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1、Lesson 11) 我知道不管发生什么,我都可以指望我的兄弟会帮助我。I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened. 2) 一般情况下,年轻人总是对现在和将来更感兴趣。As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future. 3) 如果他们双方都不妥协,那么双方都会遭损。Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise. 4)

2、 我们希望使我们的全部课程和教材都成为一个统一的整体。It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials. 5) 中国的书面文字一直是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.6) 在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直,刚正不阿。In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity a

3、nd uprightness. 7) 绝大多数的人都赞成深化改革。The great majority of the people stand for reform.8) 伊丽莎白一世女王统治英国 45 年,在她统治期间,国家十分繁荣昌盛。Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. 9) 真理一开始总是掌握在极少数人的手里,这是一般的规律。The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at

4、 first. Thats the rule. 10) 民主意味着由大多数人来治理,但是少数人反对的权利依然得到尊重,这两条基本原则同等重要。Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minoritys right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance. 11) 一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但地理上是一个整体,而且经济上政治上和文化上都是一个很好的整体。A nation cannot be strong unless it

5、is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically. 12) 那次晚会很乏味,所以她悄悄溜出房间回家了。The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home. 13) 路很泥泞,他一滑掉进了河里。The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.14) 有一天,我因为破产正在一家饭馆里借酒消愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我的手里。One

6、 day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand. 15) 佛罗里达州的法院裁决,票数需要重新统计。The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes. 16) 认为太阳绕着地球转的观点统治了古代学术界达一千多年。The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled anc

7、ient scholars for more than a thousand years. 17) 这些胡同是构成老北京的完整的一部分。The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing. 18) 日子一天天过去,可是我仍然没有多少进步。Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress. 19) 他怕犯错,每个字都仔细推敲。He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake. 20) 她的身体糟糕到了冬天都不敢见太阳,免

8、得中暑。Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke. Lesson 31) 尚不知飞机撞毁的原因。The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown. 2)地球转暖的原因目前在科学家当中还在热烈争论。The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists. 3) 他把他的一生都献给了环保事业。He devoted all h

9、is life to the cause of environmental protection. 4) 历史上这条河给我们造成了巨大的问题。The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history. 5) 你认为国际恐怖主义的高涨时怎么造成的。What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism? 6) 我们必须团结那些曾经反对过我们的人。We must try and unite with those who have opposed us. 7) 任何进步和改革都会遭到

10、反对。There is always opposition to any progress and reform. 8) 有些人对新事物总是反对的。Some people are always opposed to new things. 9) 这些贷款中不少从未归还,这些呆账最后导致了这个世界上的第二大经济强国的经济危机。A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economicpower in

11、the world. 10) 工商银行给那些交不起学费的学生提供一种特别贷款。The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who cant pay for their education. 11)这男孩儿问斯多太太能否将她的望远镜借他一用。 The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars. 12.她在结束讲话的时候说,她希望那天能再来,多看看这个国家。 She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she cou

12、ld come again some day and see more of the country. 13 他们一结束调查,就向安理会报告。As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council. 14 在他访问期间,他将和印度签署一个新的贸易协定。During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India. 15 根据这些有理疑点,陪审团只能得出结论,这个少年是无罪的。Based on thos

13、e reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.16 他将经东京飞往纽约。He is flying to New York by way of Tokyo. 17 我想谈谈上世纪 60 年代的情况作为对这个电影的介绍 Id like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie. 18 他们决定召回大使以示抗议 The

14、y decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest. Lesson 81.我们公司预计明年的增长速度为 8%。Our country projects an 8% growth rate next year.2.中国预计 10 年后将成为世界工厂,但是这不应该使我们自满。China is projected to be the worlds workshop in 10 years. But that should not make us smug.3.你可以将你的幻灯片打到墙上。 You can project your slides

15、 on the wall.4.在那次竞选中,他极力把自己塑造成一个强人形象。 He tried to project himself as a strong man in the election campaign.5.我有时设想将来我自己成为一个母亲的情况。 I sometimes try to project myself into the future when I shall become a mother myself.6.这个大坝的建造是一个价值几十亿美元的项目。 The building of the dam is a multibillion-dollar project.7.

16、我们有一个 6 个人的强有力的班子在搞这个项目。 We have a strong team of six people working on this project.8.我听到这消息心里如释重负。 Im greatly relieved to hear the news.9.你想减轻痛苦,有一个办法就是使自己不断忙于工作。One way to relieve your distress is to keep yourself busy.10.第欧根尼斯常常像狗一样就在路边方便。Diogenes would relieve himself by the roadside just like a dog.11.我 6 点到 12 点值班,然后由小王来接替我。 I am on duty from six to twelve, and then Xiao Wang will come to relieve me.12.这位将军因为违抗命令被解除指挥权。 The general was relieved of his comm


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