is usually a great variety of different physical characteristics. In the United States, there are wide plains and high mountains, thousands of lakes and rivers of all sizes, cool forests and hot deserts, and a c

11、oastline several thousand miles long.The many lakes and rivers, as well as the long coastline, have been of great importance to the development of the country, since they made possible the easy transportation of people and all the things people need. Transportation by water is still necessary and im

12、portant. In modern times, however, trains, automobiles, trucks and airplanes are doing much of the work which was formerly done by ships and boats.16. What are the principal physical characteristics of the United States?A. Almost the same.B. Rather various.C. Very good for farming.D. Suitable for tr

13、ansportation.17. In what respect is the United States very fortunate?A. Geographical location.B. Good climate.C. Physical characteristics.D. Both A and C.18. Why are rivers,lakes and coastlines important to the development of the U.S.A?A. They make the climate better.B. They provide people with a go

14、od many opportunities of employment.C. They provide people with good transportation and whatever they need.D. They make the scenery of the country more beautiful and attractive.19. What was used for transportation in the distant past in the U.S.A.?A. Trains B. Trucks C. Planes D. Ships and boatsBIt

15、amazed meevery time I saw Joe he was smiling. It didnt matter whether he had to stop at a stop light, or if he was the seventh person in line at the bank, and the teller(出纳员) ended her job just before he got there. Joe always smiled. It made me wonder why he always seemed so happy.Having observed Joe with other people, I noticed something



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