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1、Lesson 79 Carols shopping list讲课:默默学 助教:一. 课文:Lesson 79 Carols shopping-listTom: What are you doing, Carol?Carol: Im making a shopping-list, Tom.Tom: What do we need?Carol: We need a lot of things this week.Carol:I must go to the grocers. We havent got much tea or coffee, and we havent got any sugar

2、 or jam.Tom:What about vegetables?Carol:I must go to the greengrocers. We havent got many tomatoes, but weve got a lot of potatoes.Carol:I must go to the butchers, too. We need some meat. We havent got any meat at all.Tom:Have we got any beer and wine?Carol:No, we havent. And Im not going to get any

3、!Tom:I hope that youve got some money.Carol:I havent got much.Tom:Well, I havent got much either!New Word and expressions 生词和短语shoppingn. 购物listn. 单子vegetablen. 蔬菜needv. 需要hopev. 希望thingn. 事情moneyn. 钱二. New words and expressions1. Shop 1) Place where you buy things noun C especially BrE a building o

4、r part of a building where you can buy things, food, or services (尤英)商店 =store AmEa book/ toy /shoe /flower/ clothes/ video/ sweet/ gift/ pet/ electrical/ special shop( 专卖店)/ duty-free/ junk/ retailsweet shop = candy storeHer brother runs a record shop in Chester.record1 / rekrd / noun / rkrd / verb

5、a barbers shopa bakers shop a butchers shop a chemists shop a grocers shop a greengrocers shop a stationers shop a betting shop corner shopshop window She saw her reflection in the shop window.wander / browse around the shopsI spent a happy afternoon wandering around the shops.in the shops New potat

6、oes are in the shops now.go to the shopsI need to go to the shops - Ive got no food in the house.Im just going down to the shops.2) Set up shop (informal) to start a business shut up shop (BrE)= close up shop (AmE) informal, to close a shop or business, either temporarily or permanently (temp, tempo

7、rary, temporarily, permanence, permanent, permanently) 3) Word choiceIn British English, shop is the usual word and store is sometimes used to mean a very large shop where many different kinds of things are sold. For example a large supermarket or department store. 在英式英语中,shop 是常用词,而store则有时用来指出售各类物

8、品的大商店,如大型超市或百货商店。They live opposite a row of shops.this item is available in our London store.In American English, Store is the usual word and shop is sometimes used to mean a small store that sells one type of goods.在美国英语中,store是常用词,而shop有时用来表示出售某一种商品的小商店Will you go to the store for me? 你能替我去一趟商店吗?

9、a card shop IN British English, you can talk about the shops. For example, Im going to the shops do you want anything? But speakers of American English never say “the stores”4) verb VI to go to one or more shops to buy things:+ for I usually shop for vegetables in the market.If Im just shopping for

10、food, I tend to go to the local supermarket.+atI like to shop at Tescos for clothes.shop around ( to compare the price and quality of different things before you decide which to buy 货比三家 shop around forTake time to shop around for the best deal. (最合算的价格)5) go shopping (also be out shopping) to go to

11、 one or more shops to buy things ,often for enjoymentThe next day, Saturday, we went shopping.Mums out shopping with Granny.6) go shopping 与do shopping 通常我们说购物,会用go shopping 或do (the/some) shopping,区别在于一个是瞬间动词“去购物”一个是可持续动词“在购物,从事购物活动”。另外语法上的不同在于:go shopping 中的go 是不及物动词,shopping 这里是目的状语,因此不能说go the s

12、hopping.而do some shopping 中的do 是及物动词,shopping 做宾语,shopping前面通常会用限制词some, the ,our 等等。练习: I have to go shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我得去购物。She has to go shopping tomorrow. We have to go shopping this weekend.Did you go shopping yesterday?Do we have to go shopping tomorrow?I often do some shopping on S

13、aturdays. Do you often do some shopping on Saturdays?Im going to do some Spring Festival shoppingAre you going to do some spring Festival shopping.2. listn. 单子long, short 长长的清单; 简短的清单complete, full详尽的名单;完整的名单alphabetical 按字母顺序排列的名单 字母表 alphabet 字母 letterwaiting 等候者名单:shopping 购物清单mailing 邮寄清单reading

14、 阅读书目:* For further information see the reading list at the end of the chapter. 欲知详细内容,请看本章末的阅读书目。guest 来宾名单cast 演员表:3. vegetablen. 蔬菜4. needv. 需要5. hopev. 希望6. thingn. 事情7. moneyn. 钱8. 课文串讲Lesson 79 Carols shopping-listTom: What are you doing, Carol?练习:what is she doing? What are they doing? what a

15、re those students doing?Carol: Im making a shopping-list, Tom.Tom: What do we need?Carol: We need a lot of things this week.need 有时作为实义动词“需要”,有时用作情态动词后面接动词原形。做实意动词时:need sth (for doing sth)You dont really need a car.plants need light in order to survive.the camcorder needs a new battery.I need glasses for reading.1.need to do sth.需要做某事I need to study hard for the exam.我需要为了考试努力学习。



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