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1、方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 1Unit 2 What should I do?Aims of the whole unit通过本单元的学习,使学生学会:1. 使用情态动词 could/should 及习惯用语 “whats the matter? What should I do ? You should / could”,谈论自己的生活、学习中存在的某些问题、提出建议,并能根据实际情况及个人经验对他人的建议做出评价 “Good idea./Okay idea./Bad idea.”。2. 通过 “Writing to a newspaper advice column”及模拟“Ans

2、wering Lonely Kids problems”,指导学生如何陈述自己的问题以及考虑给对方提出建议。3. 通过拓展阅读 “Maybe you should learn to relax”让学生了解外国学生的烦恼并学会如何缓减压力。4. 通过本单元的学习,能培养学生主动解决问题的意识和能力、在交流中寻求帮助、坚持自己的观点、听取别人建议的能力,也发展学生与人和谐交往的技能。Period 1 Section A (1a-2c). Background information1. Date:Feb.22 2. Class: Class 195, Grade 8 3. Place: Meeti

3、ng Room 4. Teacher: Xiao Xingxing . Teaching aims方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 2By the end of the class, students should be able to:1. use “could ”and “should” fluently;2. understand the listening material, and finish the exercises;3. talk about problems and give advice. Teaching contents1. Vocabulary: out of s

4、tyle,on the phone, call sb. up2. Sentences:-What should I do?- (Maybe) you should/ could. Teaching aids: PPT. Teaching proceduresTask 1 (Lead in)T: Wheres ?S:T: whats wrong?S: T: Do you know I have a cold, too.S: T: What should I do? S: Task 2 Showing learning aims ( students read them by themselves

5、)Task 3 Presentation方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 3a) Students look at the pictures on p10 and learn 1ab) Students read and translate the sentences by themselvesc) Teacher correct some of the wrong pronounces d) Students read the sentences togetherTask 4 Listening a) Listen to the tape, and finish 1b.b) Check t

6、he answers.c) Students translate the phrases d) read the sentences togetherTask 5 Listening a) Read the advice and find students to translate them;b) Listen to the player, and finish 2a.c) Do 2b, and check the answers.d) Read after the player, and read it freely.When Peter has a problem, he will ask

7、 his friend for help. Then when you have a problem, will you ask your friend for help? Friends are important for us. So I will give you a proverb about friends: A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。 Task 6 Students make and show their own conversationsTask 7 Exercises Correction: Ask some Ss to

8、 do them. Task 8 Homework方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 4Writing: Make a survey of problems between parents and children in you class, write it down and give some advice.VI. Blackboard designVII. Reflection 附: Exercise基础巩固一、 找出下列汉语的英语表达法太大声 过时的 给.打电话 足够的钱 一张球赛的门票 谈论 用电话 惊吓某人 给某人写信 与某人争吵 不让. 进入二、 补全对话A: You look

9、unhappy. 1._?B: I have a bad cold.2._?A: You should go to bed early.B: I cant,3. _.A: 4._.B: Oh, I dont have any medicine.A: Maybe you should see a doctor.B: Thats a good idea. Thank you!A: 5._拓展提升翻译下列句子Unit 2 What should I do?Whats wrong? out of styleWhat should I do? surprise sb.You should/ could

10、call sb. UpA ticket to a ball game keep out方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 51. 你可以给你的老师打电话。 2. 我们不应该和父母吵架。3. 我们应该多吃蔬菜。 4. 你应该在学校穿校服。 5. 我不可以太晚回家。 (在外面太晚)Period 2 (3a-3b)I. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims (1) words: pay for, part-time, jib, okay, either, bake, Teen Talk, tutor(2) language points: pay for, either, what

11、 should I do? Maybe you could/ shouldAbility aims(1) Learn read and write the target language(2) Learn to give adviceEmotion aimsLearn to list problems and give advice and help othersII.Teaching contence(1) Language points(2) Read and write the target language(3) Learn to help others to solve proble

12、msIII. Teaching aids: multi-mediaIV. Teaching methodsTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching procedures:Task 1 warm up方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 61. Greetings and free talk .2. Check the homework .3. Ask students question: What problems do you have? What should I do?Task 2 presentationAsk students question lik

13、e: What do yo think the advice? Is it a good idea/ a bad idea or an okay idea?Task 3 3a(1) Show Eves problem and try to give her some good advice(2) Show Eves friends some advice and say it is a good idea/ a bad idea/ an okay idea.Task 4 pairworkShow students example to practice in pairsTask 5 discu

14、ss in group(1) Show Jims problem to students (2) Students try to give Jim some good adviceTask 6 PracticeShow some problems and let students give adviceTask 7 Summary Task 8 ExerciseVI. Blackboard designUnit 2 what should I do ?1. need to do sth. I need to get some money.2. pay for You must pay for

15、it.3. borrow from I borrow a book from him.4. ask for I ask my parents for some money.Ask for 3 days leave5. either/ also/ too I can swim, too.I can also swim.I cant swim, either.方山县第一中学课堂训练设计 肖星星 7附: Exercise单选1.(2009泰安)I am not sure which tie to wear for the party.God! I have no idea,_.A. too B. neither C. either D. also2.(2009太原)Can I_ your textbook? I left mine at home.Here you are. Do remember to bring it with you next time.A



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