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1、首届北京国际大学生英语辩论大赛2006 年 11 月 9 日至 11 月 13 日活动简介:北京外国语大学与国际辩论教育协会将于 2006 年 11 月 9 日至 11 月 13 日在北京外国语大学举行首届北京国际大学生辩论大赛。本次大赛旨在提高非英语国家大学生英语水平,促进各国大学生之间的交流,培养全体参赛成员的思辨能力及积极参与探讨全球热点问题的意识。本次大赛采取英国议会制辩论形式,比赛前设有对该形式辩论选手及评委的专业培训,赛后设有大赛感想交流。参加本次大赛的评委将会获得国际辩论教育协会颁发的专业评委证书,辩手们也将得到不同形式的奖励。另外,外语教学与研究出版社将赞助优胜辩手的图书奖品,

2、主办方将根据比赛时间组织辩手们外出游览北京名胜。活动费用:本次大赛无需报名费用,比赛期间,北京外国语大学将安排住宿房间及就餐地点,所有参赛学生和老师只需负担食宿费。校内单人房间费用每晚 100 元左右,每顿正餐 10 元左右。具体安排:11 月 9 日至 11 月 10 日上午,英国议会制辩论培训(辩手及指导教师分别进行) ;11 月 10 日下午至 11 月 11 日上午,五轮循环预赛;11 月 10 日晚,欢迎晚宴暨开幕式;11 月 11 日下午,四分之一决赛;11 月 12 日上午,半决赛;11 月 12 日下午,总决赛;11 月 12 日晚,颁奖典礼暨闭幕式。11 月 13 日上午,大

3、赛感想及经验技巧总结。北京名胜游览时间将根据大赛期间情况确定。报名方式:本次大赛采用网上报名形式,请各位学生与老师登录以下网址注册报名http:/www.idebate.org/events/index.php?event_id=76每位学生既可以一个人为单位参赛(主办方负责为个人辩手组队参赛) ,也可以组队参赛(每队两人) 。同一大学参赛队伍不可超过四组,每两组学生需要一位老师带队,如任何一学校有多于八位选手报名,主办方将视最后参赛人数另行处理。如有任何疑问,请发电子邮件咨询国际辩论教育协会,Jeanne Chen 北京外国语大学英语学院,梁泓 培训专家简介:莎伦波特在美国路易斯安那州巴吞鲁

4、日市路易斯安那州立大学获得博士学位。莎伦曾在数所初中,高中及大学任教,1981 年聘任为北亚利桑那大学(NAC)演讲辩论赛领队。从 1981 到 1992,1999 到 2004 年莎伦担任该职,1993 年至 1998 年,她担任该校传媒学院院长。在莎伦任演讲辩论赛领队期间,NAC 拥有一支享誉全国的队伍,参加过政策辩论,交互讯问式辩论,林肯道格拉斯式辩论,议会制辩论,以及其他十一次个人比赛。她活跃于数个专业辩论教育组织,曾担任过全国个人项目循环赛全国委员会成员,董事会成员,辩论组织委员会主席,美国辩论协会副主席,全国议会制辩论主席。莎伦致力于循环赛管理,投身于美国辩论协会,全国个人项目循环

5、赛,美国辩论协会全国辩论循环赛,以及全国议会制辩论协会的各项工作。因在辩论领域所作的贡献,莎伦曾多次获得嘉奖。2004 年莎伦从北亚利桑那大学退休后不久,应邀担任国际辩论教育协会(IDEA)的顾问。主要负责制定并执行鉴定标准,确保 IDEA 成员非政府组织的工作质量以及国际教练的专业水准。她曾参加过爱沙尼亚,马其顿及罗马尼亚的青年论坛,还去各地参加过国际辩论教育协会的多次会议。在罗马尼亚青年论坛期间,她获得提名成为 IDEA-NL 董事会成员,11 月布拉格选举之前,她都将担任此职。罗布雷恩,威廉美特大学辩论系助理主任。罗布曾是杜鲁门州立大学一名出色的辩手,曾任中密歇根大学教练。今年由他培训的

6、威廉美特校队获得全国循环赛全胜奖,以及季度全胜奖。他由美国辩论协会授予 2005-2006 年度最佳新人教练奖。这项荣誉专门颁发给处于职业生涯前五年,并在演讲和辩论赛上卓有成果的教练。IDEAs TPS Tournament in Beijing, ChinaNovember, 9 2006 - November 13, 2006Join us for an amazing experience in historical culture and debate as we host a first-ever international university tournament from No

7、vember 9th-13th at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in the heart of Chinas capital city. This tournament will feature motions related to the People Speak event and thus participants can earn IDEA guilders, which may be redeemed for prizes and waivers to IDEA events. In addition, Foreign Langua

8、ge Teaching and Research Press will give books as prizes to the winning teams. The official format of the tournament will be a 4-team parliamentary debate in WUDC style. Training sessions for judges and debaters will also be available immediately before and after the tournament. In addition, qualifi

9、ed adjudicators will also be able to apply for IDEA accreditation upon successful completion of the training session. All training sessions will be conducted by IDEAs internationally accredited trainers. Additionally, our tournament site offers students an opportunity to see the historic and modern

10、sites of Beijing, from the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China to Tiananmen Square. Tours and such can all be arranged. Payment Details:Tournament registration is free and will include an opening banquet and cultural closing ceremonies. However, participants are responsible for their own trav

11、el and lodging fees. Lodging on campus in dorm rooms starts at $12 per night and meals on campus are on average $2. Event Details:The whole event will take place from November 9 to November 13. We will have training sessions for judges and debaters on November 9 and the morning of November 10. Five

12、preliminary rounds start from the afternoon of November 10 and end at noon of the next day. On the afternoon of November 11, quarter-finals will be held. And on November 12, we will have semi-finals and the grand final. The follow-up training is on November 13. Various cultural and sightseeing event

13、s will be organized during these days.Register onlinehttp:/www.idebate.org/events/index.php?event_id=76Please note: Students do NOT need to register as team. They may register as individuals.Each university is guaranteed up to spots for 4 teams. All extra teams will be placed on a waiting list and w

14、ill be notified of acceptance according to availability.For further information, please contact Jeanne Chen, with IDEA, at , and Liang Hong, with BFSU, at . Brief introduction of the instructors for this tournament: Sharon Porter received her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Lou

15、isiana, USA. After experience teaching on the junior high, high school and college level, Sharon was hired by Northern Arizona University (NAU) in 1981 to be the Director of Forensics (competitive speech and debate). She served in that position from 1981 to 1992 and again from 1999 to 2004, with a b

16、reak from 1993-1999 during which she was the Director/Dean of the School of Communication. During the years Sharon served as the Director of Forensics NAU ran a nationally competitive team that qualified for and competed in national tournaments in policy, cross-examination, Lincoln-Douglas and Parliamentary Debate as well as eleven individual events. She was active in a number of professional


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