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1、.匹配词义A单词匹配()1.oasisAn.活动中心,汇集地()2.gloriousBv.(地方、机构等)自豪地拥有(好的事物)()3.testimony Cn. 证据;证明 ()4.muralDn.(沙漠中的)绿洲()5.boast En.壁画()6.scroll Fadj.辉煌的()7.crossroads Gadj.天国的()8.heavenly Hn.纸卷,卷轴答案15DFCEB68HAGB短语匹配()1.vary from.to.A覆盖面积()2.cover an area of.B详细地()3.bring.to life C多亏了()4.thanks toD使恢复生机()5.in

2、detail E从到不等答案15EADCB.默写单词1gateway n通往的门户2grotto n. 小洞穴3coverage n. 覆盖范围4statue n. 雕像;塑像5religious adj. 宗教的6. peak n. 高峰,顶点7expo n. 展览会,博览会8strengthen v. 加强.语境填词boast;gateway;religious;peak;statue;grotto;strengthen;side by side;coverage;glorious1It is a glorious chapter in our countrys history.2She

3、is at the peak of her career.3The two hotels both boast two swimming pools and a golf course.4Religious is a word that is connected with religion or with a particular religion.5Coverage is the range or quality of information that is included in a book or course of study,on television,etc.6A gateway

4、is a place through which you can go to reach another larger place.7A grotto is a small cave,especially one made artificially in a garden.8The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.9There were two children ahead,walking side by side10A statue is a figure of a person or an animal i

5、n stone,metal,etc.语法填空之派生词1The sun,moon,stars and planets are heavenly(heaven)bodies.2The devoted religionist(religion)goes to church every week.3This boy is pushing the heavy tire with all his strength(strong)4Since then,we have made remarkable(remark)progress.5She trains everyday to strengthen (st

6、rength)her arms.6It is a glorious(glory)thing to die for the people.7What do you think of the decoration(decorate)on the carved wooden door?8This is a detailed(detail) road map.9The boy who bought a piece of bread with his remaining(remain)money remained hungry.1Today,Dunhuang is a worldclass touris

7、t destination boasting sites with UNESCOprotected heritage status.今天,敦煌是世界级的旅游目的地,拥有受联合国教科文组织保护的遗产的地位。2Known as the Mogao Grottoes,these ancient caves were carved out of the rock over a period of 1,000 years.被称为莫高窟的这些古老的洞穴是在岩石上雕凿出来的,历时1 000年。3Representations of these heavenly musicians,singers and d

8、ancers decorate the walls of many caves.表现这些天国的音乐家、歌唱家和舞蹈家们的壁画装饰着许多洞壁。4The Apsaras are depicted sailing in the bright blue sky,with their scarves flying,as if they are about to fly down to meet us.飞天被描绘成围着丝巾,飘在蔚蓝的天空中,好像要飞下来与我们相会。5The scrolls also reveal how many different communities lived sideby si

9、de within this great city.卷轴还揭示了有多少不同的群体曾相安无事地生活在这个伟大的城市里。词汇积累gateway n通往的门户oasis n(沙漠中的)绿洲ahead of (时间、空间)在前面;早于;领先glorious adj.辉煌的commercial adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的commerce n. (尤指国际间的)贸易;商业;商务boast v(地方、机构等)自豪地拥有(好的事物)be known as 作为而出名be known for因为而出名be known to被所熟知testimony n.证据;证明element n要素;基本部分mural

10、n壁画cover an area of 覆盖面积vary from A to B 从A 到B变化unique adj.唯一的;独一无二的heavenly adj.天国的decorate v装饰 be decorated with 用装饰decoration n装饰depict v描绘;描画in detail详细地peak n高峰,顶点reflect v反映;反射;反思reflection n映像;反映;表达extraordinary adj.非凡的seal v封上(信封);密封(容器);封盖的表面hidden adj.难以看见(或发现)的;隐藏的;(地方)隐秘的a stones throw一箭

11、之地;一箭之遥;附近date fromdate back to 追溯到thanks to 多亏了import v进口export v出口name v说出的名称reveal v揭示;显示prosperous adj.繁荣的;成功的;兴旺的fade v(使)变淡,变暗bring.to life 使焕发生机the Belt and Road Initiative一带一路原文呈现WELCOME TO DUNHUANG!Welcome to Dunhuang! On the old Silk Road,this city was the gateway to and from Ancient China

12、,a place where East met West,and a green island in the middle of the desert.You can only imagine how travellers felt when they saw the oasis of Dunhuang ahead of them.11本句是复合句。You.felt是主句,其中how travellers felt是宾语从句,作imagine的宾语;when.them是时间状语从句。Dunhuangs long and glorious history represents its signi

13、ficance as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange.Today,Dunhuang is a worldclass tourist destination boasting sites with UNESCOprotected heritage status.Now,we are going to enter some of the citys famous caves,of which there are more than 700.Known as the Mogao Grottoes,these ancient caves wer

14、e carved out of the rock over a period of 1,000 years.If you look up,you can see the paintings and other artworks that are testimony to how the Silk Road brought East and West together.2Look at these statues! You can see elements from Ancient Greece,India and Iran.Now look around the walls of the ca

15、ve.Come a little bit closer so that you can get a better view.Look at them! The murals cover an astonishing area of 45,000 square metres.2本句是复合句。If you look up是条件状语从句;you can.together是主句,其中that are.together是定语从句,修饰先行词the paintings and other artworks;how.together是宾语从句,作介词to的宾语。The subjects of the Dunhuang mural



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