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1、2010 届中译英复习 120 句1. 你为我奶奶准备了空调房,真是太周到了。(considerate)It is really considerate of you to have arranged a room equipped with an air-conditioner for my grandmother.2. 当你在高考时碰到难题时,保持冷静和信心是成功的关键。(key)When you meet with difficult problems in the college entrance examinations, being calm and confident is th

2、e key to success.3. 基本上,进化是由无休止的重复繁殖构成的。(consist)Evolution basically consists of endless repetition of reproduction.4. 2008 年 6 月的外债统计为约 35 个亿。(estimate)External debt in June 2008 was estimated at $3.5 billion. = It was estimated that External debt in June 2008 totaled at $3.5 billion.5. 数个世纪来,这个地区的

3、美丽和和谐打动了游客。(impress)Visitors through the centuries have been impressed by the beauty and harmony of this region.6. 不断上涨的水淹没了大半个城镇,迫使部分居民逃离家乡。(flee)Rising waters are flooding much of the town, forcing some people to flee their homes.7. 想研究社会框架下性别问题的高水平学生会对“社会性别”这门课程感兴趣的。(be of interest)The course Gen

4、der in Society will be of interest to advanced level students wishing to study gender issues within a social science framework.8. 他想到了用另一种方法解答这道数学题。(occur)It occurred to him that this math problem could be worked out in another way.9. 因特网使我们联系外国的朋友成为可能。(it)The Internet has made it possible for us to

5、 make contact with friends abroad.10. 中学生在面对危险时茫然不知所措是自然的。(natural)It is natural that a middle school student should feel at a loss when facing dangers.11. 双方都对那里的严重局势甚为关心。(concern)Both sides are deeply concerned about the grave / serious situation there.12. 柏克(Burke) 把伦敦的公园比作人体的肺。(compare)Burke com

6、pared the parks of London to the lungs of the human body.13. 她感到对这样的荣誉受之有愧。(deserve)She felt that she did not deserve to be given such a great honor.14. 我们的学校试图教育年轻人以培养责任感。(develop)Our school is trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibility.15. 虽然他很有钱, 但他似乎并不幸福。(Rich)Rich as he i

7、s, he doesnt seem to be happy.16. 万一下雨, 毕业典礼将在学生俱乐部举行, 那儿能容纳五百人。(in case of)In case of rain, the graduation ceremony will be held in the students club, which can hold 500 people.17. 你忽略了这个工作报告中的几个错误。(overlook)Youve overlooked some of the mistakes in the work report.18. 你和初中教你的英语老师还保持联系吗?(touch)Do yo

8、u still keep in touch with the teacher who taught you English in junior high school?19. 年轻商人把自己的失败归结为他的无知。(owe)The young businessman owed his failure to his ignorance.20. 结果证明他制订的计划是可行的。(turn out)The plan he worked out turned out to be feasible / practical. = It turned out that the plan he had worke

9、d out was feasible.21. 我们应尽力制止工厂把有毒的化学物质倒入河里, 因为污染的河水会扰乱自然平衡。(stop, upset)We should try our best to stop factories pouring poisonous chemicals into rivers because polluted water in the river can upset the balance of nature.22. 众所周知,吸烟者比不吸烟者更容易患癌症和心脏病。(As)As is known to all, smokers are more likely t

10、o suffer from cancer and heart trouble than non-smokers.23. 我们不久便要离校。我们各自想进我们最想去的大学。(It, where)It wont be long before we leave school. We each want to go to the university where we want to go most.24. 我们习惯在测验前复习功课。(makea rule)We make it a rule to go over lessons before we take the exams.25. 他宁愿坐着不说话

11、,也不愿跟我出去玩。(prefer)He prefers to sit silent rather than go out with me playing.26. 令人宽慰的是,他虽然年过 80,却依然精力充沛。(relief)To our relief, though he is more than/over 80, (yet) he is still energetic.27. 直到老师指出我的错误我才意识到自己错了。(Not until)Not until the teacher pointed out my mistakes did I realize that I was wrong

12、.28. 是因为她缺乏勇气而使她失去了这个升迁的机会。(It is that)It is because she lacks courage that she has lost the chance to get promoted.29. 使我们惊讶的是校长对他们学校学生们的坏行为居然熟视无睹。(eye)To our surprise, the headmaster turned a blind eye to the bad behaviour of his pupils. = What surprised us was that the headmaster turned a blind e

13、ye to the bad behavior of his pupils.30. 在一定程度上,谈话时词语的选择反映了人的内在素质。(degree, reflect)To a certain degree, the choice of words in talking reflects the inner quality of the people31. 虽然污染被公认为是一个严重的社会问题,但有些政府所采取的行动还远远不能让人满意。(take action)Although its generally accepted that pollution is a serious social p

14、roblem, the action that some governments are taking is far from (being) satisfactory.32. 我认为即使我们把每一分钱都省下来,我们也买不起这幢房子。(afford)I dont think we can afford (to buy) the house even if we save every penny.33. 就我所知,这次竞赛的获胜者将能去香港作七日游。(as far as)As far as I know, the winner of the contest will be able to go

15、on a seven-day trip to Hong Kong.34. 尽管你没有恶意,但你在会上说的一席话确实伤害了她。(do)What you said at the meeting did hurt her , though you meant no harm / thought you didnt mean to.35. 虽然这些药物能够减轻你的胃痛,但我认为它不能治愈你的痛。(cure)Though this medicine can relieve your stomachache, I dont think it can cure you of the pain.36. 这位在

16、中国工作了 12 年的美国人已经习惯了这里的生活。(be accustomed)The American who has been working in China for twelve years has been accustomed to the life here.37. 面对这么艰巨的任务,学生们满怀信心并提前完成了它。(confidence,ahead of)Faced with such a difficult task, the students had full confidence to finish it ahead of time / in advance.38. 他没有听从父母的劝告,继续做那种事,因此,最终进了监狱。(end up)He didnt take his parents advice and went on doing that kind of thing, so he ended up in prison.39. 学好一门功课是费时间的。你不要期望在短期内创造奇



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