广东省惠州市实验中学2012-2013学年高一上学期期中英语试题 含答案

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1、惠州市实验中学 2012-2013 学年高一上学期期中英语试题考试时间: 120 分钟 总分:150 分一、单词拼写(根据首字母或中文意思写出单词,共 10 题,满分 10 分)1. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me e_ in their power.2. Later in the next century, people from England made v_ to conquer other parts of the world.3. Two years ago she bought an

2、expensive mountain bike and then she p_me to buy one.4. These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its v_.5. I dont want to set down a s_ of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend.6. He _ (忽视) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a ciga

3、rette.7. He used to work _ (在户外) even in the middle of winter.8. A large number of people speak English fluently because English is an _ (官方的) language there.9. The train arrived at _ (确切地) 8 oclock, neither earlier nor later.10. The play examines the problems and pressures facing _ (青少年) today.二、用括

4、号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共 10 题,满分 10 分)1. He arrived at his hometown, tired and _ (dust), on Sunday night.2. I was most _ (grate) to John for his kindness of sending me the book immediately.3. The teacher seems to _ (like) the idea of testing children in such a narrow way to find out who is the most excellent

5、.4. The _ (actually) price was lower than I had thought.5. Im not really a country girl, but I suppose Im _ (gradual) getting used to looking after the animals.6. From the changing _ (express) on speakers faces and the tones of their voices, they can tell lies from truths.7. Theyll trade with _ (eas

6、t) European countries.8. I never know that encouragement is so _ (power) that it can change a person.9. When I travell with my friends, my parents are always _ (concern) about me.10. The mother looks at the door _ (frequent), wishing the childrens coming.三、根据中英文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词(共 10 题,满分 20 分,每题 2分)1.

7、 这是他第一次考试不及格。 It was the first time that he _ in the exam.2. 她让我打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来。He _ _ _ _ the window and let some fresh air in.3. 有那么多工作要应付,这位老板好像工作上有麻烦了。With so many jobs to deal with, the boss seemed to _ _ _ his work.4. 我发现这帮人很难对付,我厌恶他们在大庭广众之下喧哗。I find _ hard _ _ _ this pack of people. I hate them

8、speaking loudly in public.5. 必须利用一切机会学好英语。Every chance must _ _ _ _ to study English.6父亲总是问我学习的进展情况。My father always asks me how Im _ _ _my study.7. 地理位置对方言的产生起了重要作用。Geography _ an important _ _ making dialects.8. 直到上星期天,他才意识到自己的错误。He _ _ his mistake _ last Sunday.9. 就是在昨天汤姆在公园里丢了他的表。_ _ yesterday _

9、 Tom lost his watch.10. 我深信你当时是故意捣乱, 目的是引起别人的注意。I strongly believe that you were making trouble _ _ in order to attract others attention.四、 完型填空(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 115 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once a young man was in deep love with a girl. This man folded 1,000

10、pieces of paper cranes (纸鹤) as a gift to his girl. Although he was a small branch manager in a company, and his _1_ didnt seem too bright, they were very _2_ together until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and would never come back. She also told him that she couldnt see any future

11、for both of them, “so lets go our own _3_ from now on” The young man was _4_, but he agreed. When he regained his _5_, he worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all the _6_ work, this man set up his own _7_.One rainy day, while this man was _8_, he saw an elde

12、rly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain, walking to somewhere. He _9_ that they were his ex-girlfriends (前女友)parents, so he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to find him in his expensive car and to know that he had his own company, car, etc.To the mans surprise, the couple were walking

13、 towards a cemetery (墓地). He got out of his car and followed them. And there he saw his ex-girlfriend a photograph of her _10_ as sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone, and those precious paper cranes in a glass bottle! He walked over and asked the couple why this had happened. They explained th

14、at _11_ she did not leave for France at all. She fell ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he would _12_ some day. She didnt want her _13_ to be his barrier(障碍). Therefore, she chose to leave him. She asked her _14_ to put his paper cranes beside her, because if the day comes when fa

15、te brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him.The man just cried _15_. He was heartbroken once again.1. A. appearance B. salary C. future D. apartment2. A. worried B. regret C. happy D. sensitive3. A. futures B. ways C. goals D. courses4. A. excited B. mad C. puzzling D. heartbroken5. A. confidence B. position C. independence D. freedom6. A. main B. beautiful C. hard D. heavy7. A. office


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