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2、题频发等众多问题,上述问题需要得到我们的关注。 本文叙述了河北省高速公路养护工程公开招标管理的分析背景和现实作用、各个国家的分析情况和理念以及方式等众多部分的内容,且对高速公路养护工作、公开招标监管和与之相关的公开招标管理的定义开展叙述,之后叙述河北省高速公路养护工程公开招标管理的现实情况,之后基于上述监管过程中出现的问题开展探究,之后基于上述问题指出合理的处理方案。 关键词:高速公路养护,招标管理,河北省AbstractWith the gradual completion and gradual improvement of the expressway network structure

3、 in Hebei Province, as well as the increase of operation time, the increase of traffic volume and the increase of the frequency of facilities, the expressway main body and its related facilities have different degree of damage, Effective repair of these damage is the responsibility of highway mainte

4、nance and management, is the main means to ensure the good conditions of expressway, public bidding management work as an important part of highway maintenance and management work, its dominant position is gradually established, but also promote The highway maintenance project open tender management

5、 work gradually standardized. In the development process of the open bidding management work of the highway maintenance project in Hebei province, there are some problems in the process of the bidding process, the lack of public bidding process supervision, the lack of attention to the orderly devel

6、opment of the bidding agency market and the lack of public bidding This paper systematically analyzes and studies the causes of the shortcomings of the development of the open tender management project in Hebei Province, and puts forward some suggestions on how to carry out the public bidding manage

7、ment in the development process of highway maintenance project in Hebei province. Highway maintenance project open bidding management development countermeasures, so as to further promote the highway maintenance project open tender management level, and thus ensure that the highway is in good condit

8、ion.This paper first elaborates the research background and significance of open bidding management of expressway maintenance project in Hebei province, the research status at home and abroad, and the research ideas and research methods. And the expressway maintenance project, public bidding managem

9、ent and high speed This paper points out the three theoretical bases of the government regulation theory, game theory and principal-agent theory needed by the research, and then obtains the achievements of the open bidding management from the highway maintenance project in Hebei province respectivel

10、y. This paper introduces the status quo of open bidding management of expressway maintenance project in Hebei province, and draws lessons from the experience and mode of bidding management of expressway maintenance project in foreign countries and other regions in China, and then, in view of the hig

11、h speed The paper puts forward the countermeasures to solve these problems from the aspects of improving the operability of the law, establishing a comprehensive and effective supervision system, standardizing the construction and operation of the bidding agency, accelerating the credit system const

12、ruction, and so on. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to open the bidding management of highway maintenance project in Hebei province, and puts forward the general discussion and discussion on the open bidding management of expressway maintenance project in Hebei province.Key words:hig

13、hway maintenance, tender management, Hebei Province目录摘要 IAbstract II1.绪论 11.1研究背景和意义 11.2研究现状 22.论题研究现状 42.1国内研究现状 42.2国外研究现状 53.河北省高速公路养护工程招标的问题 73.1招标手续办理不便 73.2公开招标过程监管缺失 73.3未注重招标代理市场有序发展 83.4公开招标各主体信用缺失 94.河北省高速公路养护工程招标制度改善的建议 104.1建立全面有效的监管体系 104.1.1进一步完善体制 104.1.2加强行政监督管理 104.2制度方面 114.3.1完善招

14、标代理制度 114.3.2进一步鼓励扶持招标代理机构发展 124.3.3规范招标代理行为,建立行业自律机制 124.4加快信用体系建设 134.4.1推进信用信息网络化诚信体系建设 134.4.2加强信用体系的宣传教育 134.5案例研究 145总结 16参考文献 181.绪论1.1研究背景和意义招投标体制是工程承包发包的关键方式在各个国家的工程项目发展中得到了全面的使用,其是目前极具竞争作用的购买模式,是社会经济的关键调整方式,其不只为业主挑选良好的供货商以及承包人,此外可以改善资源合理分配,产生完善的市场制度。 伴随国内市场经济的进步,1984年由国家计委、城乡建设环境保护部共同制定建设工

15、程招标投标暂行规定,提倡建设工程招投标,因此国内建设工程招投标体制开始得到普及。1991年11月21口建设部、国家工商局共同制定建筑市场管理规定,通过监管建筑市场强化招投标体制的实施。2000年1月1日顺利公开制定中华人民共和国招投标法,此处大部分使用全球惯例或常见的方式,让招投标体制步入全新的法制化发展道路。 在市场经济环境中,建筑产品价格战更加激励,所以需要让具备“行政”特点的预算定额招投标方式向“控制量、指导价、竞争费”趋势发展,让价格根据市场发展进行改变,利用价格竞争让建设组织得到更多的经济收益,此外加快施工公司的持续发展。2003年7月1口起,国内根据建设工程工程量清单计价规范(GB

16、50500-2003)在我国彻底实施全工程量清单计价方式,工程量清单报价在国内就是新颖的计价方式,将定价权转移给公司以及市场,公司依照本身能力明确合适的价格,此外只对自身所确定的费用、单价等承担责任,但是对工程量的变化或技术错误等不需要担负职责,上述风险需要招标人担负,上述分类方式满足了风险正确划分以及责权利对等的重要要求。因此便于使用竞争制度以及合理限制招投标活动,便于节约投资,便于提升施工公司的监管能力;此外展现出“量价分离”标准,便于完成风险的正确划分。 建设工程招标在现实生活中的案例被指出是最可以展现效率以及公平的良好方式,实施招标承包制是国内建设市场经济制度变革的关键内容。伴随国内经济制度的持续发展,目前社会经济出现了显著的变化,建设工程造价管理活


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