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1、Unit 46. Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1.Today, while most of us marry for romantic reasons, marriage at its core is still a financial union. So much of what we want or dont want out of life boils down to dollars and cents, whether its how hard we choose to work, how much we consume or how m

2、uch we save. For some people, it is working 80-hour weeks to finance a third home and country club membership; for others, it means cutting back on office hours to spend more time with the family.如今,尽管我们大多数人是因相爱而结婚,婚姻从根本上讲仍然是金钱上的结合。不管是工作的努力程度,还是决定消费多少或储蓄多少,我们生活中想要得到的或不想得到的许多东西归根结底都跟钱有关。对一些人来说,他们想要的就

3、是一周工作 80 小时来支付第三套房的房款和乡村俱乐部的会员费;而对另一些人来说,他们想缩短上班时间,花更多的时间陪伴家人。2.“A lot of the debates people have about money are code for how we want to live our lives,” said Betsey Stevenson, assistant professor of business and public policy at the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School, who researches the ec

4、onomics of marriage and divorce. “A lot of the choices we make in how we want to live our lives involve how we spend our money.”“有关钱的许多争论是提示我们想如何生活的密码,而生活方式的许多选择则与如何花钱密切相关。 ”宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的商业及公共政策助理教授贝齐史蒂文森如是说,他研究婚姻和离婚经济学。3.Making those choices as a team is one of the most important ways to preserve y

5、our marital assets, and your union, experts say. But its that much easier when you already share similar outlooks on money matters or when you can, at the very least, find some middle ground. 专家们说,夫妻共同做出这些选择是维护婚姻资产及婚姻关系的最重要的方法之一。当然,如果夫妻双方一开始就在钱的问题上看法相似,或者至少能够在钱的问题上相互妥协,那么事情就好办多了。7. Translate the par

6、agraphs into English.1.谈及目前经济萧条所带来的影响,学生活动的减少就是一个很好的例证。为了活跃校园生活,大学愿意划拨一部分资金来资助学生社团活动,但由于今年学校的预算大幅减少,对社团的资助也相应缩减了不少。显然,学生社团要恢复以前的活力就必须想办法克服自身的经济困难。有人主张招募更多会员,因为会员费的增加可以帮助他们度过难关。(when it comes to; carve out; pare down)When it comes to the effects of the current economic downturn, the decrease of stude

7、nt activities is a good case in point. To enliven campus life, the university is always willing to carve out some money for activities organized by student clubs and societies, but such sponsorships have been pared down this year because of huge budget cut. Apparently, student organizations need to

8、weather their own financial crisis if they want to recover from their current state of inactiveness. Some suggest enrolling more club members, on the ground that the consequent increase of membership fees may help them get out of the difficulty.2.当然,如果有更多的会员交年费,而且缩减一些日常开支,我们还是能省下一些钱来组织活动的。但是,问题的关键在于

9、社团活动的费用与参加活动的人数是成正比的,因此这种方法恐怕不太可行。要推进社团活动,同时又不使经费超支,我们必须群策群力,拿出别的筹钱方法,而不是仅仅依赖学校拨款和会员费。(cut back on; bottom line; go into the red; pool; in lieu of)No doubt, if we have more members paying the annual fee, and if we cut back on our daily expenses, we can spare some money to organize activities. But th

10、e bottom line is that the expenses of these activities are in proportion to the number of participants. Im afraid this wont be of much help. To boost student activities and to avoid going into the red, we still need to pool our ideas and come up with some other ways of raising money, in lieu of just

11、 relying on university grants and membership fees.Unit 57 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. 1.Women cant even fill out a form without telling stories about themselves. Most application forms now give four choices for titles. Men have one to choose “Mr.” so their choice carries no meaning other

12、than to say they are male. But women must choose among three, each of them marked. A woman who checks the box for “Mrs.” or “Miss” communicates not only whether she has been married but also that she has conservative tastes in forms of address, and probably other conservative values as well. Checkin

13、g “Ms.” declines to let on about marriage (whereas “Mr.” declines nothing since nothing was asked), but it also marks the woman who checks it on her form as either liberated or rebellious, depending on the attitudes and assumptions of the one making the judgment.女人一填表就会暴露自己的个人经历。现在大多数的申请表会给出四种称谓选择。男

14、人只有一种选择,即“先生” (Mr.) ,这除了表明他们是男性之外没有其他任何含义。女人则必须从三种称谓中选一个,而任何一种都是标记性的。如果一位女士勾选了“太太” (Mrs.)或者“小姐” (Miss)的称谓,那么她不仅暴露了自己的婚姻状况,而且还表明她在称谓方面很保守,或许在其他价值观念方面也很保守。如果她选择“女士” (Ms.)这一称谓,那么说明她拒绝透露自己的婚姻状况(而男士选“先生”这个称谓时则没有故意隐瞒任何事情,因为本来就没有要求他透露婚姻信息) 。另外,在表格中勾选“女士”这一称谓的人会被标记为思想解放的人或叛逆者,这就要看评判她的人持什么样的态度和看法了。 2.I somet

15、imes try to duck these variously marked choices by giving my title as “Dr.” and thereby risk marking myself as either uppity (hence sarcastic responses like “Excuse me!”) or an over-achiever (hence reactions of congratulatory surprise, like “Good for you!”).我有时会选择“博士”头衔,以避开这几种带标记的称谓选项。但这么做又会给自己带来风险,

16、标明自己要么骄傲自大(于是乎招来讥讽的反应,比如“对不起,我不知道你是博士!” ) ,要么是一个成功欲过强的人(那么对方的反应就是祝贺式的惊奇,比如“你真行!” ) 。8. Translate the paragraphs into English.1.我们对理想丈夫或理想妻子的假设显示出我们的性别期待以及我们对性别期待的反应。如果大多数年轻姑娘希望她们的未婚夫强悍、能干、可靠,那么小伙子们也就别无选择,只能把自己训练得强悍、能干、可靠,这样才能赢得女孩子的芳心。如果他们的做法与性别期待背道而驰,那么他们很可能会在悲叹自己的光棍生涯中度过下半辈子。根据同样的不成文法则,如果多数年轻男子希望他们的未婚妻温柔体贴、耐心、忠贞,认为这些比什么都重要,那么姑娘即便不是这种人,也会假装自己将来会成为贤妻良母。(presumption; option; other than; bemoan; unwritten rule; to be prone to; let on)Our presumptions about wha


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