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1、我们都知道,习语是很怪异的,通常与字面意义没有任何关系的。下面为大家列一张清单,包含 10 个最有趣的英语习语以及用法。1. The lights are on but nobodys home used to describe a stupid person.灯亮着却没人在家用于描述很愚蠢的人。Example: She really has no clue- the lights are on but nobodys home!例子:她完全抓不着头绪脑子笨的像头猪。2. When pigs fly about something that will never happen.除非猪都会飞了

2、表示某事永远都不会发生,绝无可能。Example: Yea, right! You will get Taylor Swift to ask you on a date when pigs fly!例子:对的!等猪都会飞了你就会得到泰勒 .斯威夫特的约会邀请。3. To have Van Goghs ear for music to be tone deaf .(Van Gogh only had one ear!)用梵高的耳朵听音乐音痴。( 梵高只有一只耳朵 !)Example: Xavi really shouldnt play the piano- he has Van Goghs ea

3、r for music.例子:哈维真不该弹钢琴他简直就是个音痴。4. To pig out to eat a lot very quickly.狼吞虎咽 快速吃掉很多东西。Example: After the marathon, the runners pigged out at a dinner buffet.例子:马拉松跑完后,参赛者们在自助餐晚宴上狼吞虎咽。5. Everything but the kitchen sink almost everything has been included.除了厨房里的水槽什么都有几乎包括了所有事。Example: Maria was trying

4、 so hard to get the question right, she was throwing out everything but the kitchen sink!例子:为了证明问题是正确的,玛利亚几乎把所有的事都说了个遍。6. To put a sock in it to tell someone noisy to be quiet.放只袜子在里面 告诉某个很吵的人保持安静。Example: Jane was yelling while I was studying so I told her to put a sock in it.例子:当我在学习时简在那边大喊大叫,于是我让

5、她闭上嘴巴。7. To have a cast iron stomach to have no problems eating or drinking anything.有个铁胃 吃、喝任何东西都没问题。Example: I think I would be sick if I ate all that food, but Joe seems to have a cast iron stomach.例子:我觉得如果我把所有食物都吃了,我肯定会生病,但是乔看起来就像有个铁胃一样,吃多少都没事儿。8. To drink like a fish to drink heavily.像鱼一样能喝 海量。

6、( 喝起酒来不要命)Example: The group at the bar seems to being having a party and you can tell hes the birthday boy because he is drinking like a fish!例子:酒吧里的这群人看起来像是在举行生日派对,很明显可以看出他是这个派对的主角,因为他一直在不停地喝。9. Use your loaf use your head, think smart.用你的面包 动动脑子,仔细想想。Example: Come on Parker, use your loaf! I know you can solve this problem!例子:快来帕克,动动脑子!我知道你能解决的。10. Finger lickin good extremely tasty.好吃到要舔手指 非常美味。Example: My mom makes the best steak! Its finger lickin good!例子:我妈妈最擅长做牛排!简直好吃爆了!你还知道哪些有趣的诡异习语?快来与我们分享吧!更多英语学习方法: http:/


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