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1、-范文最新推荐-1 / 17商业楼地上层空调通风设计+CAD 图纸空气调节系统是用人为的方法处理室内空气的温度、湿度、洁净度和气流速度的技术。可使某些场所获得具有一定温度和一定湿度的空气,以满足使用者及生产过程的要求和改善劳动卫生和室内气候条件。一般比较合理的流程是:先使外界空气与控制温度的水充分接触,达到相应的饱和湿度,然后将这饱和空气加热使其达到所需要的温度。当某些原始空气的温度和湿度过低时,可预先进行加热或直接通入蒸汽,以保证与水接触时能变为饱和空气。10182这次的设计任务是要完成浦南中心商业楼地上层的空调设计,设计任课题自实际工程。目的是通过本工程的设计,掌握空调系统的设计方法,设计

2、步骤;培养学生分析问题,解决问题的实际工程应用能力;加深对建筑空调工程专业知识的理解和记忆;掌握空调风管、水管、设备的选择和布置;掌握风管和水管的计算;增强绘图能力;培养分析问题、解决问题的实际工程应用能力,为将来从事室内环境设备工程和公共建筑的暖通空调设计,施工组织,运行管理工作奠定可靠的基础。2 工程概况该建筑位于上海市,采用的是新风加风机盘管空调系统。建筑面积约为 9600 平方米。共 4 层,每层层高为 4.8 米,为商业用房。3 设计依据3.1 设计任务书要求及所提原始资料1)工程地点:上海。各层建筑使用功能基本按照原图,1-4 层均为商业。2)依据自己设计计算的各层负荷、管路管径设

3、计绘图,将各层通风和水管平面图分别绘制。3)地下和地上层独立绘制各自对应的水系统图。-范文最新推荐-3 / 174)设备材料可在自己设计计算后,在原参考图纸中选择设备。 本建筑采用风机盘管加新风空调系统。由于空调房间较多,各房间要求单独调节,因此均采用风机盘管加新风空调系统。单设新风系统,独立供给室内,可随着室外气象变化进行调节,即把新风处理到室内参数,不承担房间负荷,保证室内湿度与新风量要求。这种方案既提高了该系统的调节和运转的灵活性,且进入风机盘管的供水温度可适当提高,水管结露的现象可以得到改善。6 空调水系统空调水系统设计原则是要考虑到以最简单的系统管路,力求水力平衡,要注意网管的防垢,

4、保暖和保冷的效果。按照供、回水管数量多少分为双管制、三管制和四管制。按照原理可分为开式和闭式系统。从建筑中可知,房间不需要同时供热和供冷,设计中管路不与大气接触,容易在最高点积存空气,所以选用闭式双管系统。冷热水共用一个管路,系统设置较为简单,初期投资较低。The general illustrate of design1 The source of designAir conditioning system is the treatment of indoor air by artificial method of the temperature, humidity, cleanliness

5、 and air speed technology. But some places with certain temperature and humidity of the air, in order to meet the needs of users and the requirements of the production process and the improvement of labor health and indoor climate conditions. General reasonable process is: first make the outside air

6、 temperature and control the water full contact, saturated humidity corresponding, then the saturated air heated to the required temperature. When some of the original air temperature and humidity is too low, the heating or direct steaming, in order to ensure contact with water can become saturated

7、air.-范文最新推荐-5 / 17The task is to finish the ventilation and air-conditioning design of Punan center commercial building. Through this project design, student learn master the design method of the master air conditioning system and design steps; Get the inability of analyzing of question, solving the

8、 problem of practical engineering application; Understand of the air conditioning systems engineering knowledge and understanding of memory; Master air duct, water pipes, equipment selection and decorate; Master the calculation of duct and water pipes; Enhanced graphics ability; Train analysis, prob

9、lem solving practical engineering application ability, Make the foundation of the reliable work for the future in indoor environment equipment engineering and public buildings the HVAC design, construction and operation management. 5 Air condition breeze systems At present, in our country the requir

10、ements of central air conditioning is generally only 20m3/ h, some even lower, a lot of central air conditioning which fresh air volume in very low has been selling used; secondly, requirements for foreign central air conditionings air filtering of high requirements , such as the Japanese mandatory

11、requirements in effect filter, if it cannot reach ,it will be severely punished. Our country to the central air conditioning only use simple screen pack, many central air conditioner filter can not reach even inefficient all, there is no punishment; Third, the central air conditioning wind overseas

12、for demanding, and is mandatory, domestic generally no this requirement; Finally, foreign central air conditioning with common air humidifying equipment, domestic central air conditioning seldom see air humidifying equipment, and few enterprise active installed air humidifying equipment. As a compre

13、hensive office building, the ventilation requirements are relatively high, so to make full use of the outdoor fresh air. The area of the building is bigger, air handling system, the burden of air conditioning area is larger. The design of the room mostly for the office, room area is not large, but a

14、re independent, -范文最新推荐-7 / 17the comprehensive consideration of the entire air system and fan coil plus fresh air system of the advantages and disadvantages, choose the fan-coil unit plus fresh air system. When the office is not a full load operation, it can realize independent air conditioning tem

15、perature adjustment, flexibility, good effect in energy saving.6 Air conditioning water systemAir conditioning water system design principle is to consider the most simple system pipeline, and strive to hydraulic balance, should pay attention to network management and scale, warm and cold preservation



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