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1、G20 峰会分歧多 美国提议应者寥寥更新日期:2010-11-15 17:09 浏览: 92 次 所属分类/专题:看新闻学英语US Gets Scant Help At Divided SummitThe Group of 20 Nations, hailed less than two years ago by economists and policy makers as a new model of global economic cooperation, concluded its latest meeting here with a thinly disguised discord,

2、 as the U.S. was unable to persuade other countries to take measures it believes are necessary to end currency wars and promote sustainable growth.在韩国举行的最近一次 20 国集团(G20)会议分歧很大,因为美国未能说服其他国家采取它认为的必要措施结束货币战争,并促进经济可持续增长。不到两年前经济学家和决策者将 G20 称赞为全球经济合作的新模式。With the world confronting hefty economic imbalance

3、s and rising tensions over currencies, monetary policy and trade, the leaders of the worlds 20 most powerful economies concluded the summit with almost as many disagreements as when they started - undermining the idea of the fledgling G-20 as a forum for hashing out global policy.由于全球面临着经济严重失衡、围绕汇率政

4、策、货币政策和贸易的紧张气氛加剧,G20 领导人在结束峰会时,他们的意见分歧像会议开始时几乎一样多,凸显了人们认为 G20 羽翼未丰,尚不能成为全球政策论坛的看法。China and Germany rejected U.S. calls to rein in their trade surpluses and bashed Federal Reserve policies that they said undermined the dollar. Though the tone of the meeting was more civil than the heated exchanges l

5、eading to it, on key issues, members rejected comity in favor of national interests. The gatherings only real agreement on the controversial issues of foreign-exchange and monetary policy amounted to a punt: a commitment to study international currency policies.中国和德国反对美国要求他们遏制自身贸易顺差的呼吁,并抨击了美联储(Fed)的

6、政策,说其政策打压了美元汇率。尽管峰会比会议前的互相攻击更加文明,但在关键问题上,成员国为了自己国家的利益,放弃了礼貌。此次会议就汇率和货币政策讨论议题达成的真正唯一协议成为一个赌注:承诺研究国际汇率政策。The study - a year-long effort to assess whether members are artificially depressing their currencies - followed highly publicized disagreements between President Barack Obama and other world leade

7、rs and highlights the limitations of the forum when the national interests of its members diverge. It essentially delays putting international pressure on currency offenders to next year. Even then, the G-20 didnt endorse any punishment for manipulators, relying on peer pressure instead.进行了一年的这一研究旨在

8、评估成员国是否人为低估了本币汇率,该研究引起美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama )和其他国家领导人的非常公开的分歧,凸显了在成员国国家利益出现分歧时,该论坛的局限性。它基本上将对操纵汇率国的国际压力推后至明年,尽管那样,G20 也没有赞同对汇率操纵国进行惩罚,而是依赖同侪的压力。The G-20 has evolved into the closest thing to a board of directors for the world economy, effectively replacing the Group of Seven, which excluded increasin

9、g important emerging-market economies. It was hailed for coordinating the early response to the global financial crisis.G20 已逐渐发展成指导世界经济的类似董事会的一个事物,实际上替代了七大工业国(G7),G7 不包括越加重要的新兴市场经济体。由于协调了对全球金融危机的较早回应,当时受到人们的赞扬。The London gathering in April 2009, when countries agreed to stimulate their economies to

10、 avoid a global depression and arm the International Monetary Fund with a $1 trillion war chest, was described by participants as among the most consequential of international meetings.2009 年 4 月在伦敦举行了 G20 会议,当时与会各国同意刺激经济以避免全球经济衰退,并让国际货币基金组织(IMF)有权发放 1 万亿美元的救助资金,此次伦敦会议被与会国说是成是国际会议中最重要的会议。But as the

11、crisis ebbed, tensions emerged, spurred by differing approaches by central banks, between developed and developing countries and between those with freely floating exchange rates and those with more rigid regimes.但随着危机的消退,发达国家和发展中国家的央行,以及汇率自由浮动和汇率机制更加僵化国家采取的方式不同,导致紧张气氛浮现。Moreover, the rise of countr

12、ies including Brazil and China has created a vocal counterweight to the U.S., increasing the sense of disunity.另外,巴西和中国等国家的崛起成为对抗美国的声音,使分裂加剧。The Seoul summit was once seen as a culmination of G20 efforts. As the summit drew closer, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision agreed on new, stricter r

13、ules for global banks, which the G-20 endorsed.首尔峰会一度被认为是 G20 所作努力的高峰。随着峰会临近,巴塞尔银行监管委员会同意了为全球银行制定的新的、更严格规定,G20 对此表示赞同。On the economic-policy front, the Seoul summit reaffirmed elements already agreed to: that trade-surplus countries, especially Germany and China, would reduce their reliance on expor

14、ts, while trade-deficit countries, namely the U.S., would do the opposite.在经济政策方面,首尔峰会再次确认了各方已同意的因素:贸易顺差国家,尤其是德国和中国,要减少对出口的依赖,而美国等贸易逆差国家要作出相反的举动。But getting agreement on currencies, or any other issue that impinges on sovereignty, is tougher now the global financial crisis has ebbed. Its a bit more

15、difficult to organize cooperation when most people around the table believe the crisis is over, said IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn. By the end of the summit on Friday, the rhetoric had cooled, although President Obama still took a poke at China during a press conference, calling the y

16、uan undervalued and saying, We will continue to closely watch the appreciation of Chinas currency.但就汇率或其他严重影响主权的问题达成协议,在全球金融危机消退之际更加困难了。IMF 总裁施特劳斯卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)说,当会议上多数人认为危机已经过去的时候,更难进行合作了。在周末峰会即将结束前,关于汇率的言论已经冷却,不过奥巴马总统仍在新闻发会布上提到了中国,说人民币汇率“被低估了”,并说“我们将继续密切关注人民币汇率的升值。”Tests await in January, when U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao meet in Washington and will discuss currency issues. Several months later, G-20 finance minis


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