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1、Unit 1realm: n. a country ruled over by a king or queen; a general area of knowledge, activity, or thoughtThe king had to call representatives of different classes of the realm into consultation upon the national economic crisis. 影片将孩子们带入了幻想的王国。The movie has brought children to a realm of imaginatio

2、n.Collocations:public realm 公众领域He always projects an image of success in public realm.他总是以成功人士的形象出现在公众面前。within the realms of possibility 有可能的It was actually within the realms of possibility. 这是完全有可能的。interact: vi.if people or things interact with each other, they affect each otherLucy interacts we

3、ll with other children in the class.所有事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。All things are interrelated and interact with each other.transform: vt. to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it Increased population has transformed the landscape.这部戏几乎在

4、一夜之间把她从一个不为人知的校园女生变成了演艺巨星。The play transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.CF: change, convert & transform 这些动词均有“变化,改变”之意。change 指任何变化。 convert 指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。transform指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,完全改变。Directions: Fill in the blanks with th

5、e words above. Change the form where necessary.1. In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project. 2. Carbon dioxide can be converted into oxygen through the agency of plant. 3. Why do the leaves on trees change colour in autumn? 4. He always attempts to convert others to a particula

6、r doctrine or belief. convert: v. to change something into a different form of thing, or to change something so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way They converted the spare bedroom into an office.In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.他成功地让我接受了他的观点。He

7、succeeded in converting me to his point of view.subdue: vt. gain control of, esp. by defeating For a century we laboured to settle and to subdue the continent.警方设法制服了愤怒的人群。Police managed to subdue the angry crowd.NB:该词的过去分词subdued可作形容词,意为“柔和的,减弱的,无精打采的” 。例如:In the bar, there is subdued light and sof

8、t music. Richard seems very subdued tonight.discipline:1. vt. train or develop, esp. in obedience and self-controlDisciplining children takes patience and consistency.不同文化中对于孩子的训导方式是不一样的。Different cultures have different ways of disciplining their children.2. n.1) a way of training someone so that t

9、hey learn to control their behaviour and obey rules The book gives parents advice on Discipline2) an area of knowledge or teachingThe information that has evolved in one discipline may permit exciting advancement in another.她对营销这门学科的实践知识和强烈的求知欲给我留下了深刻的印象。I was greatly impressed by her practical know

10、ledge of the discipline of marketing and her strong desire to learn more.Collocationsdiscipline problem 纪律问题discipline oneself 自律instill discipline into sb. 灌输纪律观念compel: vt.make (a person or thing) do sth., by force, moral persuasion, or orders that must be obeyedOur minds are so constructed that t

11、hey compel us to view the external world in only one way.法律要求雇主必须提供健康保险。The law compels employers to provide health insurance.CF: compel, force & oblige 这些动词均含“迫使”之意。compel指使(某人)做某事,强迫。例如:A parent may compel his child to do his lessons by threatening to suspend his allowance. 家长可能会采用威胁暂停津贴的办法迫使其子女学习

12、。force指用个人意志、权力、权威或暴力等,迫使他人改变看法或做本不愿做的事。例如:Government troops have forced the rebels to surrender. 政府军已经迫使叛乱者投降。 oblige(按法律,协议或道义)强迫或要求(某人)做某事。例如:Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.形势逼迫他卖掉公司。transfer: 1. v. move from one place, job, position, etc., to another Michael transferred from

13、Company 6 to the Security Service.2. n. Most of the bills are paid by electronic transfer.权力的移交迅速而又和平地得以实现。The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.in fear of: in a state of fear aboutOrdinary people lived in fear of being arrested by the secret police.他们生活在不断的饥饿恐惧中。They live in con

14、tinual fear of starvation.attain: vt. to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long timeMore women are attaining positions of power in public life他们最后一定能获得解放。Theyre sure to attain emancipation in the end.hostile: a. showing extreme dislike or disapproval; unfriendlySenator Lydon was host

15、ile to our proposals.工程进展得很慢,因为不少学者对普通人持敌对态度。The project proceeded slowly because many scholars were hostile to the common people.retreat: vi. move back or leave a center of fighting or other activity, esp. when forced to do soPerry lit the fuse and retreated to a safe distance.从公众生活中隐退是不明智的。It was

16、not a sensible choice to retreat from public life.CF: retire, retreat & withdraw这些动词均含“退下,退却”之意。retire指从公开或公共场合退下到私下场所,也指被免除职务或自动辞职、退役等。例如:I retired from teaching three years ago. 三年前我就不再教书了。retreat含消极意味,多指被迫采取退下或退却的行动。The enemy was forced to retreat. 敌军被迫撤退了。withdraw强调因某种原因而有意离开,常含礼貌、谦恭等理由。也指军队的撤退。As the troops withdraw , the entire city celebrated the liberation.部队撤退时,整个城市欢庆解放。concerned: a. affected by something or worried about it; believing so



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