重庆市涪陵第十九中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C导学案

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1、1Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C 导学案一、学习目标:1、培养学生泛读英语的能力,能从所读语言材料中获取所需的语言信息。2、能用自己的语言复述故事。3、掌握 when 的 用法。二、学习重点1、能用自己的语言复述故事。2、掌握 when 的用法。三、学习难点重点短语和句型勾画并记忆。知识链接:1.No one heard her when they were passing by.(1)在英语中,当两个动作在过去某时间同时发生时,通常动作持续时间较长的动词用过去进行时,表示另一动作发生的背景,而另一动词则用一般过去时,表示动作发生的事实。译:当我妈妈外出时,我正在做作业。_(

2、2)hear 与 here 同音。hear sb.“听见某人说话” 。hear of sb./sth. =hear about sb./sth.“听说某人或某物” ,hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”=get a letter from sb.hear sb.doing sth.“听见某人正在做某事” ,hear sb. do sth.“听见某人做了某事”2.afraid 意为“担心的,害怕的” ,常用句型:be afraid to do sth./be afraid of doing sth.“害怕做某事” 。be afraid of sth.“害怕某物” ,be afraid (

3、that)从句。3.without“无,没有” ,介词,与 with 是反义词。Without 后跟动词时接 动名词。 4.重点短语:(1)get tother “聚会,聚在一起”(2)in a low voice“低声地(说话) ”。in a high voice“高声地(说话) ”(3)beat sb.“打某人,战胜某人” 。(4)warm (sb.)up“(体育运动前的)热身,使变暖和”(5)go out“外出” 、 “火或灯光熄灭” 。(6)wake up“醒来” ,wake sb.up“叫醒某人”5.重点词:(1)light,可作名词, “灯,光线” 。可作形容词, “(重量)轻的,

4、 (颜色)浅的,淡的”可作动词, “点燃,点火” ,过去式为 lit 或 lighted.2(2)lie,“躺” ,动词,现在分词为 lying,过去式是 lay.(3)dead,形容词, “死的,没生命的” ,名词是 death,动词是 die.一、自习自疑词汇过关I.看第 135 页 P75-76 的新单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II.熟记并默写。1.火柴,比赛,配对 2.黑暗的,暗处 3.嗓音,说话声 4.卖出,出售 5.饥饿的 6.打,击,打败 7.燃烧,烧毁 8.死的 9.炉子,火炉 10鹅(复数) 11.消失,灭绝 12.火焰 13.死的_ 14.醒来,弄醒_ 15.快乐地,幸

5、福地_ (一). 将文中短语汉译英1.聚会,聚在一起 2.低声地说话 3.听见她说话 4.在她的手里 5.给某人某物 6.风吹得猛烈 7.落下 8.打她 9.使我暖和 10.熄灭 11害怕回家 12.敲 13.出来 14.醒来_3(二). 在文中找出下列句子并翻译1人们从她身边经过,没人听到她在喊什么.译 :_2.风吹得猛烈,雪落在她的长发上。译:_3.点燃一根火柴,也许可以使我暖和。译:_二、自疑我想问:家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_三、自主探究活动一:Read an d understand.1. Read 1a do 1b and 1c2.finish 2活动二:finish 2 and

6、 retell the story.四、自测I.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.Please talk_ _ _ _(低声).The baby is sleeping.2.Dont_ _ _(害怕)speak English when you are in the English corner.3.Its cold outside,please come in and_ _ _(使你暖和)。4.The story is so interesting that I want to read it_ _(再,又)time.5.Old people usually_ _(醒来)early in

7、the morning.II.根据所给的中文意思写出正确的句子。1.我到家的时候天黑了。_ _2.不要让蜡烛灭了。_3.晚上下班后我感到又冷又饿。_4.我弟弟晚上不敢一个人待在家里。_5.当李明醒来的时候已经 8:00 了。_ _4_五、自结我想说:六、课后作业 Once there lived a boy named Ma Liang.His family was very_1_and he wasnt able to go to school.But he still loved_2_and worked very hard at it .One night,he dreamed that

8、 an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to_3_it to help poor people.When he_4_,he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.The brush had a magical power(魔力).If you draw_5_with it ,it will come to life.So he started to help everyone in his village_6_his magic brush.But a fewdays later a b

9、ad rich man heard this exciting_7_.So he forced Ma Liang to draw a golden mountain.Ma Liang had to_8_and drew a golden mountain in the center of an ocean(海).He also draw a _9_for the rich man to go to the golden mountain._10_the ship get to the middle of the ocean,Ma Liang drew a large wave(波浪)and i

10、t destroyed the ship.So the bad man and his friends died.( )1.A.rich B.poor C.big D.happy( )2.A.inventing B.playing C.singing D.painting( )3.A.use B.sell C.lend D.hold( )4.A.look out B.get back C.woke up D.put up( )5.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing( )6.A.about B.from C.with D.for( )7.A.poem B.song C.news D.story( )8.A.leave B.try C.provide D.agree( )9.A.road B.ship C.bridge D.gate( )10.A.When B.If C.Because D.Until_



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