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1、课时分层作业(九).阅读理解AWith their pipes and lids to avoid spills,coffee cups have long been the substitute for adults.Now Starbucks is going all in on the concept by swearing to get rid of straws in the next few yearsand its all for a very good reason.This move is an answer to our own partners about what we

2、 can do to reduce the need for straws.Not using a straw is the best thing we can do for the environment.In place of plastic straws,Starbucks plans to offer recyclable lids for all iced drinks and paper straws for coffee.The transition is already taking place in Starbucks hometown of Seattle,where a

3、ban on plastic straws went into place on July 1.By rolling this out in all 28,000 of their stores in the next few years,the company says they are annually removing more than one billion straws from going into circulationand potentially the ocean.Starbucks decision to gradually stop using singleuse p

4、lastic straws is a shining example of the important role that companies can play in stopping the tide of ocean plastic.With eight million metric tons of plastic entering the ocean every year,we cannot afford to let industry sit on the sidelines.Marine life has a 50% death rate when it swallows plast

5、icyet researchers believe there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050 if this rate of litter continues.That means there can be an immediate positive impact if we swap plastic straws for environmentally friendly alternatives.The smart design on the cup for cold drinks comes fro

6、m Starbucks inhouse team of designers and has been in development for two years.However,the announcement comes as outcry(倒彩)increases over the dangers that plastic straws can cause to marine life.Other companies making the ecofriendly swap also announced plans last month to test alternatives to plas

7、tic straws.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了Starbucks提出不使用塑料吸管来减少白色污染,保护地球的概念。1Why does Starbucks decide to get rid of plastic straws?ATo reduce its cost.BTo meet the customers needs.CTo create a greener planet.DTo expand its business worldwide.C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Not using a straw is the best thing we can do for t

8、he environment.”可知答案为C。2What does the word “transition” in Paragraph 2 refer to? ADilemma.BChange.CResponse.DConflict.B词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句可知,这种变化已经在Starbucks的发生,故B项正确。3Whats the text mainly about?AStarbucks is throwing away plastic straws for a worthy cause.BEnvironmentally friendly material will replace

9、 plastic straws.CScientists are making efforts to solve ocean plastic pollution.DA sales promotion of a new brand by Starbucks is being done.A主旨大意题。本文讲述了Starbucks提出不使用塑料吸管来减少白色污染,保护地球的概念。故A项为最佳答案。BEvery ocean lover knows the dangers of getting caught in a rip current(离岸流)Experienced swimmers know it

10、 is relatively easy to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore.However,inexperienced beachgoers often panic,and try to swim to land,placing themselves at the risk of drowning due to tiredness

11、.According to the US National Ocean Service,the currents kill about 100 Americans each year and account for 80% of all lifeguard rescues.These scary statistics may soon be a thing of the past,thanks to Clever Girl,a smart buoy(浮标)that warns swimmers of the presence of deadly rip currents.The smart d

12、evice is the brainchild of Australian teenager Maddison King,who created Clever Girl as a project for her Grade 12 Design and Technology class.The 18yearold,who works as a lifeguard during her spare time,came up with the brilliant idea after discovering that most children were unable to detect rip c

13、urrents.The basketballsized plastic buoy,which can be attached to a chain of similar devices or the ocean floor,is fitted with a small propeller(螺旋桨)When the water travels at the speed of over 70 centimetres per second,it spins the propeller fast enough to power the light atop the buoy,warning swimm

14、ers to stay clear of the area.Though it sounds simple enough,the youngster had to overcome numerous design challenges.For instance,she picked a red light since it is easy to see in the bright sunlight and also because the color serves as a universal warning sign for tourists that do not speak the lo

15、cal language.The devices smooth surface and high handles ensure swimmers do not get hurt,while the black,white,and red striped underside,keeps sharks and other animals at bay.Future versions might include something like a warning siren,which would provide sound warnings of rip currents.Besides,the p

16、resent model costs about $300 to make.“Thats beyond my purse,” she laughs.“The cost has to be cut down.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。在海里游泳时,一些缺乏经验的游泳者遇到高速的离岸流时常常感到恐惧,并试图游向陆地,最终因疲劳而溺水身亡。受做临时救生员工作经历的启发,Maddison King发明了一种装置,能在离岸流达到一定速度时发出预警,从而使人们避免误入高速洋流。4Which of the following is the right way to escape the rip current?AWaiting for rescues.BSwimming to the shore.CMoving f


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