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1、1青海省青海师范大学附属第二中学 2013-2014 学年七年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版I. 单项选择(20 分)( )1.-Your English is very good. - A.OK. B. Thank you. C. No, it isnt. D. Yes, it is. ( )2. -Look, whats that in English?- Its an .A. pencil case B. car C. English books D. eraser( )3.-Lets play tennis . - . Lets go. A. No, its bor

2、ing B. That sounds good C. Yes, thanks D. Sorry, I dont have a tennis racket. ( )4. For girls, we have T-shirts red, green and white only 18 yuan. djA. infor B. atfor C. forin D. ofabout( )5. comes before December, but after October. A. August B. September C. November D. January ( )6. I want some ,

3、please them to us. A. strawberrytake B. strawberriesbring C. strawberriescarry D. strawberrybring ( )7. Our teacher is Tony Brown. We call him .A. Mr. Tony B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Tony D. Mrs. Brown( )8. Is this Ginas ID card? Please call Gina 0392-3300321.A. for B. in C. of D. at ( )9. Mike _ strawber

4、ries best.A. is like B. like C. likes D. do like( )10.Tom has eggs and vegetables lunch. A. an, the B. an, / C. some, / D. some, for( )11. - Lets play volleyball. -_A. Great! B. Are you OK? C. Thanks a lot. D. Not at all.( )12. _ apple is on the table. You can eat _ apple.A. An, an B. A, a C. An, th

5、e D. A, an( )13. My sister is years old, tomorrow is her birthday. A. twelve, twelfth B. twelve, twelve C. twelfth, twelve D. twelfth, twelfth( )14. -Please give me the notebook! -OK, . A. Give you B. Here you are C. Yes, thanks D. Here it is ( )15. -Whats the time, please ?-Sorry, . 2A. Let me see

6、B. I dont know C. Excuse me D. Its 7:30( )16. I cant play ping-pong. It is _.A. difficult B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing ( )17.I like carrots, but Mona doesnt like _.A. it B. them C. this D. these ( )18. - I m Mary . _? - Peter.A. Whats your name B. How are you C. How do you spell it D. Are you P

7、eter( )19. - Does Peter have a tennis racket ? - _. But he has some tennis.A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he is C. No, he isnt D. No, he doesnt ( )20. Her name is Mary Brown, you can call her _.A. Brown B. Miss Brown C. Mr. Brown D. MaryI I . 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 21. Look at the white ruler. Its _ (she) ruler

8、. 22. She _ (need) some help.23. There _ (be) some chicken on the plate.24. She needs 120 _ (dollar) for it.25. Lets _ (watch) TV.I I I. 用适当的话语补全对话,话语可以是一个词,短语或句子。 (5 分)SA (shop assistant) Mr Hall (M)SA: 26._M: Yes, please. I want some clothes. Do you have black trousers?SA: Yes, we do.M: 27._SA: Th

9、ey are thirty-five dollars.M: Do you have shorts?SA: Yes, we do. 28._are only 15 dollars.M: But we dont like green. How about the blue shorts on the table? How much are they?SA: 20 dollars and those black ones are 13 dollars.M:29._the blue shorts.SA:OK. 30._.M: Thank you. SA: Youre welcome.I V. 根据短文

10、内容,从下面方框所给词中选择适当词汇填空.(每词只能用一次) (10 分)David and his brother Greg go to 31 in the morning from Monday to Friday. They 32 lunch at school . They 33 math at 1:30. David likes math 34 its interesting . 3Greg doesnt like math. David 35 Greg have P.E. after math. They like the 36 , Ms White, and they like

11、P.E. because its 37 . But Gregs 38 subject is English and Davids favorite is 39 . He 40 the piano and the violin well.31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _ 36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _ V . 完形填空。(每小题1 分,共 10 分)Tom is my cousinHe is five years oldHe is an American _41_He likes_42_He plays _43_soccer every da

12、yAnd he often watches soccer games on _44_He wants to be a soccer _45_ Tom _46_a sister She is twelve years old_47_ name is TinaShe likes reading_48_ booksYou can see _49_ books in bedroomShe says books are her good _50_ because she can know much from them41Aboy Bgirl Cbrother42Afruit Bsports Ccolors43Athe Ba C不填44Ahome BT V Ccards45Aplayer Bstudent Crunner46Ahave Bis Chas47AYour BMy CHer48Ainteresting Bboring


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