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1、我对江苏我省完形浅见体裁:我省今年没有延续自2004年自主命题以来使用记叙文体,改用了议论文体。话题:主要大意为:数字信息时代,人们对“连接”的不同观点。结构:1-2段“连接”对文化(孤独)的影响 3段 “连接”对工作文化的影响4段 我对此的看法5段不同辈分,时代的人对此的看法相异,终究是离不开科技进步。解题思路:1.先快速读完短文2.利用上下文和背景知识解题(解题技巧)3.心里提示 保底15 力争18 我做过后除了37题错了其他照此方法,全对备考建议:见下文(1)The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-e

2、xistent. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be_36_. Solitude can be hard to discover _37_it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have _38_our culture.36. A. updated B. received C. shared D. collected37. A. tho

3、ugh B. until C. once D. before38. A. respected B. shaped C. ignored D. preserved36题不难,只要意思看懂就行。37题有点难,表条件,因为上文说了,电子邮件等信息铺天盖地,所以孤独一旦放弃,就不在。38题不难,意思看懂就行,而且shape这个词在历年单选和完形都考过,下文还有 technology has changed the culture of work提示,shape=have an effect on 对什么有影响,塑造段落翻译参考: 数字时代,独处的概念几乎不存在。在数码科技,电邮,社交网络和在线游戏的世

4、界中,信息就是分享。一旦放弃独处后,就很难在找寻。从这方面看,新科技已经影响了我们的文化。(2)The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) _39_as weve known it. People have become so _40_in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted _41_theyd rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog (写博

5、客), not only from our _42_, but from our mobile phones as well.39. A. edge B. stage C. end D. balance40. A. sensitive B. intelligent C. considerate D. reachable41. A. even if B. only if C. as if D. if only42. A. media B. computers C. databases D. monitors39题短语bring sth to an end=end sth结束 同上文Solitud

6、e can be hard to discover _37_it has been given up40题意思和下文提示看reachable可到达的 Being reachable might feel like a _47_to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.41.表让步 即使不想也无办法。42.背景知识 现在谈得多的就是传统电脑时代,和新型手机产业。当然写博客一般还是computer 下文也有提示Computers can be shut _49_and mobile phones can be

7、 turned off.段落翻译参考:正如我们所知道的一样,想与世界连接就使独处不复存在。网络互联世界里的人随时随地都可以“连接到”,即使人们不愿意他们也会常常被“连接”。现在我们不仅用电脑,而且还会通过手机来聊天,发信息,发电邮,在线聊天和写博客。(3)Most developed nations have become _43_on digital technology simply because theyve grown accustomed to it, and at this point not _44_it would make them an outsider. _45_, m

8、any jobs and careers require people to be _46_. From this point of view, technology has changed the culture of work. Being reachable might feel like a _47_to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.43. A. bent B. hard C. keen D. dependent44. A. finding B. using C. protecting D

9、. changing45. A. Also B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Somehow46. A. connected B. trained C. recommended D. interested47. A. pleasure B. benefit C. burden D. disappointment43题 因为下文theyve grown accustomed to it,所以用depend on depend ent 后缀转形容词意思不变。44题上文提到的聊天等Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog (写博

10、客), not only from our _42_, but from our mobile phones as well 所以用using 动名词作主语45题 表递进 下文有They can also make people feel _52_and forced to answer unwanted calls or_53_to unwanted texts. 这一点在写作文时也很有用,过渡词。46题 主题词 主题意 reachable connectedness (Attitudes towards our connectedness)47 题下文定语从句看表转折的意思段落翻译参考:大

11、多数发达国家现在仅仅是因为他们日益习惯了数字技术,就已经变得非常依赖这些技术了,在此看来,不上网就好像奥特曼(落伍)了。 另外,许多工作和职业要求人们保持“连接” 。鉴于此,技术改变了工作文化。对于那些不想时刻都被“连接”的人来说,被“连接”是乎是一个负担。(4)I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who_48_wants it. Computers can be shut _49_and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to

12、 be “connected”and “ on”has many _50_, as well as disadvantages. Travelers have ended up _51_on mountains, and mobile phones have saved countless lives. They can also make people feel _52_and forced to answer unwanted calls or_53_to unwanted texts.48. A. slightly B. hardly C. merely D. really49. A.

13、out B. down C. up D. in50. A. aspects B. weaknesses C. advantages D. exceptions51. A. hidden B. lost C. relaxed D. deserted52. A. trapped B. excited C. confused D. amused53. A. turn B. submit C. object D. reply48 题转折副词 真正意义上 really49 题下文并立 shut down 和 turned off.50 题下文并立 advantages disadvantages51 题

14、 迷路了手机和优点52 题 缺点下文有词 forced 被迫 trap 名词陷阱,动词为像掉进陷阱一样,被困,53 题上文并立 answer 和 reply段落翻译参考:我(作者)认为“连接”的积极的一面就是任何人想真正的要求独处,还可可以办到的。把电脑和手机都关掉。“连接”和“开着”有好有坏。游客在山中迷路,通过打手机救了好多人命。当然因为被迫接不想接的电话,回复垃圾短息也会使人们懊恼不已。(5)Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society _54_ across generations. Some find todays technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyones view on



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