高中英语 Module 4 Music 背景知识拓展 外研选修6

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1、1Module 4 Music In China, Musicians For the Modern Era“There is nothing Chinese in my music,” says iLoop, 28, sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop here, his hands kept busy by a lock of hair constantly falling on his forehead. “In any case, it would be difficult otherwise: Electronic music is urban, i

2、nternational; we all communicate online, across countries. And Chinese culture has been cut. Interrupted,” he says. “There was the Cultural Revolution, right? So much has been destroyed that for my generation it is impossible to know what it was all about before. We do not have Chinese traditions an

3、ymore, all has been interrupted. In Japan it is different. Traditions are part of daily life. It shows in their sound too.”Dressed in black, laughing and using the f word and its Chinese equivalent as often as he possibly can, iLoop is one of the better-known Chinese electronic, or dianzi, musicians

4、. Part of a group of passionate under-30 artists who live mostly on the fringes of the biggest Chinese cities and congregate in cyberspace, at big parties or in a few select nightclubs, iLoop embodies many of the contradictions that distinguish rock, punk and electronic music in China these days.“No

5、, what I do is not political at all,” he says, shaking his head, while admitting that maybe, just maybe, the lifestyle of an electronic musician could appear political-read “nonconformist.” “Last week I was at work on a new piece, chatting online and exchanging SMS texts with my friends, so I did no

6、t realize I had not gone out for a week,” he says, laughing and cursing. But ask him who his favorite musicians are, and without hesitation he says: “ATR! Atari Teenage Riot. German band. Great stuff. The biggest influence on my sound.” Log onto ATRs MySpace page, and your ears will be assaulted by

7、a raw, angry sound, and lyrics that scream that “Deutschland Must Die” and inveigh against “too much government control”-in Germany.当代中国的电子音乐人28岁的罗浩坐在星巴克咖啡店的一角,双手不时地理一理散落在额前的一绺头发,他说,我的音乐中完全没有中国元素。另外,想要加入中国元素也是件很困难的事情,因为电子乐是国际化的、城市化的,大家都在网上跨国界交流,在此过程中中国文化完全被排除在外,因为文化的传承出现了中断。还记得文革吧?对于我们这代人来说,太多的东西遭到破

8、坏,我们无法了解此前的情况,传统已不复存在。在中国,文化的传承已经被破坏。而日本就不一样,对他们来说,传统是日常生活的必要组成,这也体现在他们的音乐当中。一袭黑衣,爱笑,言谈中爱用英文中的 F词和中国国骂,罗浩是当代中国较为知名的电子音乐人。作为一群不到 30岁的年轻音乐人中的一员,罗浩的身上结合了当代中国各种类型音乐的不同特点:摇滚、朋克,还有电子乐。这些年轻的艺术家热情洋溢,大都居住在大城市的外围郊县,网络、大型派对还有一些特色夜店是他们经常聚集的场所。罗浩摇着头说道,不,我所做的一切和政治无关。不过他同时也承认,电子音乐人的生活方式看上去可能(仅仅是可能)有 些政治化这里的政治化应解读为不落俗套。他边笑边愤愤说道, 上周我的时间都花在创作一首新作品、和朋友网聊以 及互发短信上了,所以根本没有意识到自己已经一个星期没出门了。2当被问及最喜欢的音乐人是谁时,他毫不犹豫地说: ATR!阿塔利青年暴动。德国乐队,太牛了,对我的创作影响最大。登录 ATR在我的空间的主页,一个很原生态很愤怒的声音会直刺你的耳膜,歌词吼的是:德意志必须死掉,猛烈抨击着德国国内过度的政府管制。


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