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1、综合能力训练八年级(上)参考答案Unit 1Section A自主学习一、1. twice 2. surfs 3.active 4. program 5. skateboard二、1.as for 2.多久一次 3. surf the internet 4.高中 5. three times a week6. 一年一、二次 7. on weekends 8.大部分学生三1. He usuall exercises in the morning.2. How often does he surf the Internet?3. They skateboard twice a week.4. Mi

2、ke hardly ever watches TV.5. My mother sometimes goes shopping.随堂达标一、1. D How often 的答语是频度短语或频度副词。2. B 75% 就是大多数。3. D 在周末,用介词 at 或 on 都可以。4. C 根据句子意思可知。5. D 答语是频度短语,用 How often 提问。二、 1. twice 2. exercise 3. active 4. watches 5. Once三、1. What do you usually do at weekends?I usually play soccer.2. How

3、 often does he go to a movie? He watches it once a week.3. Whats your favorite program?4. My sister watches TV twice or three times a week.5. As for homework, most students do every day.四、1. doing 2. from 3.often 4. Does 5. do 6. visit 7.think语法练习A.1.B 答语是频度短语,用 How often 进行提问。2. C 这句话意思是:我有时去超市看见她。

4、“有时”是 sometimes.3.D 答语是段时间,故用 How long 提问。4.C the result for 是固定短语,意思是 的结果。5.D 根据前面那个句子的意思判断,后面的句子意思应该是他几乎不曾上学迟到。故选 DB.1. How often 2. How many 3. Whats 4. What does, do 5. How often, do中考链接1.A 答语是频度短语,用“How often”提问2.C 根据上下句可判断,是雨下得大,人们几乎不能出去。故第一个空是用 hard 修饰rain, 第二个空“几乎不能” 用 hardly.3.B 答语是频度短语,用“H

5、ow often ”提问短语,用“How often”提问。快乐阅读1.早睡早起 2.Ten hours. 3. 它的意思是我们必须早睡觉,早晨早起床。4.人体必须有足够的睡眠才健康。5. Wealthy 6. bloodSection B自主学习一1. milk 2.coffee 3. important 4. health 5. differences二、1. be good for 2.喝牛奶 3.my eating habits 4.相当健康5. try to do sth 6.取得好成绩 7. look after 8.吃较少的肉三、1.Its not good for us to

6、eat too much.2. Ill try to do the work well.3. Maybe he is a teacher.4. I have a lot of homework to do.5. Although he is 80 years old, hes pretty healthy.随堂达标一、1.短语 tell sb. not to do sth 告诉某人不要干某事2.B 短语 try not to do sth.尽力不干某事3.A 这道题考查了 2 个知识点, (1)在 would you like?句型中,不能把 something改成 anything; (2)

7、修饰不定指代词的形容词要后置,故答案选 A4.B be good for 是固定短语,对有益5.D 根据意思判断。二、1. keep/ to keep 2.to drink 3. eating 4. to eat 5. better三、1. to drink milk 2. good for 3.try to eat 4.get good grades5. pretty healthy 6. How often, junk四、1. Would 2. favorite 3.for 4. How 5. often6.habit 7.get 8. right 9. How 10.often语法练习1

8、. doesnt do 2. Does, read 3. How often does, go4. How many hours does, sleep. 5. what does, like.中考链接1.C 固定短语 want sb to do sth.2.C 根据句子意思,这里需要填“照顾”,故选 C。3.小试身手I think Im healthy. I exercise every day. I eat vegetables twice a day and I also eat fruit four times a week. Because I think its good for

9、my health. I have milk once a day. I hardly ever eat junk food. I only eat it once a week. I sleep for about eight hours every day. Good food and exercise help me to study better.Unit 2sectionA自主学习一、1. have, has 2. foot , feet 3. stomach, stomaches 4. tooth, teeth 5. illness, ill二、1. have a fever 2.

10、患感冒 3.have a toothache 4.头痛 5. have a sore throat6.背疼 7. Lie down and rest 8.带蜂蜜的热茶三、1. He has a toothache. 2. She should drink a lot of water.3. You should see a dentist.4. I have a stomachache.5. Your mother should take some medicine.随堂练习1.A 由于答语是:我头痛,因此问句应该是询问病情的。故选 A2.A 根据 yesterday,可以判断是一般过去时,动

11、词用过去式,因此只能选 A。3.D be good for 是固定短语,对有益。4. B junk food 是不可数名词,排除 A、C。 much too 修饰形容词,故选 B。5.B How is/ are主语?是询问某人健康状况的句型。故答语选 B二、1. have 2. Does, have 3. lie ,rest 4. anything 5. better三、1. Whats the matter? 2. I have a cold today.3. Maybe you should see a dentist. 4. Im not feeling well now.5. I ho

12、pe you feel better soon. 6. You should lie down and rest.四、1. stayed 2. half 3. get 4.gave 5. him 6. speaking 7. meals 8.back 9.learn 10. said语法练习A.1. Whats the matter 2. shouldnt, anything 3. When did , start4. Do, have 5. doesnt haveB. 1.B snow 是不可数名词,用 too much 修饰。2. A “服药”用动词 take.3. A 根据句意可判断4.

13、 C 属于固定句型 matter 前必须加 the.5. A have 是实义动词,故用 Do中考链接1.A. 根据句意,可以判断2.B 根据句意,可以判断3. A catch a cold, stay in bed 属于固定短语4. C 听到别人生病的一种固定回答快乐阅读1.C 2. D 3. talk about your ideas 4. do 5. 与-相处Section B自主学习一、1. thirsty 2.early 3. believe 4. medicine 5. important 6. moment 7. angry 8. until二、1. go to bed earl

14、y 2.有压力的 3.a balcance of 4.传统中医 5. too much6.中药 7. at the moment 8.寄宿家庭三、1. shouldnt be 2. too much 3. walking, is good 4. Its easy 5. stressed out随堂达标一、1. A balanced 是形容词,修饰后面的名词2.A housework 是不可数名词,用 too much 修饰3.C anythig 用于否定句,something 用于肯定句,故选 C4. C 固定句型的答语 5.B 根据上下句意思判断二、1.thirsty 2. stressed

15、 3. Traditional 4. western 5.got 6.important三、1. a balance of 2.Maybe, too much 3.Eating, good for4.Its important 5.dont, is improving 6. sorry to hear四、1. of 2. healthy 3.tired 4.much 5.should 6.Eating 7.good 8.stressed 9. healthy 10.important语法练习1.C well 做形容词时是身体健康,这里都不合适,故选 C2. D 根据意思可以判断 3. B like 这里是像的意思。4. A water 是不可数名词,太多的水,用 too much 修饰5. A 这里 It is 形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。6. B things 是可数名词,先排除 C、D ,从前面的句子推测故选 B。中考链接1、A 根据意思推测2.A 听收音机为 Listen to the radio.3.C problem 是难题 question 是一般性问题4.A people 为可数名词,故排除 B、D ,根据句子意思可知得选 A5.C advice 为不可数名词6.B time 为不可数名词


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