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1、-范文最新推荐-1 / 19住宅楼给排水及消防水系统设计+CAD 图纸这次的设计题目是和润家园 6 号楼给排水及消防水系统设计,这次的设计题目根据提供的设计任务书及相关资料、建筑专业提供的条件图,按照现行设计规范和有关规定,进行建筑给排水设计。82922工程概况本工程为和润家园 6 号楼 12 层高层住宅楼,其中11 层有跃层,楼地下一层为自行车库,地下层高为2.5m,111 层高 2.8m,11 跃层层高 3m。住宅楼为一梯三户,户型为三房两厅一厨一卫。每户卫生洁具有:洗脸盆、坐便器、浴缸、洗涤盆、洗衣机。 (其中洗脸盆、坐便器、浴缸为 34 套、洗涤盆33 套、洗衣机 33 套) 。 3设

2、计依据作为市政项目,为让所有动迁居民能够有一个舒适的居住环境以及便利的设施,严格按照设计标准,提高住宅的设计水平。该建筑东、北两侧均有市政给水干管可作为所需水源,其管径均为 DN300 mm ,接点管道埋深为 -1.00m。生活给水宜尽量利用室外管网水压,市政管网常年提供的水压不低于 0. 2 Mpa 。作为给排水设计的重点区域厨房、卫生间,设计人员必须以整体设计的观念和方法,综合考虑厨房、卫生间给排水管道 和设备的安装等,做到功能、卫生、安全和舒适度满足居住要求。本设计按照设计任务书的要求,严格依照国家颁布的现行技术规范、规程进行设计。主要采用的标准、规范有:1 建筑给水排水制图标准 GB/

3、T50106-2000-范文最新推荐-3 / 192 建筑给水排水设计规范 GB50015-2003(2009 版)3 高层民用建筑设计防火规范 GB50045-95(2005版)4 建筑设计防火规范 GB50016-95(2006 版)5 建筑灭火器配置设计规范(GB50140-2005).20054技术资料4.1 各系统设计说明本工程作为和润家园 6 号楼 12 层高层住宅楼,按照设计任务书的要求,严格依照国家颁布的现行技术规范、规程进行设计。通过方案比较,最终选择采用水池—水泵—水箱供水系统,供水方式为上行下给式。住宅顶楼设置消防水箱,每层设一个消火栓箱,规格达到

4、国家消防要求。室内生活污废水采取分流排放,卫生间的排水立管设有专用通气管,厨房间设置伸顶通气管。 4.2 管材的选用管材的选择是经济技术的比较过程,技术上应从压力、温度、使用环境、安装方法等方面进行考虑,同时结合业主的要求和住宅的档次,进行经济技术综合考虑后确定。传统的给水管材一般采用镀锌钢管,由于镀锌钢管易锈蚀,使用寿命短,用于输送生活用水不能满足水质卫生标准等 缺点,建设部正大力推广塑料给水管的应用。(1) 给水管:室内生活给水管道水表后采用 PP-R管道,热熔连接。冷水管压力等级 1.6MPa,热水管压力等级 2.0MPa。水表前管道采用钢塑复合管。(2)消防管:消防管采用热镀锌钢管。(

5、3)排水管:管材选用 UPVC 排水管。-范文最新推荐-5 / 19(4)通气管:管材选用 UPVC 排水管。(5)地下室埋入地板内排水管,压力排水管均采用热镀锌钢管。4.3 管道敷设管道敷设在管道井内。卫生间设立集中管道井,排水管都集中在管道井里布置,这是小康住宅厨房、卫生间居住文明的重要体现。在中高档的商品房建筑方案设计时应考虑卫生间管道井的设置,这样即提高卫生间的使用质量,又可解决硬聚氯乙烯排水管水流噪声大的问题,提高居室的环境质量水平。Design General Information1. Source of design tasksThe design of the HeRun H

6、omeland NO.six building, subject to the drainage and firefighting system design of residential buildings, the design process was subject under the owners of the design plan and related information, the conditions for building professionals to provide maps, according to current design specifications

7、and the relevant provisions for building water design. Purpose of this project through the drainage design to enhance the students knowledge of building water engineering understanding and memory; master sanitary appliances, plumbing, equipment selection and layout; master to the drainage network of

8、 hydraulic calculation; enhanced graphics capabilities; culture students to analyze and solve problems in practical engineering application capabilities. For a long time, our residential water meters are located in the indoor kitchen or bathroom water concentration of office. Meter located indoors,

9、not only meter reading workload, but also housing security and privacy greatly reduced. Therefore, the sub-family residential water meter should preferably be located outdoors.The design, water wells located in water supply pipeline, -范文最新推荐-7 / 19a water meter box set per household. The advantages

10、are: household branch short, more saving tube; pipeline head loss is also small; full use of tube wells in the public space, do not use the area occupied by tenants; easy to manage and maintain.4.1.2 Drainage SystemIndoor Living sewage combination of wastewater. Bathroom drainage with special ventil

11、ation tube riser and riser across the second floor and sewage connections. Kitchen set Stack venting.Waste water and underground parking with elevator sump pit next to the wastewater submersible sewage pump by upgrading to the outside row, into the outdoor water pipe network.With sump pump house nex

12、t to the wastewater by upgrading sewage pump arrangement to the outside, discharged into the outdoor rainwater pipe network.4.1.3 Hydrant systemFire service water 10L / S, outdoor fire water 15L / S located on each floor of a residential fire box, fire box equipped with water cannon 2,10-φ65 &ph

13、i;19 a rubber lining hose length 25m 2, φ65 pay hoses Interface 2 , box equipped with a fire pump start button.Temporary high-pressure fire hydrant system is the system, the roof of a fire water tank located 7.5M3.2 sets of pumping stations located in the basement fire pump (one with a device),

14、a direct suction from the municipal pipe network. Three fire hydrants basement exit orifice of a different set φ19 decompression. Four to six fire hydrants located φ22 all exports of a decompression plate4.2 tubing materialsPipeline of comparative economic and technological process is technically from pressure, temperature, use of -范文最新推荐-9 / 19the environment, consider areas such as installation methods, combined with the requirements of owners a



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