重庆市涪陵第十九中学九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 Section D导学案

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1、1Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 Section D导学案1.Do you want to learn how to send and receive an e-mail?(1)how to send and receive an e-mail. 怎样发送和接受电子邮件。疑问词+动词不定式 这一结构中要 注意 how 和 what 的区别,how 是疑问副词,用作状语,what 是疑问代词,作宾语。 如:We need to think over how to control the pollution. 我们需要仔细思考怎样控制污染。There is a lot

2、 of goods in the markets. I really cant decide what to buy. 集市上有许多产品,我真不能决定买什么。2,If you want to,please follow these directions.(1)follow 跟随,伴随 follow sb. to do sth. That stranger followed Dr. Li to go upstairs. 那个陌生人跟着李医生上了楼。(2)following adj. 接 下来的,随后的 如:Which of the following sentences is true? 下列句

3、子中哪一个是正确的?3. First,turn on your computer and connect to the internet. (1) turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn up 调大 turn down 关小(2)connect to 连接,相连 如:This cable connects to the back of the TV. 这跟电缆要接再电视背后。【基础知识过关】I.短语回放1.太空旅行_ 2.国家英雄_3.发送某人进入_ 4.以.为自豪_5.在某方面取得进步_ 6.那里有那么多人_ _7.月球探测器_ 8.事先谋人的梦想_9.人造飞船_ 10.发送

4、 _11. 在某方面有很大的兴趣_12. 飞行学校_13. 安全登陆_ 14.踏足于_15.问某人某事_ 16.你愿意告诉某人某事_ 17.主要由电脑控制_ 18.控制飞船速度和方向_19. 建议某人做某事_ 20.掌握电脑技术_更好地服务我们_21. 谢谢你的介绍_ 22. 期望某人做某事_23. 现成的_ 24.添加某物到某物上_25.毫无疑问._ 26.在某人的帮助下_27.保持某人做某事_ 28.对.有危害_229.形成_ 30.幸亏,由于_ 31.购物,做生意_ 32.网上聊天_ 33.被联系起来_ 34. 把.连在一起_35. 交换信息_ 36.怎样发送和接受电子邮件_37.打开、

5、关闭、开打、调小_ 38.连接_39. 单击_ 39.将会被发送_40. 网上冲浪_ 41. 收索_II.单项选择( ) 1.The words on the blackboard _ soon, so you should take notes quickly.A. is often swept B.will sweep C. will be swept D. are often swept( ) 2. Dont forget to click _ the icon(图标) “end” before you turn off your computer.A. in B. to C. on D

6、. at( ) 3.This town _ that town by a large stone bridge.A. connected to B. connects to C. is connected to D. connect on( ) 4.He _ TV as soon as he got home to watch his favorite football game.A. turned up B.turned down C. turned on D. turned off ( ) 5._He is nervous before exam and he doesnt know_A.

7、 how to deal with B. what to deal with it C. how to do D. what to do it【综合能力提升】I.单项选择( )1.Did you receive your friends e-mail? Yes, I_ it since two hours agoA. have received B. received C. had D. have had( ) 2.Its very late now. Would you mind _ TV? Then you can still enjoy your program. Of course n

8、ot. Im sorry.A. turning off B. turn off C.turning down D.turn down( ) 3.What can you see _ the screen? - Nothing,A. in B. at C. by D.on3( ) 4.The party is very wonderful . Thanks . Bey-bey.Im glad you _ it.A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. are enjoying D. will enjoy( ) 5.After you finish reading it,click_ “clo

9、se”A. on B. at C. in D. withII.句型转换1.The film has been on since five minutes ago(对划线部分提问)_ _has the film been on?2.Computers controlled the spaceship. (改为被动语态)The spaceship _ _ _computers.3. I really dont know how I should deal with it. (同意句) I really dont know what _ _ with it.4. 首先,你必须知道怎样 点击新的电子邮

10、件。First, you should know how to _ _ a new e-mail.5. 打开电脑并连接因特网。_ _ your computer and _ _ the internet.【中考考点链接】1.(2011西安)I dont know _ to do with it.A. how B. when C. who D. What2.(2013北京) When we are ill, we should _ the doctors advice.A. get B. have C. follow D. break3. (2011山西) Millions of trees _ in the future.A.are planted B. is planted C. will be planted D. will plant



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