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1、课时分层作业(一).单词拼写1His ambition(抱负) was to get to the top.2The detective(侦探) followed the footprints to find the killer.3He has no clue about how to solve this complex(复杂的) case.4This is the busiest commercial (商业的)street in the city.5Only a finite number of situations can arise(发生)6I know I can trust h

2、er in any circumstance(情况)7We listened to the news with a mixture(混合)of surprise and horror.8There is an urgent need for qualified(合格的)teachers.9He speaks English with perfect fluency(流利)10You have to shift(转换) gears as you drive around the corner.阅读理解AIt was a normal school day for senior Solymar S

3、olis until an unexpected visitor arrived.Her dad,Sgt.Carlos Solis Melendez,surprised her by coming home early from Kuwait and visiting her unannounced at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.After serving in Kuwait for nine months,Melendez returned home a week earlier than his daughter expect

4、ed.He held balloons and flowers in a classroom as he sat at a students desk to blend in with the crowd.“It came to my mind like How is she going to react?,” he recalled the heartwarming moment.“Is she going to be happy and run to me and hug me,or cry? That was all going on through my mind.”As unsusp

5、ecting Solymar entered the classroom,she was soon overcome with emotion,immediately bursting into tears and covering her mouth.She didnt talk.She was just crying.She was overwhelmed with everything.She thought it was a dream.Melendez was a single parent,so when he was deployed(调动),he got his sister

6、to live with his daughter.When he was coming back and talking to his sister,both of them came to the conclusion that they should do something special for his daughter.Melendez and his sister got in touch with the school,and they planned this whole beingintheclassroom thing,and it turned out perfect.

7、The two are very much looking forward to some good daddydaughter time now that hes home.“It means everything,” Melendez said of being able to surprise his daughter this way.“After all the sacrifices shes made,she deserves all the special arrangements and special occasions and celebrations.Ill do any

8、thing for my daughter.I believe Im doing good parenting.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位在科威特工作的父亲提前回国,并在女儿的教室为她准备了一个惊喜的故事。1How did Solymar feel at first when entering the classroom?AShe was eager to hug her father.BShe felt everything was as usual.CShe got excited at seeing her father.DShe was surprised by w

9、hat she saw.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It was a normal school day for senior Solymar Solis”和第三段中的“As unsuspecting Solymar entered the classroom”可知,Solymar那天刚进入教室时感觉到一切如往常一样,故选项B正确。2What was Melendezs attitude to the surprise?AContent.BAstonished.CTouched. DUpset.A推理判断题。根据第四段末句中的“and it turned out perfect”和第五段中的

10、“she deserves all the special arrangements and.I believe Im doing good parenting”可以推断出,这位父亲对这次为女儿准备的惊喜是非常满意的(content)。所以选项A正确。3Why did Melendez plan the surprise for Solymar?ATo get involved in her school life.BTo show his concern for her in a special way.CTo build a strong emotional bond with her.D

11、To make up for what she lost in her growth.D推理判断题。根据第四段的描述可知,Solymar的父亲在外工作,把她托付给姐姐照顾,这次提前回来并在姐姐和学校的帮助下安排了这次特别的见面。同时结合第五段中父亲的话可以看出,他之所以这样做就是为了弥补Solymar在成长过程中缺失的父爱。所以选项D正确。4What can be the best title for the passage?AFathers Selfless Love for His DaughterBGirl Expecting the Returning of Her DadCGirl

12、Surprised at School by Her Dads ReturnDFather and Daughters Expected ReunionC标题归纳题。根据全文的内容,尤其是首段第一句中的“until an unexpected visitor arrived”以及末段中的“Melendez said of being able to surprise his daughter this way”可知,父亲为了给女儿一个惊喜,所以提前回家,并在女儿所在的教室精心准备了这次见面。所以选项C体现了文章的主旨,最适合作本文标题。BA long time ago,a greedy,ric

13、h man hired a great mathematician to find the best way for him to make the greatest profit in everything he did.The rich man was building a huge safe,and his greatest dream was to fill it with gold and jewels.The mathematician was shut away for months in his study.One night he appeared at the rich m

14、ans house,with a big smile on his face:“I found it!” he said.But the rich man was going on a long journey the next day,and didnt have time to listen.He promised the mathematician he would pay him double his wages if he would take charge of the business while he was away,and put the new formulas into

15、 practice.The mathematician accepted it delightedly.The rich man returned only to find that all his possessions had gone.Furious,he went for an explanation from the mathematician,who calmly told him that he had given everything away to people.“For months I analyzed how a rich man could gain the maxi

16、mum benefit,but theres a limit to how much one man can do by himself.Then I concluded that helping others was the best way to get more and more people to benefit us.”Disappointed and furious,the greedy man stormed off,desperate at having lost everything.However,while he was walking away unhappily,several neighb


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