辽宁省大连市第四十四中学中考英语 学校生活复习学案

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1、1学校生活及周围环境7 上 M7;8 上 M4;9 下 M2复习目标:重点-复习单词与短语的正确的使用,复习相关的语法,重点对话和语言表达难点-运用词汇及语法内容,谈论话题 I. 词汇:与话题有关的词汇 名词: 1. 时间 _2.点钟 _3.一半 _4. 美术,艺术 _5.化学 _6.历史_7.数学_8.早饭_9.房子,住宅_10.(课间)休息_11.午饭_12.晚饭,正餐 _13.公园 _14.家务劳动_15.护理;照料_16. 农村地区;农村;乡下 _17.电 _18.健康 _19.点;分 _20. 计划;工程 _ 21.生物学 _22.毒品 _23.法语 _24.地理学 _25.体育;体

2、育课_26.安全 _27.西班牙语 _28.演说;讲演 _29.训练_动词1.谈论_ 2.开始 _3.吃 _4.完成,结束_5.描述;形容_6.扔;落下_7.付;支付 _8.指着;指_9.学习;研究_10.教_ _11.培训;培训_形容词1.生病的 _2.重要的 _3.贫穷的 _4.相同的;同一的_5.缺席的;不在的 _6.法国的;法语的_7.两者都不_ 8.西班牙的,西班牙语的_9.在场的;出席的 _10.身体的,体力的_副词1.几乎 _2.也许_3.仍然;依旧_4. 非常;很(用于强调)_实在;确实_连词1.或者_2.从以来_3.要么要么;不是而是_介词:1.关于 _2.超过_3.在(某时

3、间或时刻)_短语1.(询问其他人的情况)怎么样?_2.起床 _3.回家_4.照顾_5.在某方面帮助_6.以自豪_7.做运动_8.考试_9.盼望_10.取得进步_11.捐钱_12.辍学_13.不得不_14.在。 。 。 。的帮助下_15.听说_16.与相处(融洽)_2II. Word mapIII.单项选择1. 08 南通中考 Our English teacher was standing_ us so that she could hear us all clearly.A.away from B.far behind C.between D.among2. 09 绵阳中考Can you c

4、atch what the teacher said in the English class?Sorry, I can _ understand it. A.hardly B.almost C.nearly D.never3 .08 福州中考-What a nice ship! Thank you. It _ me three days to make it.A. paid B. spent C. took D. wasted4.09 无锡中考Mr Lin gave the test books to all the students _ the ones who had already t

5、aken them. A. except B. including C. among D. with5 . 09 年大连市中考Which do you prefer, coffee or cola? -_, thanks. Id like a cup of tea.A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither6. 10 年大连市中考 The two girls are great. _ of them speak good English.A. Both B. Neither C. All D. None7. 10 吉林 The weather in Kunming

6、 is _ too cold _ too hot. People like to live there. A. either, or B. both, and C. neither, nor D. not only, but also8. Do you know him well? - Sure. We _ friends since ten years ago. A. were B. have gone C. have been D. becameIV.汉译英1. His parents _.他的父母想让他退学。2. Now they can go to school _(在希望工程的帮助下

7、).3. 希望工程筹钱为 250 万名农村穷困学生支付了学费。Project hope _ _ _ ,and _ _ the education of School life timesubjectsactivitiesesfeelings32.5million _students in the country.4. With this money, project hope _ _(建了) many schools and libraries. It _ also _ (培训了)teachers and it _ _ 送 students to high school.5.一个学校有的东西,

8、另一个学校也有。_ school has anything the other school _ _. Well, anyway, were all going to _ _ _(得高分)for English. 6. We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are _ or _ (出缺席).7. Personal Health and _(安全) is about dangers of _(毒品) among other things.8. PE _(包括) _(

9、身体的) exercise, _(训练) in the gym and swimming. 9._(校外活动), such as sports clubs and _(语言社团) are popular, too. 10.We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are 11.I didnt expect to do well in _ maths _(或者-或者) geography.V. 完形填空If we take a close look at success

10、ful language learners, we may discover a few techniques(技巧) which make language learning easier for them.1._, successful languages learners are independent learners. They do not depend on (依赖) books or teachers; they 2._ their own way to learn the language. They try to find the pateerns and the rule

11、s for themselves 3._ waiting for the teacher to expain everything. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their 4._ conclusions which are very different form others.Successful language learning is 5._ learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language;

12、they 6._ such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them 7._ they make mistakes. They will try anything to communicate.When communication is difficult, they can 8._ information that id incompete(不完整的). It is more important for them to 9._ in the language than to kn



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