高一英语必修2(外研版)Module 4综合技能测试

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《高一英语必修2(外研版)Module 4综合技能测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语必修2(外研版)Module 4综合技能测试(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 4综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1As a child, I was tired_climbing mountains because I lived in a mountainous village and had to climb mountains every day.AofBwithCfrom Din答案:A解析:本句意为:“我小的时候,住在山村,每天都爬山,所以我厌烦了爬山”。be tired of意为“厌烦,厌倦”;符合题意。be tired with/from意为“因疲劳”

2、;不合句意。2Ive been told the sports meet might be_.Yes, it all depends on the weather.Aput away Bput outCput off Dput up答案:C解析:本句意为:“我被告知运动会可能推迟了。”,“是的,取决于天气”。put off意为“推迟”;put away意为“收拾起来;储蓄”;put out意为“熄灭(火、光等)”;put up意为“举起”。3It seems difficult to_“hurt”from“injure”in meaning.Ajudge BtellCdivide Dsepar

3、ate答案:B解析:本句意为:很难从意义上区别hurt和injure。tell.from意为“把和区分开”;judge.from意为“根据判断”;divide常和into搭配;separate.from意为“把混合在一起的东西分开”。4The mother entered a big supermarket, with her two children_her.Afollowed BfollowingCto follow Dto be followed答案:B解析:本句意为:“母亲进入了一个大超市,后面跟着她的两个孩子”。考查“with宾语宾补”,her two children和follow

4、之间是主动关系,所以用following作宾补。A项表被动关系;C项表将来;D项表将来和被动。5What made my father so angry, mum?_his new mobile phone. It cost him a lot of money.AAs he lost BLostCLosing DBecause of losing答案:C解析:本句意为:“什么事使我爸爸那么生气,妈妈?”“他的新手机丢了。新手机花了很多钱。”want作主语,四个选项中只有C项能作主语,所以选C。6The_house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for

5、 years.Alittle white wooden Blittle wooden whiteCwhite wooden little Dwooden white little答案:A解析:本题考查形容词作定语的语序问题。7We dont_our customers to be mere consumers.Asuppose BregardCthink Dconsider答案:D解析:句意为:“我们不仅仅把顾客看作是顾客”。regard和consider都有“看待”的意思,但搭配不同。regard.as“把看作”;consider.to be“看作”;D项符合语境,suppose.“假定”;

6、think.“认为”;不符合句意。8The Chinese are looking forward to the first_to land on the moon after Yang Liweis successful trip to space.Ameasure BattemptCpurpose Ddesire答案:B解析:本句意为:“在杨利伟成功太空旅行之后,中国人盼望着登月的第一次尝试”。attempt意为“尝试”;符合题意。measure意为“测量;措施”;purpose意为“目的”;desire意为“愿望;欲望”。9Mr. Smith almost broke down by a

7、_ of unfortunate events that happened to him.Arange BvarietyCseries Dlist答案:C解析:本句意为:“史密斯先生险些被一连串不幸的事击垮”。a series of意为“一连串;一系列”;a range of意为“一列(山脉)”;a variety of意为“各种各样的”;a list of意为“名单;名册”。10If Michael keeps practising football, he_to be a famous player.Apromises BwantsChopes Dwishes答案:A解析:本句意为:“如果

8、迈克尔继续练习足球,他有希望成为著名的选手”。promise意为“有的希望”;符合句意,所以选A。11We thought_necessary to invite Professor Smith to give us a lecture on how to learn English.Athat BitCthis Dhim答案:B解析:本句意为:“我们认为有必要邀请史密斯教授给我们作关于如何学好英语的报告”。it为形式宾语,而真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式to invite.。12He did not join the navy. _, he decided to become an actor

9、.AHowever BInstead ofCBut DInstead答案:D解析:本句意为:“他并没有参加海军,他反而决定成为一个演员”。instead放在句首,用逗号隔开,翻译为“而是;反而”;however也表示转折,但并不表示后者“代替”前者;B项instead of为介词短语;C项but后不能加逗号。13He_play the guitar rather than go shopping with his girlfriend.Aprefers to Bhad betterCwould rather Dwould sooner答案:A解析:句意为:“他宁愿弹吉他也不愿与女朋友去购物”。

10、prefer to do rather than do“宁愿干而不愿干”;had better do“最好干”;would rather do.than do“宁愿干而不愿干”;would sooner“宁愿”。故选A。14Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as_sicknesses.Anormal BregularCaverage Dordinary答案:D解析:本句意为:“该国的免费医疗除了包括普通疾病外还包括精神方面的疾病。”近义辨析题。normal“正常的”;regular“有规

11、律的”;average“平均的”;ordinary“一般的;普通的”。故选D。15He_the idea of buying the piano because it was too expensive.Agave up Bgave inCgave out Dgave off答案:A解析:本句意为:“他放弃了购买这架钢琴的想法,因为它太贵了”。give up意为“放弃”,符合句意。give in意为“屈服”;give out意为“分发”;give off意为“发出(光、热)”。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Hav

12、e you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship_16_into the ocean? If_17_, you may have wondered_18_these things could happen without harming the people in film?The man who knows the_19_is the“special effects”ma

13、n. He has one of the most important jobs in the film_20_. He may be ordered to create flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may be asked to make a special effect which is much_21_exciting, though just as important to the_22_of the film.In a scene for one_23_there was a big glass filled with

14、 water in which small fish were swimming. The director of the movie_24_the fish to stop swimming suddenly while they seem to stare at_25_performing. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring_26_swimming away. But the fish cant be ordered to do anything. It was_27_a problem.The“special effects”man_28_about this problem for a long time. The result was an_29_of controlling the fish with a_30_use of electricity. First he_31_electricity to the fish bowl so as to cause the fish to be_32_. Then he rapidly_33_the amount of electricity, _34_the f


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