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1、高中新课标高一英语同步练习 Unit 1 Friendship .单词拼写 1. We cant do it best if we dont _ (完全地) put our hearts into the thing we are doing. All children like to play _ (在户外) instead of staying indoors when the weather is fine. 2. 3. Doctors are predicting that it will soon be within their _ (能力) to cure the disease.

2、 3. 4. We drove along the _ (满是灰尘的) road to the middle school in the countryside. 4. 5. Before the _ (幕布) went up, the dancers took their places on the stage. 5. 6. We have _ (德语) lessons every Wednesday. 6. 7. When he heard the bad news, he was _ (难过的). 7. 8. I said hello to her, but she _ (不理睬) me

3、 completely. 8. 9. Many people go out for a walk at _ (黄昏 ). 9. 10. Dont be _ (担心) about your son very much. He has grown up. 10. 11. After a few days of fever, he began to _ (恢复). 11. 12. Theyd like to see her daughter _ (定居, 安定) down, get married and have kids. 12. 13. He _ (打行李 ) up what he might

4、 need during his Journey and left home. 13. 14. The _ (公路) is convenient and can help you save a lot of time. 14. 15. His friend has _ (遭受) from ill health for some years. 15. 16. Im _ (感激的) to you for your kindness. 16. 17. The book is full of useful _ (建议). 17. 18. They _ (交换) stories about their

5、army days. .选词填空 be concerned about;on purpose;in order to;set down;no longer; calm down; to; through; series of; face to face add go a 1. The fine day _ our pleasure. We had a good time in the country. 2. You see, he is so excited. It is hard for him to _. 3. The government should _ the growth of y

6、oung people. 4. _ earn enough money, he often works late into the night. 5. _ the passage quickly and then say what its main idea is. 6. I asked her name and address but I forgot to _ them _ in the notebook. 7. Our teacher left me some books to read after class _. 8. The incident caused _ events tha

7、t nobody had expected. 9. He wants to talk with his son _. 10. After her father died, the orphan _ went to school. .完成句子 l. He told me secretly that your coming _ (会增加他的麻烦) rather than pleasure. (add)2. It is the first time in his life that he _ (经 历了) such sufferings. (go) 3. He asked me _ (记下他的电话号

8、码 ) in case I forgot it. (set) 4. His car broke down suddenly on the road, which _ _ (引起一连串的事故). (series) 5. _ (为了不错过这趟火车), they will have to get up early. (order) 6. _ (故意) that he made the mistake in order to catch others attention. (purpose) 7. Yon must understand that it is no pleasure _ _ (遭受这样

9、的痛苦).(suffer) 8. - Next Sunday Ill _ (修我的自行车 ). - Why wont you do it all by yourself? (repair)9. I _ (碰巧遇见) her when we were doing shopping in the mall. (happen) 10. _ (曾一度) when he hated English and was giving it up. (there) 11. Though he _ (相爱着) her, he cant marry her without money. (be) 12. - I d

10、ont know how to make friends with the boys? - why _ (不参加他们的讨论) and make them believe you are friendly? (join) 13. _ ( 你 相 处 得 怎 么 样 ) with your roommates? - Very well. (along) 14. How long will it take the country _ (从 战争中恢复过来)? (recover) 15. He _ (已经厌倦了无所事事) at all and has decided to hunt for a job. (tired)



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