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1、英语3000常用词用法详解词典(中)entrance n.1.C入口,进口:Cars must not park in front of the entrance. 入口处不得停放汽车。 2.C进入,入场 3.U进入的权利,入学许可: a school entrance examination 学校入学考试【用法】表示“在入口处”,通常用介词 at,表示“的入口 ”,通常用介词 to,有时也用介词 of:Where is the entrance to the zoo, please? 请问动物园的入口在什么地方? / The entrance of the hall is on your r

2、ight. 大厅的入口在你右边。一般说来,用介词 to 多用来指方向,即指“通向”,用介词 of 多用来指位置( 但不绝对,总的说来,用 to 的情形较多) entry n.1.C,U进入,加入:At his entry everyone fell silent. 他进来时大家都沉默下来。 2.U进入权,入场权: They were charged with illegal entry into the US. 他们被控告非法进入美国。3.C参加竞赛的人 (或物):The magazine received 400 entries for its poetry contest. 杂志接到了参加

3、诗歌比赛的 400 份作品。4.C 项目,条目:The latest edition of the dictionary contains more than 6,000 entries. 这本词典的最新版本收入词条超过 6 000 个。envelope n.C信封:Did you put a stamp on the envelope? 你在信封上贴邮票了吗?environment n.1.C环境:A bad home environment can affect a childs progress at school. 家庭环境有问题会影响小孩子的学业。2.(用单数)( 连用the)自然环

4、境:Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change. 生物必须能适应环境的变化。envy vt.羡慕,嫉妒:I quite envy you your good fortune. 我十分羡慕你的好运气。n.U妒忌,羡慕:She is filled with envy. 她充满妒忌。equal adj.1.(常与 to, with 连用) 相同的,平等的:They are of equal height. 他们一样高。/ The two men are equal in ability. 这两个人能力相等。2.胜任的,经得起的

5、:John is quite equal to the job. 约翰很能胜任这份工作。 vt.1.等于,使等于:One plus six equals seven. 1 加 6 等于 7。2.比得上:He ran an excellent race, equaling the club record. 他跑得真好,平了俱乐部的纪录。equip vt.1.提供设备,装备,配备:The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. 士兵们配备着最新式的武器。2.使有所准备,使胜任: Your education will equip you fo

6、r your future life. 你所受的教育将使你能适应今后的生活。equipment n.U装备,设备:A computer is the most important piece of equipment you will buy. 电脑是你需要买的最重要的设备。【用法】表示“装备”“设备”“配备”,是一个不可数的集合名词,若要表示一件或几件设备,可借助单位词 piece:sports equipment 体育器材 / farm equipment 农用设备 / heating equipment 供暖设备。eraser n.C橡皮擦,黑板擦:My pencil is equipp

7、ed with an eraser made of rubber. 我的铅笔上有个橡皮擦。error n.1.C错误,差错:The accident was caused by human error. 这次事故是由人为过错造成的。 2.C,U(行为上或见解上的)过失,失误:They were in error about the address. 他们搞错了地址。escape n.C,U逃跑,逃脱:an escape from reality 逃避现实 / Can you smell an escape of gas? 你能闻到漏出来的煤气味吗? vi.(常与 from 连用)逃跑,逃脱:T

8、hey managed to escape from the burning building by breaking down the door. 他们砸开了失火房子的门,逃了出来。vt.1.逃避,避开:Two security guards escaped injury in the attack. 两名保安在这次袭击事件中幸免受伤。2.被疏忽,被忘却:Her name escapes me. 我忘了她的名字。【说明】1.后接动词要用动名词:There is no way to escape doing the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。 2.表示从某场所逃走、从管制或监禁中逃走

9、、液体或气体从管中漏出等,均不及物,应与介词 from 连用;表示逃避或躲避不愉快的事(如危险,处罚,不幸,灾难等),及物,其后无需用介词。比较:He escaped prison. 他躲避了监禁。(逃避不愉快的事) / He escaped from prison. 他越狱了。( 从管制或监禁中逃走)especially adv.1.专门地,特地:I came here especially to ask you a question. 我是专门来问你一个问题的。2.特别地,尤其:Im especially busy on Tuesdays. 我在星期二特别忙。/ I liked all t

10、he children, Tom especially. 我喜欢所有的孩子,特别是汤姆。Europe n.欧洲: Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America. 马铃薯是从美洲引进欧洲的。/ He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 他是第二次世界大战爆发那一年离开欧洲的。European adj.欧洲的,欧洲人的:France and Switzerland are European countries. 法国和瑞士是欧洲国家。n.C 欧洲人:Japanese is difficult

11、 for Europeans to learn. 对欧洲人来说,学日语很难。eve n.1.U(节日等的)前夜,前夕:They held a party on New Years Eve. 他们在除夕举行了晚会。 2.(重大事件发生的) 前一刻,前夕:He was nervous on the eve of the examination. 他在考试前夕很紧张。 【用法】表示“在前夕” ,其前通常与介词 on 连用。even adv.甚至,连(都),更:Even Mrs Smith could not help laughing. 甚至连史密斯太太也忍不住笑了起来。/ Even a child

12、 knows better. 这甚至连孩子都知道得更清楚。even if though 即使,尽管:He wont tell you about it even if you ask him again. 即使你再去问他,他也不会告诉你的。 even so 即使这样,虽然如此:It rained, but even so we enjoyed the day. 下了雨,即使如此我们这天也很开心。【用法】1.表示“甚至”,通常应放在被修饰词语之前,否则会引起含义的变化:Even now he doesnt believe me. 甚至到现在他还不相信我。(其他时候就不用说了) / Now eve

13、n he doesnt believe me. 现在连他都不相信我了。(其他人就更不会相信我了) 2.用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示“比(已经的) 更加”: This book is even more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本更有趣。3.even 是副词,不是连词,所以不要用它引导句子。evening n.C,U傍晚,晚上:Ill do my homework in the evening. 我将在晚上做作业。/ On Sunday evening I went to my friends birthday party. 星期天晚上我去参加了我朋

14、友的生日晚会。event n.1.C事件,大事:Two events received national attention during the year. 这一年中有两件大事引起了全国的关注。2.C比赛项目:field and track events 田径赛 at all events 无论如何,不论怎样:At all events you had better try. 无论如何你最好试一试。in any event 不管怎样:In any event Ill telephone you before I make a final decision. 不管怎样,我在作出最后决定前我会打

15、电话给你。in that event 如果那样,如果发生那样的情况:It may rain. In that event, we wont go. 天可能下雨, 如果那样,我们就不去了。 eventually adv.最终地:Eventually we became good friends. 最后我们成了好朋友。/ I waited for him for three hours, and eventually he came. 我等了他三个小时,他终于来了。ever adv.(尤用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句 )在任何时候,从来,有时,曾经,无论如何:Have you ever been to Paris? 你曾去过巴黎吗?/ Youre scarcely ever at home. 你几乎从不呆在家里。ever since 从那时起:He has kept up his study ever since the year 1990. 自从 1990 年以来他一直坚持学习。/ Ive never got any letter from him ever since he left. 自从他离开以后,我一直未收到他



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