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1、-范文最新推荐-1 / 17四星级酒店中央空调系统设计+CAD图纸设计总说明随着社会文明的进步,社会环境也逐渐的复杂,人类越来越追求环境的环保,低碳,舒适性。我们不难发现,今天在一些场所中,环保和通风已经成为人们谈论不休的话题了。对于环保而言,很多人都能尽到自己的责任和义务,维护好身边的环境,但是有些场所的通风,人们却没有更强的意识,但是这些确实关乎人类的健康和生存环境,更让我们头疼的是,我们对通风不良问题却是束手无策,特别是通风的问题往往不是人人都能自己的力量能做到,更多的时候还要靠一些通风的设备来帮助人们完成通风换气的过程。9339由此可见,空调系统在生活中占有着多么大的作用,因此,希望用

2、户能尽量选择空调的使用,这也是对人们生命健康的一种尊重。 维多利酒店位于广州市,为四星级酒店,该建筑使用功能以宾馆住宿为主。室内设计要求:夏季:干球温度为 26 度,相对湿度为 50%-65%;冬季:干球温度为 18 度,相对湿度大于 30%。本建筑为子母楼,子楼为六层,母楼为十三层。空调的负荷可分为冷负荷、热负荷和湿负荷三种。冷负荷是指为了维持室内设定的温度,在某一时刻必须由空调系统从房间带走的热量,或者某一时刻需要向房间供应的冷量;热负荷是指为补偿房间失热在单位时间内需要向房间供应的热量;湿负荷是指湿源向室内的散湿量,即为维持室内的含湿量恒定需要从房间除去的湿量。夏季总冷最大负荷时刻基本都

3、集中在下午 16 时至17 时。此建筑的最大负荷出现在下午 16 时,夏季总冷负荷(含新风/全热)为 241.5178Kw,夏季室内冷负荷(全热)为 137.4888Kw,夏季总湿负荷(含新风)1358.625kg/h,夏季室内湿负荷 303.783kg/h,夏季新风量 109331.5m³,夏季新风冷负荷104.029Kw。-范文最新推荐-3 / 17建筑暖通空调系统的容量的确定依据是接近全年最不利的气象条件,因此空调暖通系统应有较好的调节性能,以适应全年负荷的变化。调节性能好的系统方案,一次性投资较高但同时却有运行能耗较小的优点,在经济性分析时应综合考虑衡量。另外空调系统的管理操

4、作方便性跟是否采用自动控制关系较大,设计时应根据实际情况和要求,经技术经济性比较来确定。 为了延长采暖系统的使用寿命,防止采暖系统的管道设备受到腐蚀,需要对其进行防腐工艺处理。Description of the DesignWith the progress of social civilization, the social environment becomes complicated gradually, humans are increasingly seeking protection of the environment, low carbon, comfort. We find

5、 that in some places today, environmental protection and ventilation has become the topic of people talk endlessly. For the purposes of environmental protection, many people can live up to their responsibilities and obligations, safeguard the environment around, but the ventilation of some places, p

6、eople have not a greater awareness. But these really relates to human health and the living environment, the more difficulty is we have no idea about ventilation problems. Especially the ventilation problem is often not everyone can do their own strength, more often also rely on a number of ventilat

7、ion equipment to help people complete the process of ventilation.This shows how much effect the air conditioning systems occupy in our life. Therefore, we hope the user to be able to try to choose the use of air conditioning. It is also a kind of respect for peoples lives and health.Victory Hotel is

8、 situated in Guangzhou, it’s a four-star hotel, and the building is mainly used feature to hotel accommodation. Interior design requirements for summer: dry bulb temperature of 26 degrees, relative humidity of 50% -65%; Interior design requirements for winter: dry bulb temperature of 18 degree

9、s, the relative -范文最新推荐-5 / 17humidity is greater than 30%. The building for the picture-building, sub floor for the six, the mother of thirteen floor.Air-conditioning load can be pided into cold load, thermal load and wet load. Cooling load is set to maintain the room temperature at a given time to

10、 be taken by the air conditioning systems of heat from the room, or a time required to supply the cold room; Heat load is the heat loss to compensate for the room in a unit time to supply heat to the room; Wet load refers to the source to the interior of the bulk moisture content, moisture content i

11、s maintained constant need room to remove the moisture content from the room. Selection should be based on fan coil fan coil can provide sensible and total heat required for room cooling load can meet the sensible and total heat load of the principle of selection. Between public health and other toi

12、let room shall be provided mechanical ventilation device, generally set exhaust fan, bathroom ventilation volume by 20-30. Bathroom without windows must set air vents, exhaust duct from the same ground out by the exhaust fan to the outside row. Close to the wall and there is a bathroom outside the w

13、indow directly outside.Noise is loud and noisy or strident is not needed for a particular job or interfere with the sound.Waves in gases, liquids and solids in the transmission. Noise is a sound wave, which has all the characteristics of sound waves. Frequency and intensity of different sounds toget

14、her irregularly become noise.The noise inside the building was mainly due to setting air conditioning, plumbing, electrical equipment produced after which the noise generated by air-conditioning equipment greatest impact. Air conditioning engineering major noise source is the fan, refrigerator, mechanical draft cooling tower.-范文最新推荐-7 / 17To prolong the life of the heating system, heating system pipes to prevent corrosion of equipment, it needs to be anti-corrosion treatment process.目 录0 绪论…011 设计概况…041.1 建筑概况 041.2 气象概况 041.3 设计参数 052 负荷计算…062.1 空调负荷的概念…06 2.2



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