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1、Unit 5Canada“The True North”.单项填空1As a candidate,you must make a good_on everyone you meet if you want to win the election.Adecision BsituationCimpression Dposition解析:make a good impression on 给留下好的印象,为固定搭配。答案:C来源:学科网2The news came as quite a shock to us_a ship with 82 passengers on board sank near

2、the north coast.Awhat BthatCwhen Dwhere解析:考查同位语从句。句意:一艘载有 82名乘客的轮船在北海岸沉没的消息让我们很震惊。本句中 that引导的同位语从句本应该位于 news的后面,为避免句子头重脚轻,将同位语从句放在了句子末尾,考生应注意分析句子结构。答案:B3They offered you a job,right?Yes.But I prefer to be jobless_work in such poor conditions.Ai nstead of Bmore thanCexcept for Drather than解析:prefer t

3、o do A rather than do B 宁愿做 A也不愿做 B。答案:D4(2013兰州模拟)Do you feel like_there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk,but since there is no time left,Id rather we_a taxi.Ato walk;take Bwalking;tookCto walk;took Dwalking;take解析:feel like doing sth.为固定用法;would rather (that).从句中用虚拟语气,对现在的假设用一般过去时,故选 B项。答案:B

4、5(2013石河子月考)When do you think the president will_you in office?Probably next Monday.Aprove BsuggestCconfirm Dannounce解析:confirm sb.in office 批准某人就职。答案:C6The mayor says he will take tough_to control food prices.Ameans BmethodsCmeasures Dadvantages解析:take measures 表示“采取措施” 。答案:C7There was nobody_when

5、the man came round the corner.Aout of sight Bat sightClose sight Din sight解析:句意:当这个人拐过墙角的时候,没有看到任何人。in sight看得见,视野之内。答案:D8(2013烟台市莱州一中质检)Hearing that most of the members voted against her, she _ a smile.来源:学*科*网Awore BmanagedCperformed Dcontrolled解析:manage a smile 强颜欢笑。句意:听到大部分成员投票反对她,她强颜欢笑。wear a s

6、mile 面带微笑;perform 表演;control 控制。答案:B9The _ as one travels by boat along the Three Gorges on the Yangtse River is marvellous.Ascene BsceneryCsight Dview解析:句意:坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。scenery“景色,风景”,指某地总的自然风景或景色。scene“场面,场景” ,指展现在眼前的情景;sight 景观,眼界;view 视野。答案:B10He noticed that a river of liquid rock was

7、coming towards him. It would _ him completely, but he managed to escape just in time.Ameasure BfloatCsurround Dcrash解析:句意:他看到有一股岩浆朝他袭来,要把他团团围住,但他还是及时躲开 了。surround“包围,围绕” ,符合句意。measure 测量,估量;float 浮动,(使)漂浮;crash 碰撞,坠落。答案:C11( 2013晋中模拟)Seen from space, the earth looks like a blue ball, with _ 75% of i

8、ts surface covered with water.Aentirely BexactlyCslightly Dapproximately解析:句意:地球表面“大约(approximately)”有 75%被水所覆盖。答案:D12The little boy has _ surprising gift for seeing the small letters in _ distance.Aa; / Bthe; aCthe; the Da; the解析:have a gift for 有的天赋;in the distance 在远处,都是固定搭配。答案:D13(2013陵县一中月考)Aft

9、er graduation he went to make a living in Canada, _ turned out to be a lifechanging decision.Athat BwhereCwhen Dwhich解析:which 引导非限制性定语从句,作从句的主语,代替上文所提事件。答案:D14I want a _ cheaper car because I have a tight budget.Aslightly BlightlyCnarrowly Dhardly来源:学科网解析:句意:我想要稍微便宜一点儿的汽车,因 为我的预算很紧张。lightly“轻轻地” ;na

10、rrowly“勉强地” ;hardly“几乎不” 。slightly“稍微” ,可以修饰比较级。答案:A15(2013淄博高三检测)The country had been at war for a long time,but life there_finally.Asettled down Btook upCgot off Dbroke out解析:考查动词短语意义。句意:这个国家曾长期处于战争中,但是那里的生活终于安顿下来。settle down“安定;安顿” ;take up“从事” ;get off“离开;出发” ;break out“爆发” 。答案:A.完形填空(2012福建高考)来

11、源:学科网 ZXXKI often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. Im left _1_. Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other _2_?I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, _3_ children from different races and religions played and studied _4_ in harm

12、ony. At that time my family lived a stones _5_ from Ismails. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hinduwe just _6_ our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well _7_ or otherwise.We were nine when we became friends. D

13、uring the school holidays, wed _8_ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to _9_ the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his _10_.When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismails family later returned to their villag

14、e, and I _11_ touch with him.One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I _12_ my destination. The driver acknowledged my _13_ but did not move off. Instead, he looked _14_ at me.“Raddar?” he said, using my childhood nickname (绰号). I was astonished at being so _15_ addressed (称呼

15、). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two _16_ we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something _17_ to describe.If we can allow our children to be _18_ without prejudice, theyll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be _19_ their side through thick and thin. On such friendships are societies built and _20_ we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers.”1A.interested Bpleasednts


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