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1、试卷第 1 页,总 10 页外装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_内装订线绝密启用前2014 年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷(带解析)考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100 分钟;命题人:xxx学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分注意事项:1. 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上分卷 I分卷 I 注释评卷人 得分 一、单选题(注释)1、 She is so helpful that she is always ready to help people in trouble. Which of the following is

2、 correctfor the underlined word in the sentence? A/tr37bl/ B/tra7bl/ C /trKbl/ D/trbl/2、 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?APlease focus your attention on your papers, boys and girls.BShe likes to show off her new clothes in front of her friends.C

3、I think she should improve her learning methods.DThe boy picked a hole in his new sweater.3、 Some naughty boys like to play _ trick on their classmates on April Fools Day.Aa Ban C the D/4、 As students, we should work hard and do _ best to realize our dreams. Aus Bour C ours Dourselves5、 Frank looks

4、very worried today. There must be _ wrong with him.Aanything Bnothing C something Deverything6、 We were all _ favor of this plan after we discussed for about two hours.Aat Bin C to Don7、 When the father heard from his son from abroad, he became _.Aexciting Bhappily C happiness Dexcited8、 JD.com is o

5、ne of _ shopping websites in China.试卷第 2 页,总 10 页外装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_内装订线A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest9、 Its not safe for you to go to the forest alone, for you _ lose your way in it.Aneed Bmust C should Dmay10、 There is little _ in the fridge. Lets go to the market to buy some.Aeggs

6、Bvegetables C fruit Dsnacks11、 _ are you always surfing the Internet these days?To find some information about cooking.AWhat BWhy C Where DWho12、 Jane, eat less junk food like fried chicken wings, _ you will behealthier.Aor Band C however Dso13、 My little brother hopes _ the film Dad, Where are We G

7、oing, though he has seen it twice.Ato see Bsee C to seeing Dsaw14、 While in college, Mak never minded _ extra work for his class.Ato do Bdoing C do Ddid15、 Get prepared _ you can set out immediately if something happens.Aafter Bsince C while Dso that16、 Quite a few people were injured or killed in t

8、his traffic accident last week, _?Awere they Bdid they C werent they Ddidnt they17、 Jacks parents cant go to the parents meeting because they _ to Beijing on business.Awent Bhave gone C will go Dhad gone18、 If my homework _ on Saturday, I will go to Century Park to watch the flower show on Sunday.Ai

9、s finished Bhad been finishedC was finished Dwill be finished19、 Hello, may I speak to Mrs Zhou?_ ASure. Here you are. BSorry, she isnt in.C OK. Who are you ? DThats right.20、 Thank you for your gift. Its useful for me. _ AIm sorry to hear that. BIm glad you like it.试卷第 3 页,总 10 页外装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:

10、_内装订线C Thats all right. DReally?评卷人 得分 二、完型填空(注释)21、 My best friend and I were in the shop that she owns. It was the middle of the afternoon. We were both very happy and making plans for the weekend. Suddenly a man entered the shop. We knew that he didnt look like one of our usual customers, but we

11、welcomed him _ _ anyway. Without any hesitation he pulled something out of his coat. We didnt notice that it was a _ _ until he ordered us to go into the back with him.After he warned us that he could fire at any time, he looked for the money everywhere, in the bank, from our wallets, and then he as

12、ked for our jewellery (珠宝) and we gave him all he wanted. Finally, he finished his “job” and left.When I was a child, I felt safe with my parents in my home or wherever I was not alone. Then I began to understand the news and I learnt that _ _ things were happening “out there”, but I still kept thin

13、king that those events were just other peoples _ _, not mine. From the moment the man walked out of the shop, I completely _ _. I always look around to see which kinds of people are possibly following me. Now I usually double-check everything: if Ive locked myself in the car or in the house. I am al

14、ways careful not to wear any jewellery. Whenever a stranger is getting too close or is trying to get information from me, I feel nervous. I know that it is wrong, and that not everyone is going to _ _ me again.After all, I consider myself lucky, since nothing really bad happened to me or my friend, but since that day I havent felt safe any more. I hate that man not


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